Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People!

I saw a rabbi discussing gun control. He compares guns to the halachos of owning a frightening/harmful, unchained dog (C.M. 409:4) or mule.

Some blunders are so brain-boggling, only modern rabbis could possibly make them. He clearly thinks of guns as volitional beings.

Pre-order a Tanach in the Jewish Order Now!

“התנ”ך כפי סדר היהודי”

By Rabbi Aaron Gottlieb

Here’s the title page:

It orders the Sidros and verses by number as though the Cursedians never came along.

Here’s a sample page:

The first edition was sold out. But he’s now printing the second edition…

Here’s his email:

Here’s his phone number: 347-225-6131

‘Defenses Against Depravity Equal Decency’

How Judaism Solves the Male Sexual Harassment Problem: Assume All Men Do It

Ever since Harvey Weinstein broke, sexual harassment claims have been spilling out against powerful men faster than I’ve ever seen. That it’s happening now is just a historical accident, but the fact most of it (I assume, minus a few copycats) is true is not inherently surprising.

If everyone (especially women) observed the halachos of yichud (being alone with a woman) strictly, sexual harassment wouldn’t be a big problem. It would be a minor issue only. I say this is the woman’s responsibility in secular society because they are the ones who don’t want to be harassed, so they need to take the precaution, and never be alone with a man, for any reason, that they do not want to have sex with.

Attractive women must understand this about men. All of them want sex, all the time. If men become powerful enough they lose their inhibitions, so don’t ever be alone with any man you do not want to sleep with. If you are alone with any man, assume your chances of sexual advances, wanted or not, are greater than 30%. So just don’t do it.

While that does not totally end the problem, it greatly curtails it into something more manageable.

From The Jewish Libertarian, here.

Gaping at Libertarian Transhumanism

I am not so naive as to think people will fully abandon the evil authoritarian inclination in this world.

Simple common sense dictates:

“‘Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes.”

I write to teach Torah and wisdom and to fulfill Hashem’s will of making Mashiach’s job slightly easier and pols’ job slightly harder:

The only difference between Mashiach and everyone else is that Mashiach will succeed at what everyone else is commanded to attempt.

Shabbos 54b:

כל מי שאפשר למחות לאנשי ביתו ולא מיחה נתפס על אנשי ביתו באנשי עירו נתפס על אנשי עירו בכל העולם כולו נתפס על כל העולם כולו.

“Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for“.

But it appears some people really are so naive as to attempt to abolish both death and taxes, without addressing the ultimate cause. They are termed libertarian transhumanists…