The Jewish Mental Response to Adversity

Is to recognize Hashem’s Chessed in protecting us from it up until now.

See Rabbi Hirsch’s brilliant commentary to the Parsha of the poisonous snakes, Parshas Chukas (Bamidbar 21:6 – 9).

(Ayn Rand once rejected what she termed the “Malevolent Universe Premise“: As the simplest empirical refutation of that metaphysics—as evidence of the fact that the material universe is not inimical to man and that catastrophes are the exception, not the rule of his existence—observe the fortunes made by insurance companies.)

Israel’s Security Theater Deserves a Golden Globe Award

June 19, 2018 | Moshe Feiglin, Chairman of Zehut

Our military technology is amazing. What other army is capable of shooting a missile from far from an unmanned military vehicle, very close to people, without concern that they will be hurt due to a technical error or inaccuracy? Wondrous. We are really awesome. The Hamas also admires our capability. Without it, the terror organization would no longer exist…

From Zehut, here.