‘But Who Created God?!’

Have you ever (been) asked this question?
Hyehudi to the rescue…
The first Hakdamah (introduction) is God cannot be proved.
… The metaphysical naturalist cannot defeat hard solipsism, and cannot induct logical induction itself… Ergo, anything he says and/or thinks (including “Good morning”) is either viciously circular or violates the law of non-contradiction.
Finally, I would say this:
‘If God created the world, who created God?’ is an expression of reverent amazement masquerading as a logical paradox. Since the simple meaning of the word “God” indicates “uncreated”, it is as though one said “But love is too wonderful to be real!”, or “How could anything be so beautiful!”
God with a beginning is an oxymoron and violates the law of non-contradiction. So the supposed “question” is but a special case of the infinite regress, which rejects all claims to human knowledge (again, by the way, bumping against the law of non-contradiction). With nothing to stand on, one can always ask “why?” and “wherefore?”
Good luck with that…
[This article refers to the standalone question “But who created God?” If you heard the question in the course of playing with “Everything that has a beginning has a sufficient cause”, etc. etc., it’s your own mess; don’t ask me to clean it up. Again, God’s existence cannot be proved (but read our anti-atheist Hebrew ebook to win such arguments, anyway).]

Why Does Nobody Want to Marry Gerrer Chassidim?

Mishna Sotah 3:4:

רבי יהושע אומר, רוצה אשה בקב ותפלות מתשעה קבין ופרישות. הוא היה אומר, חסיד שוטה, ורשע ערום, ואשה פרושה, ומכות פרושין, הרי אלו מכלי עולם.

Rabbi Bartenura idem:

רוצה אשה בקב, ליזון מזונות מועטים, ויהא תשמיש מצוי לה. מתשעה קבין ופרישות, לפרוש מן התשמיש, כו’.

Curious Coincidence?

A certain communist country by the name of Russia had many people dying of starvation. So the leader, an American ally named Joseph, forbade the use of the word “starvation”, including in internal government documents.

In another communist country, Venezuela, many people are dying of starvation. Again, the use of that ugly word is prohibited by the leader, Maduro, and synonyms are once more employed on medical reports. It’s almost like Communists have Masores…


This is why we need more socialism, I think.