הרב יהושע ענבל שליט”א – הערות על הלכות תשובה להרמב”ם
ע”פ מה שנלמד בחבורה
ע”פ מה שנלמד בחבורה
August 21, 2018
One of the most insidious ways politicians expand government is by creating new programs to “solve” problems created by politicians. For example, government interference in health care increased health care costs, making it difficult or even impossible for many to obtain affordable, quality care. The effects of these prior interventions were used to justify Obamacare.
Now, the failures of Obamacare are being used to justify further government intervention in health care. This does not just include the renewed push for socialized medicine. It also includes supporting new laws mandating price transparency. The lack of transparency in health care pricing is a direct result of government policies encouraging overreliance on third-party payers.
This phenomenon is also observed in foreign policy. American military interventions result in blowback that is used to justify more military intervention. The result is an ever-expanding warfare state and curtailments on our liberty in the name of security.
Another example of this is related to the reaction to President Trump’s tariffs. Many of America’s leading trading partners have imposed “retaliatory” tariffs on US goods. Many of these tariffs target agriculture exports. These tariffs could be devastating for American farmers, since exports compose as much as 20 percent of the average farmer’s income.
President Trump has responded to the hardships imposed on farmers by these retaliatory tariffs with a 12 billion dollars farm bailout program. The program has three elements: direct payments to farmers, use of federal funds to buy surplus crops and distribute them to food banks and nutrition programs, and a new federal effort to promote American agriculture overseas.
This program will not fix the problems caused by Tramp’s tariffs. For one thing, the payments are unlikely to equal the money farmers will lose from this trade war. Also, government marketing programs benefit large agribusiness but do nothing to help small farmers. In fact, by giving another advantage to large agribusiness, the program may make it more difficult for small farmers to compete in the global marketplace.
Distributing surplus food to programs serving the needy may seem like a worthwhile use of government funds. However, the federal government has neither constitutional nor moral authority to use money taken by force from taxpayers for charitable purposes. Government-funded welfare programs also crowd out much more effective and compassionate private efforts. Of course, if government regulations such as the minimum wage and occupational licensing did not destroy job opportunities, government farm programs did not increase food prices, and the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies did not continuously erode purchasing power, the demand for food aid would be much less. By increasing spending and debt, the agriculture bailout will do much more to create poverty than to help the needy.
Agriculture is hardly the only industry suffering from the new trade war. Industries — such as automobile manufacturing — that depend on imports for affordable materials are suffering along with American exporters. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (who supports tariffs) has called for bailouts of industries negatively impacted by tariffs. He is likely to be joined in his advocacy by crony capitalists seeking another government handout.
More bailouts will only add to the trade war’s economic damage by increasing government spending and hastening the welfare-warfare state’s collapse and the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. Instead of trying to fix tariffs-caused damage through more corporate welfare, President Trump and Congress should pursue a policy of free markets and free trade for all and bailouts for none.
Esser Agaroth wants to know…
Here’s his list of topics for Torah classes that could get him ostracized among nominally observant Jews:
Touching between Single Men and Women: Biblical Prohibition or Option?
The Obligation of Women to Cover their Hair
Jewish Modesty: Specific Laws or Generational Guidelines?
Jewish Modesty: Who dictates these Generational Guidelines? Jews or Non-Jews?
Jewish Modesty: It’s not only about what you wear
Does the title of “Rebbetzin” mean anything other than “wife of the rabbi?”
Wedding Rings for Men: Torah-based or Non-Jewish Custom?
Keeping Torah and Mitzvoth: Do our “feelings” matter?
Are Christians Practitioners of Foreign Worship? Does it matter?
Here are a few suggestions for Torah lectures, based on Rav Yosef Soleveitchik’s ztz”l teachings, and the various, “creative” interpretations of his work:
Special Permission for Birth Control in non-life-threatening situations
(Hint: What permission? I KNOW I’m gonna get flack for this one!)Interfaith Dialogue: Lots of Rabbis are doing it, so what’s the problem?
Modern Orthodoxy: Are we to fit the Torah into modernity, or fit modernity into the Torah?
Here are a few suggestions for Torah classes, based on Rabbi Avraham Yitzhaq Kook’s ztz”l teachings,…and the various, “creative” interpretations of his work:
The Commandment to Guard Israel’s Borders: Can this only be fulfilling through service in Israel’s Defense Forces [IDF]?
Is there a such thing as an IDF order which runs counter to the Torah?
(Hint: Rabbi Avraham Shapira ztz”l, the late Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav Kook seemed to think so, along with many others.)
Is there ever any conflict between Torah Law and Israeli State Law?
(Do I really have to ask this question? Apparently, I do.)
Do Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) belong to the Jewish People?Or are we squatters on Arab lands? Is the answer really that complicated?
(Hint: No, it’s not at all complicated. look at the map.)
What is the original source of Zionism? Hertzl or the Torah?
(Unfortunately, this lecture is actually quite necessary.)
Shmuel I 10:27:
ובני בליעל אמרו מה ישענו זה ויבזהו ולא הביאו לו מנחה ויהי כמחריש.
Yoma 22b – 23a:
אמר רב יהודה אמר רב מפני מה נענש שאול מפני שמחל על כבודו שנאמר ובני בליעל אמרו מה ישענו זה ויבזהו ולא הביאו לו מנחה ויהי כמחריש וכתיב ויעל נחש העמוני ויחן על יבש גלעד וגו’.
Mishlei 11:12:
בז לרעהו חסר לב ואיש תבונות יחריש.
Rashi on Mishlei:
ואיש תבונות יחריש, כשמבזהו החסר לב כמו שאול דכתיב ויבזהו ולא הביאו לו מנחה ויהי כמחריש.
Mishlei 14:34:
צדקה תרומם גוי וחסד לאמים חטאת.
“Giving charity elevates the nation; the kindness of the nations is a sin.”
Rashi explains:
צדקה תרומם גוי, ישראל. וחסד לאומים חטאת, שהיו נוטלים מזה ונותנים לזה.
“Giving charity elevates the nation” – This refers to the Jews.
“The kindness of the nations is a sin” – who take from this one and give to that one (I assume the past-tense word “היו” is only due to the censor).
In short, Tzedakah is specific.