גם לייזר זה דרך גילוח

גילוח זקן, במכונה בסם ובלייזר

מכונת גילוח שחותך הכל ● במחלוקת תוס’ והרמב”ם במגלח במספריים לענין נזיר ● מסקנא במכונת גילוח בזקן כשאינו משאיר כלום ● דעת החפץ חיים והחזון איש ● גילוח בסם בנזיר ● גילוח זקן בסם ● החיד”א ● גילוח זקן בלייזר ● בעיות אחרות בענין גילוח בסם ● גילוח בפאות הראש ● סיכום ● לימוד זכות בדרך רמז

המשך לקרוא

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד, כאן.

The Chareidi Think Tank

Did you know the Chareidim have a “think tank” all their own? Yep…

The self-description:

The Harav Lord Jakobovits Torah Institute of Contemporary Issues (JICI) is an ultra orthodox Jewish think tank (haredi think tank) formed by ultra orthodox rabbis, thinkers and scholars

JICI is independent, non-political, and multi-disciplinary It deals forthrightly and in depth with public policy issues and dialogues with opinion-setters and policy-makers in Israel and internationally

One of their main projects is spilling blood in God’s name. I quote the double-speak of those responsible for the so-called “peace process”:

So long as the powers that be insist on cultivating secularist “moderates” as peace partners while continuing to treat unbending religionists as the intractable enemy, peace must continue to elude the region. Most urgently needed, therefore, is a peace initiative that will reach also the religious players, speak in their language, think in their terms and address their concerns and sensitivities. This requires fundamentally new visions, broad and systematic planning and resolute positive action.

The board et al. are pretty high up, including politicians, such as Yisrael Eichler. They concern themselves with the halachic fiction known as “international law”, smarm up to politicians and NGOs, like the evil Israel Institute for Democracy, and more.

This gives the lie to their ridiculous claim to be “apolitical”. Ha! What’s a think tank if not a group promoting certain policies?

You Can Stop Feeling Superior Now

How many times have you heard or read that 50 percent of U.S. marriages end in divorce? It’s not true. Yes, the number of divorces each year is about half the number of marriages that same year. But that’s like computing the death rate by comparing the number of people who die with the number of people who are born.

That ignores those who neither were born nor died during that 12-month period. The 50-percent divorce figure ignores the number of intact marriages from years and decades earlier.

The truth is that about one of 50 marriages ends each year, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Pollster Louis Harris maintains that 90 percent of marriages survive until one partner dies.

Daniel Lynch, American Journalism Review, quoted in Reader’s Digest, p. 90