Q&A About the Euthyphro Dilemma (Rewritten)

A Dear Reader:
How do we understand the following statement of Avraham Avinu: השופט כל-הארץ, לא יעשה משפט? Isn’t Hashem the cause and source of the definition of משפט, and/or of how He is “supposed” to run the world?
Hyehudi.org Editor:
First of all, let’s make it easier to research the question. This is known as the Euthyphro Dilemma; Google it.

Second, as loyal Jews, we need to focus on our practical obligations (including the mitzvos of thought), and not the “Truth”. This may well be the kind of question Mishna Chagigah 2:1 forbids contemplating. As the saying in Yeshiva goes: “One does not die from a difficulty”.

Although the mind cannot escape certain conundrums, one must axiomatically admit the alternate half of the paradox that will best enable observance of all other mitzvos, as these paradoxes occur to us. (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov would apply here the Kabbalistic idea of “Mati velo mati”.)

For example, as regards Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 5:5, one should ordinarily accept the outlook humanity has perfectly free will (sort of). As regards the Euthyphro dilemma, one should usually accept Hashem created ethics (so it is only “arbitrary” for Him), and interpret sources such as Avraham’s prayer for Sedom accordingly. Similarly, one should generally assume Hashem wrote the Torah (although certain syllogisms and sources imply the Torah has existed since forever, instead). And so on.

(For a related discussion, check out the “Practical Guide to Speaking with an Atheist“.)

Do Sheitels Still Have an Avoda Zara Problem? 3 Books Address the Issue

All on Hyehudi.org…

I recommend you study them in the above order and come to your own conclusions.

(And then there is the question of whether such a hair-covering is even halachically effective for a married woman in Reshus Harabim at all. For that one, read this: קונטרס בענין כיסוי השיער.)


How to Get Rich Slowly

My Advice for a High School Student One Year Before Graduation

Gary North

Dec. 29, 2011

Here are some guidelines from a man who has made a lot of money, written a lot of books, and who is more productive today than at any time in his life at age 69.

1. Make a business plan for your life. Your entire career is a business plan. You should make one early. This must cover the following:

What do you want to accomplish?
How soon do you want to accomplish it?
How much are you willing to pay?
2. Stay out of consumer debt. Minimal debt is all right for a business, but only if you have a detailed business plan.

3. Never pay retail for anything with a price tag in triple digits. This especially includes college. //www.garynorth.com/public/372.cfm

4. Get into the job market immediately after graduation. If required, get a fast-food job, but if you do, learn everything about how to run it. Keep your eyes open. Do this with whatever job you get. If you can be mentored by someone who owns a business that makes $1,000,000+ a year, take that job.

5. Do not move into the first house you buy. Buy it as an investment. Use John Schaub’s approach. This will teach you how to buy. It will serve as your first step to a comfortable retirement. As Schaub’s former partner Jack Miller always said: “The best way to become a millionaire is to borrow a million dollars and have your renters pay it off.” He did this many times.

6. You can beat the competition if you do three things.

Do exactly what you promised.
Complete the project ahead of time.
Do it for the price you agreed to.
You may notice that there are applications of the three tasks in any business plan.

7. Compound growth is the key to success.

Conclusion. These 7 seemingly simple steps are not intuitive. Your peers do not understand more than two, and they will probably violate all of them. This will give you a lifetime competitive advantage. This advantage will increase over time, due to compound growth.

The lifetime plan is crucial. It gives you a set of goals. It motivates you to stick with the program, to “stay the course,” as President Reagan used to say. It lets you know how well you are doing. You should refer back to it on a regular schedule. Write down how well you are doing. Identify weak areas. Work on these areas. Put these notes in a file or folder. Refer back to it on a fixed schedule.

From GaryNorth.com, here.

מיסים ורווחה: חשאי וקולי קולות

ברכות ט”ו ב’:

ואמר רבי טבי אמר רבי יאשיה מאי דכתיב שלש הנה לא תשבענה שאול ועוצר רחם וכי מה ענין שאול אצל רחם אלא לומר לך מה רחם מכניס ומוציא אף שאול מכניס ומוציא והלא דברים קל וחומר ומה רחם שמכניסין בו בחשאי מוציאין ממנו בקולי קולות שאול שמכניסין בו בקולי קולות אינו דין שמוציאין ממנו בקולי קולות מכאן תשובה לאומרים אין תחיית המתים מן התורה.

מיסים לוקחין בחשאי; מע”מ, מס הכנסה, מס רכישה ומס שבח, אינפלציה, ו”רווחה” נותנים בקולי קולות…

Risk Killing Syrians with Chemicals in Retaliation for Assad Allegedly Killing Syrians with Chemicals? Sounds like Trump!

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

Over the weekend, President Trump celebrated firing more than 100 missiles into Syria by Tweeting, “Mission Accomplished!” They say if you cannot learn from history you are condemned to repeat it. So I guess we are repeating it.

We all remember that “Mission Accomplished” was the banner behind then-President Bush as he gloated aboard a US navy ship that the war in Iraq had been won. After his “victory,” however, some 4,000 US military personnel were killed, perhaps a million Iraqis were killed, and the country’s infrastructure and social fabric were so badly destroyed that they probably can never be repaired.

Actually, there is much about the US attack on Syria that reminds us of Iraq.

With Iraq, the US moved in to start bombing before international inspectors had completed their mission to verify whether or not Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Had they been allowed to complete their mission and verify that he did not, imagine the suffering, death, and destruction that could have been avoided. In Syria, the US decided to start bombing before the international inspectors were even allowed to start checking claims that Assad gassed his own people in Douma. Why? What was the rush? Was Washington afraid they might not find Assad guilty?

Who really benefits from US attacks on the Syrian government? There were reports that ISIS began making moves immediately after the air strikes. Do we really want to be al-Qaeda and ISIS’s airforce? Is that going to keep us safer? I remember when al-Qaeda was actually considered our enemy, not an ally in overthrowing the last secular government in the Middle East.

Will Syria’s Christians be better off after the recent US attack? Just over a week ago Christians celebrated Easter in Aleppo for the first time in years. What changed? The Syrian army kicked out al-Qaeda, which had been occupying the eastern part of the city. So no, Christians will be much worse off if our “moderate terrorists” take control of Syria.

If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed.

If the US knew Syria was manufacturing chemical weapons in the buildings they bombed, why not notify the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)? The OPCW had certified the very building the US bombed as chemical weapons free not that long ago. Why not just call them up and ask them to check it out? After all, they were just arriving in the country as the US started bombing.

There are many more questions about President Trump’s terrible decision to again make war on Syria. For example, where is Congress? It was disgraceful to see Speaker Paul Ryan telling the President he needs no Congressional authorization to attack Syria. All Members of Congress take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and the Constitution says that only Congress can declare war. Does that oath mean nothing these days?

President Trump will come to regret the day he let the neocons take over his foreign policy. Their track record is abysmal. His attack on Syria was clearly illegal and should his party lose the House in November he may find his new fair-weather friends in the Democratic Party quickly turning foul.