Kedushas Tzion – An Introduction (In English)

Sholom Ubrachah to all our English-speaking readers,

Attached below is the fourth edition of English Highlights from the Kedushas Tzion. As mentioned in previous emails, iy”H, every week we will be sending out a short essay from the Hebrew Alon that is translated into English. The idea is to accommodate those that have difficulties with the Hebrew version and enable a larger crowd to enjoy our content. This week’s piece is actually a translation of the editors maamar from the first alon in order to give a little bit more background about the goals of our organization.  Feel free to print out the attached document and share with friends in Shul (There is a brief introduction to the article, so people can know who we are). As always, any ideas, comments, and donations [Info on donating below,] are more than welcome!

Here at Kdushas Tzion we mourn the loss of Staff Sgt. Ronen Lubarsky Hy”d, who was critically injured as a result of a large marble slab thrown at his head by Arab monsters in a town neighboring Ramallah this week. Unfortunately, Ronen did not survive and we have dedicated this edition in his memory. Perhaps if the military regulations pertaining to live-fire engagement would be less constrained, this tragic story may not have occurred. And if we are already mentioning possibilities for rectification, perhaps if we had permanently dealt with the Jewish/Arab conflict once and for all, Am Yisroel would be a whole lot safer and secure. Who knows…

We are also thankful for the miraculously low number of injuries near the Gazan border after numerous rockets were fired and hope the Israeli Government will increase their efforts to fully eradicate Hamas, and return the Jewish presence in its place. May Hashem continue to guide Am Yisroel on the pathway of Redemption and inspire our leaders to play an active role in fulfilling the ultimate Jewish vision!

*Thank you to our professional translator Shlomo Wrubel- for any translating needs he can be reached at 216-315-2764/

B’birchas “Uvah Litziyon Goel!”

Yosef Sholom Rabin

Member of the Hanhalah at Agudas Kedushas Tzion

Download (PDF, 180KB)

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הרב יצחק ברנד שליט”א בענין קיום מצוות שלא היו מורגלים ע”פ שינוי המציאות

קבלת התורה ומנחה חדשה

מהי מהות חג שבועות ● הקושי לשנות את ההנהגה ● “וישמע משה את העם בכה למשפחתיו” ● שמירת המצוות בחו”ל הוא כדי שכשיחזרו לא יהיו כחדשים ● שני סוגי נסיונות בענין דבר חדשים, ולענין ארץ ישראל ● אחד מיסודות קבלת התורה הוא לקיים מצוות שלא היו מורגלים ● קרבנות בזמן הזה ● הג”ה, בענין צבע ארגמן ● תרומה מדאורייתא כשרוב ישראל על אדמתם ● קבלת התורה בכל דור ודור מחדש ● נספח ● דעת הגר”א שיש להשתדל להקריב קרבן התמיד

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב יצחק ברנד, כאן.