קול החינוך גליונות #96, #97

יו”ל ע”י ‘ועד הורים’ – בהכוונת גדולי התורה שליט”א

* למסירת מידע ומשלוח מסמכים בס”ד 03-691-5752, טלפקס: 6915752@okmail.co.il

[קול החינוך עוסק במלחמת מדינת ישראל בחינוך יהודי עצמאי.]

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The Interview You Were Waiting for – Ron Paul and Edward Snowden

Security…or Surveillance? The Edward Snowden Interview

Published on Jun 20, 2017

In this wide-ranging exclusive interview, former intelligence analyst turned whistleblower Edward Snowden tells all. What to say to those who argue that they’ve got nothing to hide so nothing to fear from the intrusive ears of the state? Snowden is engagingly philosophical yet frank about his current position and where we are headed as a society. Check out the Freedom of the Press Foundation, where he is Board President: https://freedom.press/

From YouTube, here.

What Does Judaism Say About Reincarnation?

Today soul reincarnation is widely accepted as both true and consistent with Jewish sources (there are still some holdouts).

Thinking otherwise is considered by many Jews to be heretical (a ridiculous proposition!).

The Rashash Baba Metzia 107a says:

גמ’ שם, מה ביאתך לעולם בלא חטא. מכאן סתירה קצת לבעלי דעת הגלגול

Find a summary of the proof-texts in favor of reincarnation in Devar Yaakov (on Shas) Baba Metzia idem (at the end).