New Archives Overhaul

I am humbled to present a new page on our site: Full Archives.

This newest page contains the full list of titles published here on from the beginning; all sixteen hundred of them!

We have also revamped the look of the Homepage archives. Look at the bottom right-hand corner (or mobile equivalent). Thank God, there are now displayed three widgets sorting all posts by date (month, week and day respectively) in descending order, each with an out-of-sight drop-down menu and post count.

Which leads up to this: If you, too, would enjoy reading five daily aggregated articles on Judaism, please subscribe to our daily newsletter here.

The Israeli Army’s Only True Enemy: Judaism

Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak explains the real purpose of increased wicked unholiness in the IDF

“This is to secularize the haredim. To force them into the army [and then secularize].”

“They don’t want the Jewish religion to exist. That’s all. In the name of equality. That’s why there can’t be any ‘exclusion’ of women. You have to listen to women singing; to stand there and to listen. Why is it that in sports women aren’t equal? Why aren’t there mixed-gender sports teams in soccer? In basketball? In volleyball? Why not? It’s the same thing. If she’s muscular… why not? Why in [sports] is it not considered exclusion? Because there are no haredim there that they need to secularize! It’s all secular people there. But where there are haredim, there you need to call it ‘exclusion’.”

Excerpted from Arutz Sheva, here.

תכלת – על תירוצים אין תירוץ

המיליונים והמילירדים של קונכיות הנמצאים בצור וצידון במקום שחז”ל אמרו שעשו התכלת ושבורים במקום בלוטת התכלת ורואים שאפשר לעשות מזה תכלת הם מצוים ואין כלל משהו אחר שנמצא וזה ק”ו מתולין במצוי ששם שיש משהו אחר לתלות רק שאינו מצוי

מתוך דברי הרב ברנד באתר בריתי יצחק.

שאר המאמר כאן.

עדכון: הכותרת שונתה.