How to Free Rubashkin

Letter to the Editor

There is an alternative, even simple way to free Rubashkin, using investigation tools we are allowed even as private citizens. It requires several reasoned steps.

If the prosecutor and judge in some way conspired – or if we don’t like such a strong word – use the word ‘inclined’ – to construct the case in a way that would ensure a mandatory long term sentence, then this would mean that they believe ‘the end justifies the means’ and they do not give weight to their oath of integrity and faithfulness to the principles of fairness and justice.

If this were the case then this means that there is quite likely something in their personalities that would allow them to utilize ‘extra-legal, even dishonest and deceptive, means to accomplish some end. This means that they likely would have used their ease of employing dishonesty at some earlier stage or stages in their careers, such as lying about some important credential or qualification.

So all that is needed is to hire a lawyer and private investigator to find some substantive flaw in their resumes or applications for their jobs as judge and/or prosecutor. To be clear, if they were dishonest in how they set up the Rubashkin case and trial, then it is highly likely that, with a  thorough and legal investigation, one would be able to find a substantive lie or misrepresentation in their credentials that would lead to their being dismissed from their positions as judge and/or prosecutor.

It could be strongly argued that a falsehood of such import means they weren’t qualified for their positions in the first place. This would give good reason to throw out the case against Rubashkin, especially in light of the many briefs of former Attorneys General and practicing legal scholars who raised serious questions about the fairness of the trial in the first place. Now we understand it. The judge and or prosecutor were never qualified to serve in those roles.

Again, it would be likely to find a ‘fatal flaw’ in their representation of their qualifications, if we are correct that they ‘inclined’ to set up the case in a most unfavorable way.

Another way to free Rubashkin is if the judge and prosecutor ever had a close personal relationship, not just professional. Perhaps in college, or surreptitiously at legal ‘conventions’ and ‘conferences’. This too could be uncovered by a good private investigator. If they ‘conspired’ against Rubashkin, then it could be ‘love’, ‘S&M’, ‘well known mutual hate for some class of citizens’, or some other ‘glue’ that bound them together in the past and influenced them at the time of the case and trial.

I hope I made the reasoning clear enough for someone with financial means and interest to hire the necessary lawyer and investigative team.

יש כבר ס”ת נייד – עכשיו צריך גם מלך במקום הכנסת

ספר תורה זעיר שמתאים למלך ישראל, עומד למכירה פומבית

מערכת JDN  ה׳ באלול תשע״ז

בפרשת שופטים קיים הציווי המיוחד למלך לכתוב לו ספר תורה קטן: וְהָיָה כְשִׁבְתּוֹ עַל כִּסֵּא מַמְלַכְתּוֹ וְכָתַב לוֹ אֶת מִשְׁנֵה הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת עַל סֵפֶר מִלִּפְנֵי הַכֹּהֲנִים הַלְוִיִּם: וְהָיְתָה עִמּוֹ וְקָרָא בוֹ כָּל יְמֵי חַיָּיו לְמַעַן יִלְמַד לְיִרְאָה אֶת ה’ לִשְׁמֹר אֶת כָּל דִּבְרֵי הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת וְאֶת הַחֻקִּים הָאֵלֶּה לַעֲשֹׂתָם:

במכירה הקרובה בבית המכירות ירושלים של זהב יימכר ספר תורה, שנכתב על ידי סופר מומחה וירא שמים, בכתב קטן ביותר, על גבי יריעות בגובה 7.4 ס”מ. גובה הכתיבה 5.9 ס”מ. עם עצי חיים יוקרתיים מעוטרים בכתרים מכסף, עם מעיל יוקרתי מוכסף. הוא נכתב ע”י סופר ירא שמיים, מומחה בכתיבה. בעל כתיבה יפיפייה. שלוש שנים היה רכון על מלאכתו, והצליח ביגיעה עצומה ובעבודה קשה מאוד לכתוב את הספר המופלא הזה.

המפרשים נחלקו במצווה זו: יש שאומרים שספר התורה שעל זרועו של מלך ישראל הכוונה לעשרת הדברות. אך לעומתם ברמב”ם מבואר כפשט המשנה שהכוונה לספר תורה ממש. המהרש”ל מבאר שמדובר בספר תורה קטן. הספר שלפנינו כזה. אמנם עד ביאת המשיח הושמו לו עצי חיים המפוארים והמעיל הנהדר. ראוי הוא הספר הנפלא הזה להיות בידי אחד מיוחד מבני ישראל.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר JDN, כאן.

Historical Fascism

An Open Letter to This Year’s College Freshman Class On the Subject of Fascism

Dear Class of 2021:

As you begin your college career you will inevitably become confused about the subject of “fascism,” which has been in the news quite a bit recently.  On the one hand, you will be taught that there is nothing more evil, more insidious, more despicable than fascism and fascists.  You might even be invited to become a member of “antifa,” the violent criminal gang that sets buildings and cars on fire, clubs people with baseball bats, sprays mace in their faces, throws cinder blocks through store windows, hurls bottles filled with urine and feces at the police, etc., in supposed protests against “fascism.”  (“Antifa” is said to stand for “anti-fascism”).

But on the other hand you will also be taught that the very things that real, twentieth-century fascists believed in and stood for are what you should believe in and stand for, and that you should have zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees with you.  These things will not be called what they are – fascism – but pleasant-sounding euphemisms like “social justice,” “economic democracy,” “liberation theology,” or “democratic socialism.”  You will also be instructed that of all the politicians on the planet, the one whom you should revere and idolize is the seventy-five –year-old self-described socialist Bernie Sanders (who spent part of his honeymoon in Moscow, of all places, during the height of the Cold War).

The truth is that fascism – named “national socialism” by the German socialists of the early twentieth century known as the “Nazis” – was always a form of socialism.   Benito Mussolini, the founder of Italian fascism, was an “international socialist” before he started calling himself a national socialist.  Nationalist socialism was content to allow private business to exist – unlike the international socialists in the Soviet Union – as long as it was directed, controlled, and micromanaged by politicians with all kinds of regulations, controls, subsidies, bailouts, and taxes.

Continue reading…

From, here.