Reprinted with permission.
When Do Rabbis Name Names?
Note well:
When certain Batei Din signed against the huge group of ostensible rabbis who allow Niddos based on a lack of understanding in Mar’os, they were careful to not mention any names. (With one exception.) On the other hand, when writing against Rabbi Nosson Kamenetsky, they made sure to include his name when claiming he deserved Nidduy (based on a mix of false and zero testimony).
(By the way, why was nothing done since about this global, ongoing scandal? For every “Pirtza”, true and false, it has become customary to start new straw “Va’adot Rabbanim”. Of course, the difference is where the problem originates. Rabbis are like a government worker’s union.)
The book “Tamim Teheyeh”, and the accompanying proclamations, too, while railing against numerous charlatan Kabbalists made sure not to mention any names. But again, this was not fear of “Shmo’a bein acheichem”, because that hasn’t been observed in action since about Shabtai Tzvi and Nosson of Azza’s time, who were shockingly called before Beis Din before they were denounced. Perhaps the claim is they didn’t want anyone to think this was an exclusive blacklist because there are so many such corrupt individuals. But why couldn’t they bring a just few obvious examples?
They don’t want to deal with libel laws? Is nothing worth fighting for? They didn’t mind fighting Yaron Yad’an and his pamphlets in secular court after being accused of libeling him – and won.
Enough said for now.