HOW Many Jews Must Die to Keep Up the Illusion of Israel Being a Weak State?!
Shmuel Sackett of Zehut makes part of the case against accepting American “aid” for Israel:
… The financial aid comes to 1% of Israel’s GDP. That is correct… just 1%, so we can definitely live without it. On the other hand, the damage that it causes is beyond words. Israel has paid dearly for that aid and many Jewish lives have been lost as a result. Prime Minister Golda Meir hesitated to attack first in 1973 because Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger emphatically told her that if she did, America would stop shipping weapons. The result was tragic and, in the end, Kissinger and President Richard Nixon sent in weapons to save Israel from disaster… but it was they who caused that disaster in the first place!
Fast forward to the war in Gaza just 5 years ago when Israel was forced to shoot thousands of missiles into empty fields and literally ran out of the Hellfire missile – provided by America. When we asked them to immediately ship us more, then-President Obama flatly refused and many IDF soldiers lost their lives due to the IAF (Israel Air Force) not having these missiles for their helicopters. Had Israel manufactured these missiles and not relied on America to supply them, many Jewish lives would have been saved.
This financial support also costs Israel a tremendous amount of money as well. I can give 20 examples but allow me to give just one. Poland is threatened by Russia on a daily basis. They are in desperate need of a missile defense system that can defend their country against ballistic missiles which are shot from several hundred miles away, well in the range of Putin’s gangs. Israel had been supplying Poland with high-quality anti-tank missiles so they decided to place a $7 Billion order with Israel to buy a very sophisticated system for ballistic, surface-to-surface missiles as well.
Believe it or not, part of the deal that Israel signed, when it received the American aid, was that it cannot export missile systems of this type without American approval! You read that correctly; America has to approve the sale of an anti-missile system between Israel and Poland. Had Poland been an enemy country with America, I would understand, but Poland has been a member of NATO for over 20 years and is a US ally… So why care if Israel is selling Poland a system to defend itself against Russia?
What happened? America rejected the deal and Israel lost the $7 Billion sale. So, what did Poland do? They really needed this defense system. No problem… the USA defense company, Raytheon, stepped in and made the sale! But don’t worry. Raytheon was very nice and decided to let Israel get involved in 10% of the deal. This meant that instead of getting $7 Billion, they got $700 Million… still a lot of money but nothing close to what could have – and should have – been. That is just one example of the handcuffs placed on Israel because of the financial aid package.
Much more can be said about both these topics but let me simply conclude by saying that while I am not a member of the Rashida Harbi Tlaib fan club, her twisted logic has actually scored two points in my book, without her even noticing!
Read the rest here on Zehut International.