This picture above was taken last week. Israeli citizens returning home after a tiring flight are allotted one passport check counter as they enter the country. (Visitors to Israel are allotted five).
בהכוונת גדולי התורה שליט”א
יו”ל ע”י ‘ועד הורים’ למסירת מידע ומשלוח מסמכים בס”ד 03-691-5752 :טלפקס
קול החינוך עוסק במלחמת מדינת ישראל בחינוך יהודי עצמאי.
גליונות 1 – 85:
גליון 86:
Reprinted with permission.
August 26, 2016
The US presidential election this November will tell whether a majority of the US population is irredeemably stupid. If voters elect Hillary, we will know that Americans are stupid beyond redemption.
We don’t know much about Trump, and anti-Trump propaganda rules in the place of facts.
But we know many facts about Hillary. We know about her violation of classification laws and the refusal of the Democratic administration to do anything about it. The Democrats prefer to control the White House than to enforce the law, another nail in the coffin in which the rule of law in the US lies.
We know from their words and deeds and material success that the Clintons are agents for Wall Street, the Big Banks, the military/security complex, Israel, agribusiness, and the extractive industries. Their large personal fortune, approximately $120 million, and the $1,600 million in their foundation, much of which came from abroad in exchange for political favors, attests to the unchallengeable fact that the Clintons are agents for the oligarchy that rules America, indeed, that rules the American Empire from Australia and Japan, through North America and Western and Eastern Europe to the Russian border.
We know that Hillary, like Bill, is a liar.
We know that Hillary is a warmonger.
We know that Hillary made the most irresponsible statement ever uttered by a presidential candidate when she declared the President of Russia to be the “new Hitler,” thereby raising tensions between the nuclear powers to a higher level than existed during the Cold War.
We know that Hillary is allied with the neoconservatives and that her belief in the neocons’ ideology of US world hegemony is likely to result in war with Russia and China.
All we know about Trump is that the oligarchs, who sent America’s jobs overseas, who flooded the country with difficult-to-assimilate immigrants, who destroyed public education, who bailed out Wall Street and the “banks too big to fail,” who sacrificed American homeowners and retirees living on a fixed income, who intend to privatize both Social Security and Medicare, who have given the public killer cops, relentless violations of privacy, the largest prison population in the world, and destroyed the US Constitution in order to increase executive power over the American people, are violently opposed to Trump. This opposition should tell us that Trump is the person we want in the Oval Office.
Some claim that it is all a charade and that Trump is playing a role in order to elect Hillary. American politics are so corrupt that anything is possible. However the ruling elites and their puppets seem to be genuinely concerned about Trump’s challenge to their control, and they have united against Trump. They have used their money to buy up “progressive” websites paid to bring the print and TV anti-Trump propaganda onto the Internet, thus joining the Internet presstitutes with the print, TV, and NPR whores who are working overtime to demonize Trump and to elect Hillary.
The entire power structure of our country is behind Hillary. Both Democratic and Republican political establishments and both ideologies, neoliberals, and neoconservatives are united behind Hillary.
How much more evidence do Americans need in order to know that a vote for Hillary is a vote for their own emasculation?
Apparently, Americans remain captives of their insouciance. According to news reports, a majority of voters still haven’t a clue about the consequences of voting for Hillary. Polls report that Hillary is well in the lead. Are these real polls or just another presstitute lie to discourage Trump supporters? Why vote when they have already lost?
The propaganda assault against Trump, vicious as it was, did not succeed during the Republican primary. Despite the media condemnation of Trump, he swept the other Republican candidates aside effortlessly.
The current media demonization of Trump might fail as well. Indeed, it is so transparent that it could elect him.
All that is required is for enough Americans to awake from their insouciance to recognize that it is the enemies of their own lives, their own living standards, and their own liberty who are violently opposed to Trump.
If Americans cannot reach this realization, they have no future, and neither does the planet Earth.
The ruling oligarchy hates Trump because he disavows war with Russia, questions the purpose of NATO, opposes the offshoring of Americans’ jobs and opposes the uncontrolled immigration that is transforming the United States into a multi-cultural entity devoid of unity. The oligarchs are replacing the United States with a Tower of Babel. Oligarchic power grows exponentially among the disunity of diversity.
In other words, Trump is for America and for Americans.
This is why the oligarchs and their whores hate Trump.
The imbecilic Americans who vote for Hillary are voting for war and their own immiseration.
Possibly, a vote for Trump is the same. However, in the case of Trump, we do not know that. In the case of Hillary we most certainly do know it.
Of course, it could matter not how Americans vote. Those who program the electronic voting machines will determine the vote, and as the establishments of both political parties totally oppose Trump, the programmed machines can elect Hillary. We know this from our electoral history. The US has already experienced elections in which exit polls show a winning candidate different from the candidate selected by the electronic machines that have no paper trail and no way of affirming the vote.
If Hillary gets into the Oval Office, nuclear war is likely before her first term is over. A vote for Hillary is a vote for nuclear war.
If you look at the forthcoming election realistically, you have no alternative but to conclude that the entirety of the presstitute media and American Establishment prefers the risk of nuclear war to the risk of losing control of the government to the voters.
That Americans permitted the rise of unaccountable power tells us all we need to know about the dereliction of duty of which United States citizens are guilty. The American people failed democracy, which requires accountable government. The American government has proven that it is not accountable to the US Constitution, to US statutory law, to international law, or to voters.
If the result of Americans’ dereliction of duty is a nuclear war, the American people will be responsible for the death of planet Earth. One would hope that with responsibility this great on their shoulders, the American people will reject the unequivocal war candidate and take their chances on holding Trump accountable to his words.
From, here.
And other anti-Jew laws in Israel. See more on Shiloh Musings.
This picture above was taken last week. Israeli citizens returning home after a tiring flight are allotted one passport check counter as they enter the country. (Visitors to Israel are allotted five).
“Register for a biometric passport,” explain the airport workers.
In other words, either let us mark you like animals and store your personal information in a database that will necessarily leak or we will keep you in line until you despair.
The biometric issue is really part of the much larger issue of liberty. Liberty is like the air that we breathe. When it first becomes polluted, you don’t feel anything. When it is completely polluted, you simply die and nobody really cares. (In truth, more people die in Israel of pollution than from accidents or wars).
Our unspoken agreement with the State is that we deposit a bit of our liberty into its hands and receive security in exchange. A state will always be interested in convincing its citizens to surrender more and more of their liberty. Security will always – always – be the excuse.
The State of Israel was established on deep socialist foundations. It does not have the values that balance its gravitation toward dictatorship. Liberty in Israel is slowly but surely evaporating.
True, our pictures already exist in government databases. We have been photographed for our army service and in the US, we are photographed every time we enter the country (they don’t dare photograph their citizens). But I have no choice in the army and I can choose not to visit the US.
Here in Israel, it is different. My country has decided to do what it pleases with my identity. But it is my picture – not yours. Many readers may think that there is no reason to make an issue of this. But this is precisely the stage at which we can still fight the air pollution.
If the State will offer you a small and fashionable bracelet that tracks your buying habits in exchange for a 20% discount on every purchase – will you go for it?
Most probably will.
And if they offer you a subcutaneous chip (yes, like dogs) in exchange for a 40% discount? Or an invisible electronic mark on your forehead for 60% off?
Or a blue number on your arm for 100%?
The Zehut party will work long and hard to immediately nullify the biometric database (for which there is no real need) and replace it with smart IDs, which contain only basic information and cannot be forged.
From Jewish Press, here.
לומד תערובות? מחפש ספר על הלכות שבת הנוגעות לילדים? אוהב סגולות מכל הזמנים?
חפשו ברשת ספרי קודש למסירה בחינם.