Ribbis In Fiat Currency


Currency fluctuations can wreak havoc on people’s finances. Many investors and lenders sustained large losses with the recent plunge of the Russian ruble. When lenders granted ruble-denominated loans, even if they are repaid the entire face amount of their loans, the value and purchasing power of such repayment is substantially lower than the value at which the loan was originated. An American investor who purchased Russian bonds just two months ago lost around 20% of his investment simply because of the exchange rate fluctuations. Similarly, Russian homeowners who had outstanding foreign currency mortgages now pay substantially more rubles to service their loan.

Of even greater concern to the Torah Jew are the potential ribbis violations present in foreign currency transactions. These challenges apply to all of us, not just to the international businessman. People often borrow shekels from a friend or neighbor in the US for use when they arrive in Eretz Yisroel. There is no interest on the loan; they intend to simply repay with the same amount of shekels upon their return. This seemingly innocent transaction likely violates hilchos ribbis, as we will explain. Another seemingly innocuous case would be a dollar-based, non-interest-bearing loan between two individuals in Eretz Yisroel. This too can pose serious ribbis concerns.

In order to understand the issues at hand, we must first introduce certain basic tenets of hilchos ribbis.

Ribbis Ketzutzah

Ribbis that is prohibited min haTorah (biblically prohibited) is generally referred to as “ribbis ketzutzah,” meaning that the interest was set at the time the loan was initiated.[1]  However, in order to safeguard against violating ribbis min haTorah, Chazal extended these prohibitions to certain other transactions and loans. There are many forms that are included in this category, but one in particular is pertinent to the issue at hand:

Seah B’seah (Measure for a Measure)— Although lending out goods for repayment in kind is perfectly permissible according to Torah law (since the lender is receiving the same quantity of goods that he lent out), Chazal forbade such transactions. The reason for this prohibition is that if the price of the goods appreciates at the time of repayment, the lender will profit from the transaction. For example, if someone lent 100 ounces of silver when it was trading at 10 dollars an ounce, and was repaid in kind when it was valued at 12 dollars an ounce, the lender will have earned two hundred dollars from the transaction, despite the fact that he received the same weight of silver he initially lent. Although the profit was a result of a price fluctuation, and the price was just as likely to decrease, nevertheless Chazal prohibited such transactions.

Currency or Commodity

The prohibition of seah b’seah does not apply to local currency: If a person in the United States borrows one hundred US dollars, he may repay the same hundred dollars even if there was deflation and the purchasing power of the money increased at the time of repayment. The prohibition does not apply to currency, and is only applicable to items defined as “peiros” (literally, fruits), i.e., goods. The reason for this is that currency is treated in halacha as having a fixed value. Therefore, when prices increase, we view the increase as a change in the value of the peiros/goods, and not as a decrease in the value of the currency. By this definition, a lender who receives the same amount of currency he lent out is not considered to have made any profit off the transaction, regardless in the change in price levels. Rather, it is only when lending and receiving goods whose value appreciated during the course of the loan that a lender can be halachically deemed to have received more value than he lent out.

This distinction between currency and goods leads to some fascinating questions. In the US, it is easy to define currency —  the US dollar. However, in the times of the Gemara, currency in most countries consisted of gold, silver, and copper coins. These coins, even if minted in the same country, constantly fluctuated in their relative values. For example, the exchange rate of copper coins to silver coins would vary on a regular basis (unlike today, when a quarter is always twenty-five cents and a nickel is always five cents). The question that arose was which coins were considered currency — the gold coins, the silver coins, or the copper coins? The Gemara tells us that only silver coins were considered currency, while gcy rates only on a daily basis, this is sufficiently stable to qualify for yatza hasha’ar.[11] Others argue that even daily fluctuations are not considered as stable.[12]

However, there is another important issue: In the times of the Gemara, price instability was indicative of a lack of supply. Without regular availability, the borrower could not be considered in theory as having the product in hand (yesh lo); therefore, the problem of seah b’seah would apply. Today, however, regular fluctuations in terminally-traded markets (such as currencies) are generally not due to a lack of availability. On the contrary, the fluctuations occur because of minute shifts to the supply and demand equilibrium.  At the market price, freely traded currencies are virtually always available in significant quantities. Since the supply of currency is readily available, despite the fluctuating price, the problem of seah b’seah should not apply. This, however, holds true only if stable pricing was required only because it was indicative of ready supply. If however, the leniency of stable prices is not because of availability, but rather because stable prices allow the borrower to replace the material before the price appreciates, currencies, whose price fluctuates extremely rapidly, would not qualify for the leniency. This question seems to be a matter of dispute among both the Rishonim and Achronim.[13]

This discussion illustrates some of the challenges in applying halacha to modern-day scenarios. As commerce evolves, it is important to be sensitive how these shifts impact halacha. It also illustrates how seemingly insignificant factors can materially affect the halachic status.

As such, the purpose of this article is to create awareness of the halachic issues, and to stimulate discussion. It is not intended to be used for a psak halacha, and one should consult a competent halachic authority before engaging in such transactions.

[1] Some are of the opinion that in certain instances, even ribbis that was arranged subsequent to the loan can be a violation of Torah law (Rashi, Bava Metzia 68a, s.v. “velav milsa”; Shulchan Aruch 164:1; Shach 164:2).

[2] Bava Metzia 45a. The rationale for this will be explained later.

[3] See however, Minchas Shlomo Vol. 1, 27:4 (also quoted by, Nesivos Shalom p. 250) who suggests that nowadays, seah b’seah would not apply to currencies since all forms of legal tender are valued solely based on their worth as a currency (representative value) and not based on their material (intrinsic) value.  As such, they are never classified as a commodity.

[4] Teshuvos HaRashba 4:287; Chazon Ish, Yoreh De’ah 72:9. However, the Ritva (Bava Metzia 44a, s.v. “vechol hametaltelin” disagrees.

[5] Section 2:54

[6]  162:1

[7] HaRav Mendel Shafran, shlit”a, in Hayashar Vehatov Vol. 18, pp. 21–23.  See Nesivos Shalom p. 250, who quotes HaRav Elyashiv zt”l

[8] Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 162:2

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid., se’if 3

[11] Shevet HaLevi Vol. 3:109

[12] Mishnas Ribbis 6n12, quoting HaRav Elyashiv zt”l

[13] Bais Yosef (Tur, Yoreh Deah 162), citing Teshuvos Rashba Chadashos 76; Ba’al HaMaor, Bava Metzia 45a (dapei haRif); Sha’ar Deah 162:3

From Business Halacha, here.

אל תתיאש!

יתבונן החכם ויראה המשכיל, יבין ולבבו יורה דעה. עוצם אמיתת דברי רבותינו ז”ל, שאמרו אין לך דבר שאין לו מקום ושעה. גם כי לנמנע טבע קיים, לא ישנהו. כל מה שבכח האפשרות, ואם רחוק הוא. תשלוט על הימצאותו ההשתדלות והיגיעה. וזאת תורת האדם, ודרך ישרה שיבור לו. לפנות היאוש מלבבו ושיכלו. ולהיות בכל עוז דופק. על דלתי התוחלת והקיווי מתרפק. לשאוב ממעייני הישועה. וזאת המרגעה. כי עת וזמן לכל חפץ תחת השמים.

סעיף ראשון בהסכמת בית דין לספר תשב”ץ

America – Who Will They Invade Next?

Ask Your Government if Another War is Right For You

I think anyone with a sense for the obvious agenda hidden in plain sight but beneath media-minced deviled ham is that we are on the road to war. Not approaching the freeway exit that says “Gas-Food-Slaughter Next Exit” but actually on that exit and looking for the McMassacre.

Why do I think this? Several reasons, among which are: Assad has been given until August 1st to step down. A second airliner out of Egypt has now blown up in mid-air rather all of the sudden and suspiciously, the first being several months back and now a second this week. ISIS has not been daunted despite over a year of alleged aerial bombardment from Obama’s Flying Circus Stuka Squadron. But why now?

Remember back in 2004 when people didn’t want to vote for Kerry in the middle of a war? So they voted for Bush again? What if we get into a war so people will want to “stay the course” with the Democrats and fear bringing in the proverbial “unknown quotient”? However, there never need be any reason such as that for the United States to get into another war. The United States government thrives on mayhem, conflict, and chaos. And there is a big reason for that: It keeps the masses entertained and their minds off of the abject failure of the government here at home. There is no better way to drum up paperback patriotism than another war. Then even the people that fought in previous no-win, quagmire, and futile wars will all rally behind the latest waste of human life for no coherent objective beyond ego self-gratification.

The economy is in a rest area toilet, our society is fractured and broken, our “culture” is sick and immoral, and the government itself is corrupt and criminal. Therefore, if you need to keep the eyes of the sheep trained on something, what better way than to put an inflatable wolf on the horizon to scare them into subservience to the state? I can almost hear the “Support The Troops” stickers being peeled off and plastered on the Priuses now. Because if a Democrat starts a war, even the anti-war Democrats will support it. Just look at Syria. Have any Democrats come out and criticized Obama for this disaster that we are spending billions of dollars on in the middle of an economic hurricane? Hurricane Obama made landfall here in America first and then went on to Syria! What a scientific marvel! And these people act like Obama has accomplished great things for America!

On the face of it all, it makes absolutely no sense. We’ve been involved in military action across the planet since the 1890s. I tend to think our government simply cannot resist violence. Of course, if we have to admit that as a people, what it says is that our government is more akin to a mass murderer or a serial killer than any force for good or justice in the world. We sit in denial of it because then it begs the question of what that makes those of us that support the behavior. That’s not just being an enabler, it’s being an accessory to the crimes.

All the American flags waving, all the pro-war rallies and pre-game hoo-ha shout-outs to the neo-Luftwaffe over in Guernica East and for what? Pride? What is this, a football game except with bombs and artillery? “Top of the second battle…the air force is going in for a long pass…they shoot!! They score!! Oh, that napalm run has got to hurt!” This is disgusting. But this is what’s going on. Surely you’ve noticed this perception that it’s all just “what we do” in America like football, mom, apple pie, and prescription painkiller addictions?

Or is it just me here? Am I the guy that hitch-hiked into this Twilight Zone town where everyone is a robot made to look human and they’re all telling me what they think I want to hear? And when they find out I don’t believe in it, they screech, point their finger, and bellow, “Unpatriotic!” Gosh, it’s easy to see why prescription painkiller addictions are so common here. It’s not the easy availability of those medications that causes that. It’s the easy availability of despair for these people. I mean, they just open the paper and see they’re living in a dystopian science fiction movie and they don’t even need a prescription to undergo the government’s hallucinations.

Sure, why not have another war? The government is obviously trying real hard to sell us on it. They ought to have commercials for it during televised sports events. “I used to sit around the house bored and watching re-runs of the Iraq War. I wondered what would give meaning to life again, besides nachos and prescription medications. Then my government suggested another war. I asked my doctor if another war was right for me. He worked with me, convinced me it wouldn’t be my kid going off to die in it or come home maimed. He said the horrific scenes of children with third-degree burns from U.S. airstrikes would be kindly and gently censored from the news, and reporters that tried to show them blacklisted. I was thrilled. I even felt like shopping again! My wife saw the wonderful changes as I shouted ‘Kill them all and let Allah sort them out!’ on the television. I lost twenty pounds of humanity and integrity within a week! And another war can do this for you, too. Ask your government if another war is right for you. (Side effects may include, but are not limited to: A cease-fire that leaves the dictator in power, a quagmire longer than the Vietnam War, frequent lying, loss of morality control, civilian massacres, economic downturns and depression, suicidal thoughts in returning vets, and sudden death.)”

Continue reading

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

מעשה במלך שעשה עצמו עבודה זרה

יען (כי) גבה לבך ותאמר אל אני מושב אלהים ישבתי, אמר לו הקב”ה לחירם אתה עושה עצמך אלוה הנה חכם אתה מדניאל, נבוכדנאצר רצה לקרב לו זבח ניחוח ומנחה ולא רצה ואתה עושה עצמך אלוה מה היה סופו על ארץ השלכתיך (כתוב ברמז רל”ט).

חירם מלך צר היה גאה ומתגאה עד מאד, מה עשה נכנס לים ועשה לו ארבעים עמודים של ברזל מרובעים ארוכים שיעורם שוה והעמידם זה כנגד זה, ועשה שבעה רקיעים וכסא וחיות ורעמים וזיקים וברקים. הרקיע הראשון עשה של זכוכית ת”ק אמה על ת”ק אמה ועשה בו חמה ולבנה וכוכבים. הרקיע השני עשה של ברזל אף אמה על אלף אמה וסילון של מים מפריש בין ראשון לשני. השלישי של ברזל אלף ות”ק אמה על אלף ות”ק אמה וסילו של מים מפריש בין שני לשלישי ואבנים מגולגלות עשה ברקיע של ברזל שהיו מתבקעים אלו עם אלו ונשמעים כמו רעמים. הרקיע הרביעי עשה של עופרת שני אלפים אמה על שני אלפים אמה וסילון של מים מפריש בין שלישי לרביעי. הרקיא החמישי של נחשת ועשאו שני אלפי ות”ק אמה על שני אלפים ות”ק אמה וסילון של מים מפריש בין רביעי לחמישי. הרקיע הששי של כסף שלשה אלפים אמה על שלשה אלפים אמה וסילון של מים מפריש בין חמישי לששי. הרקיע השביעי של זהב שלשה אלפים ות”ק אמה על שלשה אלפים ות”ק אמה וקבע בו אבנים טובות ומרגליות אמה על אמה והיה מראהה מכאן ומכאן, מכאן נעשים ברקים ומכאן נעשים זיקים והיה מזדעזע עצמו ואתם האבנים מתבקעות אלו עם אלו ונשמעים הרעמים, אמר הקב”ה ליחזקאל בן אדם אמור לחירם מלך צר מה אתה מתגאה ילוד אשהה אתה, אמר לפניו רבש”ע היאך אני הולך אצלו והוא תלוי באויר, באותה שעה הביא הקב”ה רוח בציצת ראשו והעלהו אצל חירם, כיון שראה חירם ליחזקאל נבהל ונזדעזע א”ל מי העלך לכאן, א”ל הקב”ה כך צוני לך אמור לו למה אתה מתגאה ילוד אשה אתה, א”ל ילוד אשה אני אלא שאני חי וקיים לעולם מה הקב”ה מושבו בלב ימים אף אני מושבי בלב ימים מה הקב”ה בשבעה רקיעים אף אני כן ולא עוד אלא כמה מלכים מתו ואני קיים, (יב) וכן אחד ועשרים מלכים ממלכי בית דוד ואחד ועשרים ממלכי ישראל וחמשים נביאים ועשרה כהנים גדולים קברתי כלם ואני חי הרי אל אני, אני מושב אלהים ישבתי בלב ימים, אמר לו יחזקאל והרי עמדו גדולים ממך ולא עשו כמעשיך. למה היה חירם דומה לעבד שעשה לבוש לאדונו כל זמן שהיה הלבוש על אדונו העבד רואה והיה מתגאה עשיתי זה הלבוש לאדוני, אמר האדון אני קורע הלבוש ולא יהיה העבד מתגאה עיל, כך חירם היה מתגאה על ידי ששלח ארזים לבית המקדש, אמר הקב”ה הריני מחריב את ביתי שלא יהיה חירם מתגאה עלי שנאמר פתח לבנון דלתיך ותאכל אש בארזיך, ומה היה סופו הביא הקב”ה עליו נבוכדנאצר ובעל את אמו בפניו והורידו מכסאו והיה חותך בשרו כשתי אצבעות בכן יום ומטבילם בחומץ ומאכילן עד שמת מיתה משונה, ואותן הפלטין מה נעשה בהם קרע הקב”ה את הארץ וגנזם לצדיקים לעתיד לבא. שלשה עשר הם שלא טעמו טעם מיתה אלו הם, חנוך, ואליעזר עבד אברהם, ומתושלח, וחירם מלך צור, ועבד מלך הכושי, ובתיה בת פרעה, וסרח בת אשר, ושלשה בני קרח, ואליהו ז”ל, ומשיח, ור’ יהושע בן לוי. תשעה נכנסו בחיים לגן עדן, חנוך, אליהו ז”ל, ומשיח, ואליעזר, ועבד מלך הכושי, וחירם מלך צור, ויעבץ בן בנו של ר’ יהודה הנשיא, וסרח בת אשר, ובתיה בת פרעה, ויש אומרים הוצא חירם והכנס תחתיו ר’ יהושע בן לוי.

בעדן גן אלהים היית. א”ר חמא בר חנינא עשר חופות עשה לו הקב”ה לאדם הראשון שנאמר בעדן גן אלהים היית כל אבן יקרה מסוכתך אדם פטדה ויהלום תרשיש שהם וישפה ספיר נופש וברקת וזהבב מלאכת תופיך ונקביך ביום הבראך כוננו, מר זוטרא אמר י”א שנאמר כל אבן יקרה. וזהב ר’ יוחנן אמר זהב קטן שבכלם דקא חשיב ליה לבסוף, מאי מלאכת תופיך ונקביך אמר לו הקב”ה לחירם בך נסתכלתי ובארתי נקבים נקבים באדם, ואית דאמר הכי אמר לו בך נסתכלתי וקנסתי מיתה על אדם הראשון.

מקור: ילקוט שמעוני יחזקאל כ”ח רמז שס”ז