The Lubavitcher Rebbe Believed in the Myth of ‘American Exceptionalism’

Which nation is meant to “spread Torah’s justice throughout the world”? (Hint: It’ not the Jews.)

The Rebbe advocated an interventionist foreign policy, too, at least for the “USSR exception”. Here’s a quote: “Isolationism is an inappropriate policy for this powerful and consequential nation.”

See “Derher” pages 14-15 below:

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There is No ‘Divine Right’ of Democracy!

Much contrary, this is what the “Divine Right of Kings” actually meant in the Torah: limiting entry to one family, on the one hand, and commanding Jews awe one, single monarch (שום שתים עליך מלך, שתהא אימתו עליך and Rambam Melachim 3:8) at a time (אין שתי מלכים משתמשים בכתר אחד), as opposed to mob rule, uh, “Democracy” (or, as it turns out in historical reality, oligarchy), contra Rabbi Yitzchak Abravanel.

Rabbi A. Y. Kook who decided we can spread around the rights of the monarchy to the whole nation has it exactly backward. The king, too, is a concession, as evidenced by Shmuel Hanavi’s words (Shmuel A chapter 8). Royalists objecting to the Magna Carta seem to be correct.

I am influenced in this by Hans Hoppe’s economic analysis, see here.