Reprinted with permission.
Rich Political What?
You know, the phrase “rich political life” really cracks me up!
You know, the phrase “rich political life” really cracks me up!
by Author Unknown
Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.
Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.
From Your Daily Poem, here.
נ.ב. יש לציין באופן בולט שכל האמור כאן הוא לאנשים העושים על דעת עצמם, אבל הנשמעים לרבותיהם אין להם לזוז מהוראתם. ובפרט בנושאים רגישים אלו שאין להקל בהם כלל וכלל.
Rabbi Dov Landa opposes singing “Echad Yachid Umeyuchad” at weddings, and the like, comparing it to lofty “Shir Hakovod“, which may not be sung at random occasion and manner.
Via Toras Aba, I might have mentioned in this vein the Magen Avraham 565:5, as well. He says:
אין לומר האדרת והאמונה בצבור כי אם ביה”כ [ד”מ מהרי”ל].