A New Anti-Torah ‘Peace Deal’ In the Making? Tomer Devorah Wonders
Check out the “conspiracy theory” here.
May Hashem save us from all their schemes!
Check out the “conspiracy theory” here.
May Hashem save us from all their schemes!
December 11, 2001
Most Americans have never heard of the prisoner of war camps in the United States during World War II. Hans Sennholz, a Luftwaffe pilot and later a Misesian economist, worked on a prisoner-run farm in Arkansas after he had been shot down by British anti-aircraft fire in North Africa. They sent him from Britain through Canada to the West Coast and then to Arkansas.
Most estimates that I have seen place the number of prisoners of war in the U.S. in the range of 50,000 to 70,000, but one reputable and detailed Website says it was 425,000.
More than 150,000 men arrived after the surrender of Gen. Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps in April 1943, followed by an average of 20,000 new POWs a month. From the Normandy invasion in June 1944 through December 30,000 prisoners a month arrived; for the last few months of the war 60,000 were arriving each month. When the war was over, there were 425,000 enemy prisoners in 511 main and branch camps throughout the United States.
This is a good example of history that never gets to the general public. This is a little-known and long-forgotten story, but it is not shocking.
What follows is shocking. I begin with low-level shock.
The Japanese Camps
Most Americans know about the concentration camp system that the United States created for Japanese residents of the West Coast. There were 120,000 of these internees in a dozen camps, mostly in the mountain states, but with two camps in eastern Arkansas. A few Americans know that the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover had opposed these mass arrests. Fewer still know of the forced sale of everything these people owned at substantial discounts. They were only allowed to bring into the camps what they could carry in their arms in one trip. But until this year, only a handful of Japanese-Americans knew that in 1944, the U.S. government drafted the young men housed in these camps, and about 300 refused to be inducted. They said they were prisoners who were not being treated as citizens, which they were. So, some of them were put in jail for draft resistance, and the others became pariahs in the camps. The other Japanese internees regarded them as traitors. This story became public knowledge only this year, in law professor Eric Muller’s book, Free to Die for Their Country (University of Chicago Press, 2001). You can get chapter one on the Web.
The Western Hemisphere Kidnap Camps
The following story would be a great case study for Memory Hole 101 (second semester). I stumbled onto it about three years ago. It was on the Website of a local affiliate of NBC television. That Web page is long gone, but because of www.google.com, I was able to track down other pages in a few minutes. I used these search terms: Japanese, Germans, Peru, World War II, Texas, camps. Of course, had I not found that NBC affiliate site three years ago, I never would have known which search terms to use. I never would have known about this story. Prepare yourself for a shock. This is from the Handbook of Texas Website. Its title is “World War II Internment Camps.” And what remarkable camps they were! You will find no reference to these camps in any textbook on U.S. history, I guarantee you.
Although many Americans are aware of the World War II imprisonment of West Coast Japanese Americans in relocation centers, few know of the smaller internment camps operated by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Under the authority of the Department of Justice, the INS directed about twenty such facilities. Texas had three of them, located at Seagoville, Kenedy, and Crystal City. Prisoners included Japanese Americans arrested by the FBI, members of Axis nationalities residing in Latin-American countries, and Axis sailors arrested in American ports after the attack on Pearl Harbor. About 3,000 Japanese, Germans, and Italians from Latin America were deported to the United States, and most of them were placed in the Texas internment camps. Twelve Latin-American countries gave the United States Department of State custody of the Axis nationals. Eighty percent of the prisoners were from Peru, and about 70 percent were Japanese. The official reasons for the deportations were to secure the Western Hemisphere from internal sabotage and to provide bartering pawns for exchange of American citizens captured by Japan. However, the Axis nationals were often deported arbitrarily as a result of racial prejudice and because they provided economic competition for the other Latin Americans, not because they were a security threat. Eventually, very few Japanese ever saw Latin America again, although some Germans and Italians were returned to their Latin American homes. The majority of Texas internment-camp prisoners were Axis nationals from Latin America. . . .
In addition, prisoners were taken to Crystal City from other INS internment camps in Hawaii and Alaska (not states at the time), the United States, Puerto Rico, the West Indies, and South and Central American countries. . . .
As we shall see, there is some debate about the numbers of these victims of American-supervised international kidnapping. Was it 3,000, total? Or were there more? I think there were far more, for reasons that you will soon see. In any case, what you have read so far is a whitewashed version of the story. It gets worse — much, much worse.
Add one word to the Google search list: “exchanged.” Again, had I not found that NBC affiliate site, I would not have known to use this term. This brought me to a site run by the Freedom of Information Times. This revealing site specializes in World War II internment of German American civilians.
Here, we read the grim reality regarding what other use these kidnapped Latin Americans had for the American government. I will bet that nothing that you have ever read mentioned this legacy of Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Facts: During the hearings before the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, Edward J. Ennis, the Director of the Alien Enemy Control during World War II, on November 3, 1981 testified:
Mr. Macbeth [a member of the Commission]: Did you have any experience with the internment of enemy aliens who were outside of the United States.
Mr. Ennis: Oh yes, we had two programs…Now the other program was taking alien enemies from other countries in South America…If we couldn’t get the [Latin American] countries to intern them we had to transmit them to the United States for internment…It was an aborted program, I don’t think it accomplished anything. It had a security purpose to do in these countries [Latin America] what we were doing in the United States, about 5,000 German aliens were interned, and a few hundred German aliens in Cuba and in other countries in South America. But it didn’t work very well. [Source: pp.157-159, Testimony of Edward J. Ennis before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians on November 3, 1981, R.G. 220. . . .
The Latin Americans of German ancestry who [about 5,000] were brought to this country by the United States were incarcerated in several camps, most were in either of the following camps: Crystal City, Texas; Seagoville, Texas; Camp Kenedy, Texas; Fort Lincoln, Bismarck, North Dakota; and Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York.
Hundreds of the interned Latin Americans, many of whom were, by birthright, citizens of one of the republics, were exchanged for persons of the Americas held by the Third Reich, i.e., they were deported to Germany.
Stephen Fox, “The Deportation of Latin American Germans, 1941-47: Fresh Legs for Mr. Monroe’s Doctrine,” Yearbook of German-American Studies 32 (1997): 117-42.
Prior to the exchange, lists of internees in the U.S., including the names of German-Jews, were provided to the authorities of the Third Reich.
The State Department citations herein are included in their entirety in Volume IV, The World War Two Experience of German-Americans of German-Americans in the World Wars, Edited by: Don Heinrich Tolzmann, K.G. Saur, Munich, 1995, pp. 1671-1674.
Got that, folks? The U.S. government went to the trouble of identifying the kidnapped victims of Jewish German background, sent their names to Hitler’s bureaucrats, knowing that these were “high priority items,” and then shipped them off to Germany in exchange for Americans who had been inside the Third Reich when Hitler declared War on December 11.
The only other explanation is that American bureaucrats deliberately identified the captive Jews in order that the Germans might be able to keep out those Germans whom they really didn’t want. That’s the “favorable interpretation.”
“My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty,” etc., etc.
Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration did many horrible things. This is just one more example. Most of these things were covered up then, and professional historians still do their best to cover them up today, 56 years after FDR’s death.
For the New Deal-justifying liberals who write all of the American history textbooks, seeing just isn’t believing. Facts like these are dropped down the memory hole, where they are thought to belong.
Why don’t Jews know about this neglected aspect of American history? Because they haven’t been told. Why not? Because most academic Jews are political liberals, and their commitment to the Roosevelt Administration has been greater than their commitment to historical accuracy. So, politically conservative Jews don’t know the story.
Anyone who points out this sort of thing is dismissed by the Establishment press and the Establishment academic community (guild) as a “conspiracy nut.” I confess: guilty as charged.
From Lewrockwell.com, here.
From a book review of “The Rebbe – The Extraordinary Life & Worldview of Rabbeinu Yoel Teitelbaum” on the Seforim blog:
There is a famous story told, that Reb Moshe Bick, a prominent chassidishe posek in the Bronx, decided that boys and girls should meet at least ten times before getting married. He felt that America was different than Europe, and too many divorces were happening because of improper matches. The Rebbe was strongly opposed to this. Reb Moshe Bick explained that the difference of opinion stemmed from the fact that he was a mesader gittin, while the Rebbe was a mesader kiddushin!
Actually, Rabbi Bick recommended meeting eight times, not ten, to which Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum responded “קצתי בחיי מפני בנות חת”, ‘חת’ being a play on the Hebrew letter for the number 8 (חי”ת).
I won’t mention my personal opinion, for whom and for when, but the Satmar Rebbe was continually wrong on everything.
I don’t just mean his poor prognostication skills or Halachos, but even his personal advice (e.g., instructing others to remain as ignorant as possible of Lashon Hakodesh, shaving married women’s heads, Zionism, etc., against studying Iyun, against visiting Kivrei Tzaddikim, encouraging Machlokes, acting as though moving from America to Israel would lead to religious deterioration and physical danger, etc.), partially due to his uncaring callousness (such as his opposition to the Teshuvah Revolution). His advice was usually unusually awful, so it’s safe to assume he is wrong here yet again.
Read the rest of the article on Seforim here.
סוף סוף. הראשון ממדליפיה של תוכנת “אגרון”, תושב בית שמש, שלום ביליק, הורשע… וואו, זה לא לקח למדינה יותר מ11 שנים! זה מה שנקרא אצלנו “עינוי הדין”…
נזכיר, בשנת 2006 למניינם שישה אנשים גנבו, מכרו ביניהם, והפיצו ברשת מאגר מידע של מרשם האוכלוסין, המכיל פרטים סודיים רבים על כל תושבי המדינה. על זה נאמר בתורתנו לא תלך רכיל בעמיך, לא תעמד על דם רעך אני השם, והולך רכיל מגלה סוד. זה בכלל “היזק ראיה”, ועוד לפני עיור וגו’.
שימו לב למה שקורה כאן מאחורי המלל הנבוב. המדינה לוקחת ואוגרת את פרטינו הכי האישיים ללא רשות בדטה-בייס אחד (מעבר לריגול ממשי של יחידות דמויות NSA אחרות, גם נגד יהודים), הכל למען “ביטחוננו” ו”לטובה”, כמובן.
הנה חידה: מהו הגדר המילוני של “פגיעה בפרטיות” או “החזקת מאגר מידע שלא כדין”? תשובה: כשאדם עושה זאת לא מטעם “המדינה”!
ואז, ראו זה פלא, אנשים פרטיים משתמשים במידע הזה לרעה. אילו הפרטים הללו היו שמורים ומבוזרים בין חברות פרטיות, כאלו שכפופים לחוק, וכפופים לתחרות השוק (MARKET DISCIPLINE), אילו המדינה לא הייתה מקבצת את הנתונים הללו למקום אחד בכח הזרוע, מישהו היה יכול לעשות כזה נזק ליהודים חפים מפשע?
זה רק עניין של זמן עד שזה יקרה למאגרים רגישים אף יותר, דוגמת המאגר הביומטרי הארור. רוב העולם מבין כמה זה מסוכן ובלתי הפיך, כמה קל יהיה להפליל חפים מפשע, כמה קשה יהיה לתקן את המעוות, רק כאן לא. המאגר הביומטרי שנוי ומתועב על רוב רובם של יושבי בארץ, אך את המושלים שלנו לא כזה מעניין.
ובמקום להעניש ברצינות, ולפצות את מי שניזוקו, שלום ביליק הזה נשלך לכלא, ומשלם קנס ל… מדינה עצמה. לזה הם קוראים הרתעה?! מה מונע ממנהלי מערכות מידע אחרים לחקות את המורשעים?
מראש המדינה רצתה לגזור על ביליק 25 חודשים (בלבד!), והתפשרה על 12 חודש ועוד קנס כלשהו מפני מצב בריאותו של הנאשם, ו”הזמן הרב שעבר” (?). מעגלי, לא?
אגב, על עבירות חמורות יותר יש כלא, על חמורים פחות עבודות שירות. תסבירו לי אתם: נשמע לכם צודק שמי שמזיק יותר לא מחזיר כלום, ומי שמזיק פחות כן עושה “צרכי רבים”?! (וגם זה לא מדוייק.)
ומי משלם בפועל את העלויות לשהותם של המורשעים בכלא? תמיד לעולם ועד: אלו הנפגעים מהם.
בס”ד, יהודה סגל
July 3, 2018
President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton was in Moscow last week organizing what promises to be an historic summit meeting between his boss and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolton, who has for years demanded that the US inflict “pain” on Russia and on Putin specifically, was tasked by Trump to change his tune. He was forced to shed some of his neoconservative skin and get involved in peacemaking. Trump surely deserves some credit for that!
As could be expected given the current political climate in the US, the neoconservatives have joined up with the anti-Trump forces on the Left — and US client states overseas — to vigorously oppose any movement toward peace with Russia. The mainstream media is, as also to be expected, amplifying every objection to any step away from a confrontation with Russia.
Bolton had hardly left Moscow when the media began its attacks. US allies are “nervous” over the planned summit, reported Reuters. They did not quote any US ally claiming to be nervous, but they did speculate that both the UK and Ukraine would not be happy were the US and Russia to improve relations. But why is that? The current Ukrainian government is only in power because the Obama Administration launched a coup against its democratically-elected president to put US puppets in charge. They’re right to be nervous. And the British government is also right to be worried. They swore that Russia was behind the “poisoning” of the Skripals without providing any evidence to back up their claims. Hundreds of Russian diplomats were expelled from Western countries on their word alone. And over the past couple of months, each of their claims has fallen short.
At the extreme of the reaction to Bolton’s Russia trip was the US-funded think tank, the Atlantic Council, which is stuck in a 1950s time warp. Its resident Russia “expert,” Anders Åslund, Tweeted that long-time Russia hawk Bolton had been “captured by the Kremlin” and must now be considered a Russian agent for having helped set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. Do they really prefer nuclear war?
The “experts” are usually wrong when it comes to peacemaking. They rely on having “official enemies” for their very livelihood. In 1985, national security “expert” Zbigniew Brzezinski attacked the idea of a summit between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. It was “demeaning” and “tactically unwise,” he said as reported at the time by the Washington Times. Such a meeting would only “elevate” Gorbachev and make him “first among equals,” he said. Thankfully, Reagan did engage Gorbachev in several summits and the rest is history. Brzezinski was wrong and peacemakers were right.
President Trump should understand that any move toward better relations with Russia has been already pre-approved by the American people. His position on Russia was well known. He campaigned very clearly on the idea that the US should end the hostility toward Russia that characterized the Obama Administration and find a way to work together. Voters knew his position and they chose him over Hillary Clinton, who was also very clear on Russia: more confrontation and more aggression.
President Trump would be wise to ignore the neocon talking heads and think tank “experts” paid by defense contractors. He should ignore the “never Trumpers” who have yet to make a coherent policy argument opposing the president. The extent of their opposition to Trump seems to be “he’s mean and rude.” Let us hope that a Trump/Putin meeting begins a move toward real reconciliation and away from the threat of nuclear war.
From Lewrockwell.com, here.
ח’ תשרי ה’תשע”ח 28/09/17