Read Chazal Closely!
See Chidushim Ubiurim by Rabbi Chaim Greineman, Bava Kama 90a on the words “Talash besa’aro”!
(Want to know what he says but lack the said volume? See it here.)
See Chidushim Ubiurim by Rabbi Chaim Greineman, Bava Kama 90a on the words “Talash besa’aro”!
(Want to know what he says but lack the said volume? See it here.)
First appeared in Kehala Kadisha newspaper. Reprinted with permission.
Want a book idea?
I forget the exact term for the genre; there is a long history of Jewish books written to show Hashem’s love for his creations via teleological explanations of the physical world, from (some of) Rambam’s Yesodei Hatorah to Sha’ar Habechinah in Chovos Halevavos, to (some of) the Steipler Illuy’s Chayei Olam, to the first chapter in Chazon Ish’s Emunah Ubitachon.
How about writing a similar book from the praxeological perspective of Austrian economics (without getting prescriptive)? Easy peasy.
Why don’t you do it, then?
There were definitely periods with a Beis Hamikdash, but no king, such as with some of the Chashmona’im.
I checked in the Shabtai Rambam index on Hilchos Chagigah chapter 3. Apparently, the Minchas Chinuch and Rabbi Yerucham Perla (Mitzvas Asei 17) discuss the question. I don’t have these books here now.