Still, the truth is that there are many more kosher species than is commonly assumed. A few years ago, at the Biblical Museum of Natural History, we decided to prepare banquets that were not only delicious, but also educational, and very special from a kashrut standpoint. Inspired by the trailblazing work of our colleague Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky and Dr. Ari Greenspan, we decided to see how far we could take this idea. These events are enormously complicated, stressful and expensive to produce, but they are unique educational and cultural experiences!
Metzitzah Bapeh and Austrian Economics
Here is Shut (responsa) “Binyan Tzion” at the end of siman 23 defending Metzitza by focusing on the empirical nature of medicine:
Statistical analysis is never perfect, and doctors know little of inexorable cause and effect, if anything, for certain. The same approach to this question was taken by the Chasam Sofer and Maharam Shick.
Economics, however, is logical. We know what laws will do before they do them. Nor can one say “Nishtanu Hateva’im”. Of course, while some may be of the opinion Chazal were not aware of every empirical fact, I don’t know of anyone who would (or has) dared claim Chazal misunderstood pure, unchanging logic.
And if the Torah itself mandates a socialistic mitzvah or a centralized Temple or Ribbis, this is because maximum profits are not the goal, anyway.