rabbi Meir Pogrow
With the help of Heaven
Tuesday, Parshas Behaalosecha (Naso in the Diaspora), 8 Sivan, 5776 [6/14/16]
- Rabbi Menachem Mendel HaKohen Shafran, Bnei Brak [Israel]
- Rabbi Gershon ben R’ Avraham Yehudah HaLevi Bess, California
- Rabbi Chaim Zev HaLevi Malinowitz, Jerusalem & Beit Shemesh
RE: Meir Pogrow ID: xxxxxxxx
After many rabbis and activists approached us about the devious behavior of the aforementioned [Meir Pogrow] over the course of years, and after we heard his version, and after we clarified what we clarified, we are issuing the following ruling.
From Frum Follies, here.