Why Do We Need to Rebuild Israel Before the Full Redemption?
lo timacher l’tzemisus – redeeem the land
Ramban in sefer ha’mitzvot lav 227 discusses the nature of the issur of “lo timacher l’tzemisus.” Rashi seems to hold the issur is for the buyer not to return the land, but, as Ramban points out, the formulation of the lav seems to indicate the prohibition is on the seller, not the buyer. Ramban, based on the Yerushalmi, is machadesh that the issur is in selling land to an aku”m, who has no incentive to return it. Ramban then compares the issur of leaving Eretz Yisrael in the hands of aku”m to the mitzvah of redeeming a Jew who is sold into slavery to an aku”m. Just like in that case the Torah tells us that the reason for the mitzvah is “ki li Bnei Yisrael avadim,” that we are supposed to be servants only of Hashem, so too, Eretz Yisrael is supposed to be a land dedicated to being a makom Shechina, a place of service to Hashem, which is impossible so long as it is not in our hands.