How to Grab ‘Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba’aretz’ Even While Remaining Outside Israel

A Vignette That Only the Land of Israel Can Produce

December 3, 2018

I made aliya many years ago, and I have many unique experiences to share about the Land of Israel. This is just one of them, but it happened recently, and it unfolds almost like a mystery novel.

It began when I saw one of the locals here in Ramat Shlomo (a suburb of Jerusalem), a man who everybody in the neighborhood knows lives basically hand-to-mouth, sitting in front of a table outside one of the local shuls (which has a broad plaza in front of it), selling grapes. He had piles of grape cartons behind him, enough to fill a truck, and a scale in front of him, and was weighing out kilos of grapes to customers.

“You’ve entered the wholesale fruit business?” I managed to ask him.

“Once every few years,” he replied, busy as he was.

What? This didn’t make sense. An avreich, father of a large family, becomes an overnight fruit peddler? And what’s this “once every few years?”

“What’s going on?” I said to a friend I spotted, as I pointed in a general direction to the impromptu Machaneh Yehuda shuk that was in full swing by the shul.

“You don’t remember he did this a few years ago, too?”

“I must have missed it.”

“This is a maaser ani year [a year in which certain tithes of the harvest in Israel are given to the poor], and unfortunately, he qualifies as an ani [destitute man]. These grapes come from some organization that is mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz with the terumot and maasrot, and he got the maaser ani [i.e., an organization that enables those living in the Diaspora to fulfill mitzvot usually reserved for those who actually live in the Land of Israel].

“What organization?”

“That’s all I know,” he said.

My curiosity was piqued. The neighborhood ani was still busy late into the night, but a few days later, I ran into him and asked him what was pshat. He knows me so I can kid around with him, as I did:

After the harvest, teruma is given to the kohen (Rabbi Shaul Reichenberg) and maaser rishon to the levi (Rabbi Meir Leibowitz, founder of Kinyan Eretz Yisrael).

“Look, you’re a green grocer like I’m a brain surgeon. Ma pitom [what’s this all of a sudden] that you should be selling grapes by the kilo like in Machaneh Yehuda?

“The grapes came from an organization that is mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz by doing the terumot and maasrot for them,” he replied.

“I know, that much I already heard, but how did all that produce make its way to you?”

“I was invited to come to the hafrashat maasrot for this year. One of the grape-pickers gave me a ride to Beit Uziel, a small town near the [Ben Gurion] airport. They have a vineyard there, and they trained the grape-pickers well. They first went around the vines and marked off the clusters that weren’t well formed, those are called olelot, and all the grapes that fell to the ground as they harvested, those were later picked up and brought top me also, those are peret. And they separated the tithes and I got my share — a few tons of grapes, literally. They sent me and the grapes home on a truck and helped me unload them near the shul. Whatever I didn’t sell that night I made into wine.”

“Who’s behind this organization?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know? You were right there! Who spoke to you?”

“I don’t remember, but Rav Shaul Reichenberg was there.”

“Thank you, kol tuv,” I said. Now I had all the information I needed, or so I thought.

I went straight to the nearest beit midrash, because you see, Rav Shaul Reichenberg is the last word, but the last word, on mitzvot hateluyot ba’aretz [mitzvot that apply specifically to the Land of Israel, such as tithing of produce and the Sabbatical year]. How I know about Rav Reichenberg is a story in and of itself. You see, in Israel, the fruits and vegetables are holy, either d’Oraita or d’Rabanan, but tithes have to be taken. Now, if you’re in a religious area, a hech’sher of some sort has already taken care of that, although many people are stringent to tithe again at home, without a blessing. In my case, once upon a time, I was offered a bag of lemons that came from a neighbor’s tree, and these were not maasered by anyone — what’s known as tevel gamur.

He had given me from his tree before, but that was during the shemita [Sabbatical] year, when all the fruits are hefker [halachically ownerless] and don’t need to be maasered. This time I was in trouble, as my wife wanted to use the lemons, but I had no idea how to do a “real” tithing (i.e., not as a stringency). How much should I separate, and would that amount have enough value so that the maaser sheini could be redeemed onto a coin, or if I needed a peruta chamura (a coin that is necessary if only small amount of fruit is being tithed)? With these and other questions in mind, I took a volume of Rav Shaul Reichenberg’s sefer from the shelf of the beis medrash, found his phone number on the front page, called him up and got all the answers I needed. He even let me use his peruta chamura for the redemption …).

That was many years ago, but I found the number, called again and asked Rav Reichenberg what he knows about an organization that is mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz with the mitzvot of terumot and maasrot.

“Of course, you’re talking about Kinyan Eretz Yisrael. It’s an organization that was started 13 years ago to be mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz with the terumot and maasrot.

I thought Rav Reichenberg was being modest.

“The Rav founded it, I understand?”

From these grape vines, the mitzvot of terumot and maasrot were fulfilled. The sign on the first tree to the left states that it belongs to Rabbi Moshe Wolfson of Yeshivat Torah Vodaath and Emunat Shmuel, Boro Park.

“Me, ma pitom!” (How I love it when an international halachic authority is also a down-to-earth guy). “Rav Meir Leibowitz founded it and is still running it. I oversee what goes on each time they go out to the field to separate the terumot and massrot, though.”

Rav Leibowitz? Where did I know that name? I thought to myself.

“Who is Rav Leibowitz,” I asked, although I felt funny chatting with a leading halachic expert over the phone, even if he is down-to-earth.

“Rav Leibowitz is a dayan [rabbinical judge] in Ramat Shlomo.”

Him? I was shocked. I know Rav Leibowitz!

“Rav Leibowitz heads an organization that is mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz with the terumot and maasrot?” I was almost screaming by now.

“First of all, relax. Rav Leibowitz has been running Kinyan Eretz Yisrael for years already.”

“Thank you, kevod harav. Kol tuv,” and with that I hung up, and was really confused. A dayan who handles monetary cases in Ramat Shlomo, the kind who spends his days and nights poring over the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch. He heads an international organization, and in such a different field? If you had told me that the neighborhood ani is the president of some leading corporation, I wouldn’t have been more surprised.

I know Rav Leibowitz, and I sometimes chide him over his bookishness, the way I was able to chide the ani, so I asked him:

“Excuse me, k’vod harav, but may I ask: Do you by any chance head an international organization that is mezakeh the bnei chutz laaretz with the terumot and maasrot?”

He smiled. “And if I do?” he asked.

“Uhhm, listen, you’re the head of an international organization like I’m a brain surgeon (I said I could get away with such statements). What’s pshat?”

“I had a dream, and I still have it, of bringing the mitzvot of Eretz Yisrael to all Jews of the diaspora. There was a time when I went abroad and sold sections of a field in Mazkeret Batya and a vineyard in  Beit Uziel. Contracts were drafted so they were under the ownership of Jews from abroad, who became members, and every year, they have the merit of the mitzvot of tithes. I can’t travel abroad like that anymore, but we still go every year to do the tithing, and if it’s a maaser ani year, like this year, so, you saw what happened recently with the grapes.”

Yes, the grapes, that’s how this mystery started, I thought to myself.

Rabbi Leibowitz declares which sections of the harvest will be designated for the various tithes as required for produce of the Land of Israel.

“But it’s much more than that,” Rav Leibowitz added. “We’ve made textbooks on the mitzvot hateluyot baaretz, and some schools here have adopted it. We are trying to introduce get this subject in the curriculum of schools in America, too. We have to raise awareness about it. People abroad buy Jaffa oranges, or other Israeli produce, and they should know what to do, just like we sometimes have to take tithes here, or we do so as a stringency, they can do so there. You were never given something that needed to be maasered?”

“Uhhm, as a matter of fact…” I thought to myself.

“These exceptional mitzvot, which are part of our daily life, should be part of their daily life, too. That’s always been my vision.”

“And how do members know that you’re really doing the maasering?” (Like I said, only I can get away with such chutzpah).

“We have it all on video, which they can access on our site. But we hope soon to give members much more than that.”

“Like what?”

“Like a package of matza for Passover from their own wheat, grown in Mazkeret Batya, or a bottle of wine from the grapes of their section of the vineyard in Beit Uziel. This is their land, too, and these mitzvot are available to them. That’s the idea. Let them own a tree here and we will take care of the tithes for them, or adaraba [on the contrary], let them fly in for harvest season and do the tithing themselves. Why not?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. You have to see the man I was speaking with. So unassuming, so engrossed in his learning, and yet such an idealist. And here in the neighborhood, no one knows anything about this international “side project” of his. That’s Eretz Yisrael for you!

For more information on Kinyan Eretz Yisrael, visit or email David at They are happy to explain how one can increase the merits of the Jewish people through the mitzvos of the Land.

רק הקב”ה יכול לרפא את הלב – שיר

ישי ריבו – הלב שלי | Ishay Ribo – Halev Sheli

Published on Jan 28, 2019

הצביעו ל”לב שלי” במצעד בגלגלצ –

״הלב שלי״ שיר ראשון מתוך אלבום קונספטואלי
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האלבום יהיה מורכב מביצועים מיוחדים לפיוטי סליחות מהעדות השונות לצד שירים מקוריים
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סיבוב הופעות קיץ 2019!

30.5 אמפי קיסריה-sold out!

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אלבום פיזי /אלבום עם אקורדים / הקדשה אישית עד הבית

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי נִקְרַע לִשְׁנַיִם
מָה שֶׁלֹּא רָאֲתָה שִׁפְחָה עַל הַמַּיִם
כְּמוֹ סוּפָה מִן הַיָּם ,הוֹלֵם
כְּמוֹ תֹּפָהּ שֶׁל מִרְיָם , פּוֹעֵם
וְאֵין תְּרוּפָה בָּעוֹלָם

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי מֵרִים יָדַיִם
כְּבָר מוֹעֵד לֹא עוֹמֵד עַל הָרַגְלַיִם
שֶׁבֶר כְּלִי שֶׁאֵין בּוֹ כְּבָר מָה
וְהַשָּׁמַיִם הֵם לִי חוֹמָה
אֵיךְ אֶעֱבֹר בְּתוֹךְ הַיָּם בְּיַבָּשָׁהּ⁠

וְרַק אַתָּה יָכוֹל
לַהֲפֹךְ מִסַּפַדִי לִמְחֹל
לְזַכֵּךְ אֶת הַחוֹל
לְרַכֵּךְ בִּי הַכָּל

וְרַק אַתָּה מֵבִין אֵיךְ לָגֶשֶׁת לַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי
מֵּשַׁכֵּךְ כָּל כְּאֵב שֶׁבִי
מְרַפֵּא אֶת הַלֵּב

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי נִקְרַע לִשְׁנַיִם
חֶצְיוֹ אָשֵׁם וְחֶצְיוֹ לְשֵׁם שָׁמַיִם
כְּמוֹ סוֹפָהּ מִן הַיָּם ,הוֹלֵם
כְּמוֹ תֹּפָהּ שֶׁל מִרְיָם ,פּוֹעֵם
וְאֵין תְּרוּפָה בָּעוֹלָם ,לַלֵּב

וְרַק אַתָּה יָכוֹל
לַהֲפֹךְ מִסַּפַדִי לִמְחֹל
לְזַכֵּךְ אֶת הַחוֹל
לְרַכֵּךְ בִּי הַכָּל

וְרַק אַתָּה מֵבִין אֵיךְ לָגֶשֶׁת לַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי
מֵּשַׁכֵּךְ כָּל כְּאֵב שֶׁבִי
מְרַפֵּא אֶת הַלֵּב

וְיֵשׁ עוֹד צַר שֶׁמֵּצִיק לְצֹאן
וְאֵין צִיר שֶׁיִּצְעַק לְצוּר
רַק אֲנִי מוּל יָם שָׁלֵם וְלֵב שָׁבוּר..


מילים ולחן: ישי ריבו
עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית :מאור שושן וישי ריבו

קמנצ’ה וסאז: מארק אליהו
גיטרות: עמית יצחק
קאנון וכלי הקשה:אמיר אלייב
בס:שחם אוחנה
תופים:דקל דביר
פסנתר:דוד איכלביץ׳
מיתרים: יועד ניר
קלידים תכנותים וגיטרות נוספות: מאור שושן
קולות: ישי ריבו ומאור שושן

מיקס:שי סיוון
מאסטרינג: ארן לביא

צילום: Sebastian Voortman
גרפיקה: אלעד ליפשיץ
קליפ מילים: מתי שריקי

הוקלט באולפן של מאור שושן
למעט הקלטת תופים באולפני ברדו
ע״י שי סיוון

להזמנת הופעות : יהודה קלמן

ניהול מדיה: אביחי גרפי
ג׳ירף ניו מדיה | Giraffe New Media

יחסי ציבור : מורן פז
טלפון: ‪03-5610288‬

יחסי ציבור נוספים : קובי סלע

ניהול:אור דוידסון

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

The Versailles Treaty: How a Bad Peace Led to Very Bad War

The Treaty of Versailles — 100 Years Later

June 28, 2019 is the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles. The notorious treaty, signed by Germany on June 28, 1919, was the most important of the peace treaties that ended the First World War. Although each defeated nation signed its own treaty, the entire settlement is often called the Treaty of Versailles. The war and peace settlement caused a century of statism and war. On the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles, it is appropriate to reassess its consequences and its lessons for the future.


In early January, 1919, delegates from Britain, France, Italy, and the United States congregated in Paris. Initially, the Allies’ plan was to have a preliminary conference amongst themselves to decide on the peace terms to offer Germany. After the brief preliminary conference, the plan was to invite Germany to a full-scale peace conference to negotiate the terms.

As the Allies squabbled amongst themselves, the preliminary conference gradually developed into the full-scale conference. The Germans were not summoned to Paris until early May. And when they finally arrived, they were never allowed to negotiate the terms of the treaty. Thus, the Treaty of Versailles was a dictated treaty, not a negotiated treaty.

It was unfair for the Allies to dictate the terms of the treaty to Germany. This violated precedents set after the French lost the Napoleonic wars and the Franco-Prussian war. Breaking these precedents was bound to breed contempt for the treaty in Germany. The various military clauses, reparation clauses, and territorial clauses added fuel to the fire.

The military clauses of the treaty disarmed Germany. But the German disarmament was supposed to be part of general European disarmament sponsored by the League of Nations. While the Germans were disarmed by the treaty, the Allies did not fulfill their promise to disarm. This was unfair, and the Allies’ broken promise infuriated German public opinion.

German reparations received too much attention in the aftermath of the war. This was due in large part to John Maynard Keynes and his highly influential book . Keynes’s entire analysis of the reparations problem was fatally flawed, for it was based on a mercantilist theory called the transfer problem. Economic science shows that the transfer problem does not exist.1 Keynes’s mercantilist analysis of the reparations problem incited the Germans, and has misled economists and historians ever since.

Economic historians have increasingly recognized that the reparations imposed on Germany were not as onerous as Keynes insisted.2 However, there was one feature of the settlement that was certainly unwise and unfair: the Allies did not fix the amount of reparations in the treaty. The Germans were forced to sign a blank check, and this allowed them to complain that they had been condemned to indefinite slave labor. Keynes was in charge of preparing the British Treasury’s position on reparations, and it was his tragic idea to not fix the amount of reparations in the treaty.3

The reparations section of the treaty included Article 231 – the infamous war-guilt clause. Article 231 required Germany to accept responsibility for starting the war. This clause was unfair, because Germany was not solely responsible for the war. All the major European powers share the blame. Interestingly, Keynes and John Foster Dulles were the lead draftsmen of Article 231.4

An unfortunate consequence of Keynes’s book was to shift attention away from the territorial problems with the treaty. As the title of his book suggests, Keynes’s criticisms of the treaty were entirely economic; he never criticized the territorial clauses. The really significant problems with the peace settlement were the imperialistic territorial clauses.

Prior to the conference, the Allied leaders assured the world that the peace would be based on the principle of national self-determination. Their actions proved otherwise. At the conference, the Allies imperialistically carved up the world and created new but unsustainable nation states with government coercion.

The Versailles Peace Treaty meant Germany would lose 13 percent of its territory and 10 percent of its population. In the West, Germany lost Alsace-Loraine to France. The residents of Alsace-Loraine were never allowed to decide for themselves whether they wanted to rejoin France. The Allies’ violation of the principle of national self-determination in Alsace-Loraine embittered the Germans.

In the east, the Allied leaders imperialistically carved up Germany (along with Russia and Austria-Hungary) to recreate Poland, a country that had ceased to exist in 1795. To resurrect Poland, millions of Germans, Lithuanians, Byelorussians, and Ukrainians were denied the right to self-determination. Moreover, President Wilson had promised the reborn Poland access to the sea, so the Allies created the Polish Corridor. The Polish Corridor cut off East Prussia from Germany, and it contained the German city of Danzig. The Polish Corridor meant Poland was loathed in Germany.

The Allies created the new nation of Czechoslovakia by carving up Germany and the shattered Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainians, and Hungarians in the new Czechoslovakia were denied the right to self-determination. This was also the case for three million Germans in the Sudetenland. In Germany, Czechoslovakia was a constant reminder of the Allies’ bad faith on the issue of self-determination.

Finally, the Treaty of Versailles prohibited the unification of Germany and Austria. This prohibition violated the Austrians’ right to national self-determination. The territorial clauses regarding Alsace-Loraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria meant the right to self-determination had been unfairly denied to millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Any person interested in the preservation and proliferation of humanity must despise Adolph Hitler and his vile Nazi regime. But it must be asked: how could a lunatic like Hitler rise to power in Germany? The answer is the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles. The German population thought the treaty was unfair, and they wanted someone to oppose it. The treaty created the platform for Hitler’s rise to power. For this reason, the Treaty of Versailles must be considered a major cause of the Second World War.


Italy was the weakest power at the outbreak of the Great War. Although Italy had a defense treaty with Germany and Austria-Hungary before the war, these nations had not been attacked. This meant Italy was not obliged to enter the war on the side of the Central Powers. Instead, Italy remained neutral and opportunistically shopped around for territory.

The Central Powers offered Italy territory, but Italy wanted a piece of Austro-Hungarian territory called South Tyrol. This would give Italy a defensible border in the Alps. For obvious reasons, the Austro-Hungarians refused to promise their own territory to Italy. The Allies, by contrast, were happy to promise Italy this territory. On April 26, 1915, Britain, France, and Russia signed the imperialistic Treaty of London with Italy. With this agreement, Italy would get South Tyrol, Austrian Littoral, and Northern Dalmatia when the Allies won the war.

At the peace conference, President Wilson refused to uphold the Treaty of London. This enraged the Italians. The Italians were granted South Tyrol, and this pushed the Italian border up to the Alps. But the Allies broke their promises on Austrian Littoral and Northern Dalmatia. Rather, the Allies gave this territory to the new nation of Yugoslavia.

The Allies’ failure to uphold the Treaty of London left many Italians feeling cheated. The Allied victory became known as the “Mutilated Victory” in Italy. The Allies’ broken promises to the Italians at the Paris Peace Conference launched Benito Mussolini and his fascist regime into power in 1922.


The Paris Peace Conference had a significant impact on Asia. Prior to the war, the Western powers exercised imperialistic control over most of Asia. Britain controlled modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, along with Hong Kong and Singapore. France controlled modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Russia took territory in Northern China; the Netherlands had Indonesia; the United States controlled the Philippines.

China and Japan were the only real significant independent Asian countries before the war. But China was on the verge of losing its independence. The British, French, Germans, and Russians all exercised control of territory in China via concessions. But Japan was China’s greatest threat. Before the war, Japan had already taken Taiwan and Korea from China, and they controlled Manchuria. The First World War halted European expansion in China, but this left Japan unchecked to wrest away more Chinese territory.

Japan entered the war on the side of the Allies. Before the war, Germany had control of islands in the Pacific, and Japan took these islands during the war. Germany had controlled a territory in China called Shandong, and Japan seized these German concessions. The Japanese made secret imperialistic agreements with Britain during the war that would allow them to keep the German Pacific islands and Shandong.

The Japanese had two demands at the Paris Peace Conference. First, they wanted the Allies to uphold their secret wartime agreements on Shandong and the German Pacific islands. Second, they wanted a racial equality clause. In other words, the Japanese desired a clause in the peace treaty stating that Europeans and Asians are of equal racial quality.

Like the Japanese, the Chinese joined the war on the side of the Allies. The Chinese believed that contributing to the war effort would prevent the Europeans and Japanese from expanding in China after the war. China had one major demand at the Paris Peace Conference: Shandong. This territory had a large Chinese population, and it was culturally important because it was the birthplace of Confucius. But the British had promised Shandong to the Japanese. The Allies found themselves in a dilemma over Shandong.

According to the principle of national self-determination, the Chinese had the proper claim to Shandong. Sadly, the principle of imperialism prevailed over the principle of national self-determination. The peacemakers upheld their imperialistic wartime agreement and granted Shandong to the Japanese instead of the Chinese.

Why grant Shandong to the Japanese? The Allies felt they had two choices: 1) meet the Japanese demand for a racial equality clause, or 2) reject the racial equality clause, but appease the Japanese with Shandong. The peacemakers, especially Wilson, could not overcome their racist inclinations, and they refused the Japanese demand for a racial equality clause.

The Japanese received Shandong, but they were disillusioned by the treaty. The Allies’ refusal to include the racial equality clause made the Japanese lose faith in the West. The treaty bred Japanese militarism and put Japan on the road to war with the United States.

Incredibly, the ramifications in China were just as disastrous. The peacemakers’ decision on Shandong ignited protests in Beijing on May 4, 1919. These protests evolved into the May Fourth Movement, and the Chinese communist movement was born. Seventy-five million Chinese died as a result of Mao Zedong’s communist regime. Eventually, Communism would spread to Korea and Vietnam, resulting in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and ongoing tension between North Korea and the West.

The Middle East

The geopolitical problems in the Middle East over the last century have their roots in the First World War and the Paris Peace Conference. Before the war, the British controlled Egypt, the French controlled Algeria and Tunisia, and Italy controlled Libya. By contrast, the Ottoman Empire controlled modern day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

At the beginning of the war, the Allied Powers made secret imperialistic agreements to carve up the Ottoman Empire. For their part in the war, the Russians demanded the expansion of its territory down to Constantinople. This was a sensitive issue for the British, for it would give Russia influence in the Mediterranean waters around the Suez Canal. India was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire, and Britain shuttled their troops to India through the canal. In short, the Suez Canal was essential to Britain’s imperial control over India.

The British would agree to the Russian demand for Constantinople, but only if Britain was guaranteed certain territory around the Suez Canal. This territory included modern day Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and southern Iraq. British control of these territories would create a bubble around the Suez Canal and thereby secure the British route to India.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement of January 3, 1916 was a secret treaty between Britain and France to carve up the Middle East after the war. France would get the territory of modern day Syria, Lebanon, and northern Iraq, while Britain would get the territory of modern day Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and southern Iraq. Later, the Russians and Italians assented to the treaty.

Unfortunately, the British made promises to the Arabs inside the Ottoman Empire that were incompatible with Sykes-Picot. The British and French controlled territory in India and North Africa that contained vast numbers of Muslims. The British and French were terrified that the Turkish sultan would incite Muslim revolts inside their empires. They were desperate to knock the Ottomans out of the war to avoid an Islamic uprising.

British military campaigns against the Ottomans were disastrous. As a result, the British devised a plan to destabilize the Ottoman Empire from within. The plan was to have the Arabs revolt against the Turks. The British promised Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca, that he would be made king of a unified and independent Arab state after the war if he revolted against the Turks. Hussein agreed. His son Faisal, advised by Lawrence of Arabia, led the Arab revolt against the Turks. The Arab revolt played an important role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

At the peace conference, the British broke their promise to establish a unified and independent Arab state. Instead, they created a handful of new nations in the Middle East that would be dominated by Britain and France. In 1921, the French created the Kingdom of Syria. The British convinced the French to make Faisal the ruler of Syria, but he had no independence. He was exiled by the French in July 1920. The French created the state of Lebanon in 1920, and transferred territory from Syria to Lebanon. This act of imperialism still irritates Syrians today.

The imperialistic Sykes-Picot Agreement led to the creation of Iraq. According to Sykes-Picot, the British would get Baghdad and Basra, while the French would get Mosul in the North. The British realized the importance of oil much earlier than the French, and the British suspected there was oil in Mosul. In 1918, the British convinced the French to relinquish their claim to Mosul. In this way, the British took control of the entire territory that is now Iraq. The British formed the Kingdom of Iraq in 1921, and Faisal was made king.

The British promise for an independent Arab state was incompatible with Sykes-Picot. But British promises to European Jews further complicated the situation in the region. On November 2, 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration — a public statement supporting a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. Czarist Russia was the great anti-Semitic power before the war, and this made many Jews reluctant to support the Allies. The English believed the Balfour Declaration would foster Jewish support of the Allies and weaken Jewish support for the Central Powers.

Sykes-Picot gave the British control of Palestine. In 1921, the British carved Jordan out of Palestine and made Hussein’s son Abdullah king. However, the creation of Jordan infuriated both the Jews and the Arabs. On the one hand, the Jews thought the Balfour Declaration granted them the entire territory of Palestine. Thus, they viewed the creation of Jordan as a broken promise. On the other hand, the Arabs in Palestine revolted at the idea of a Jewish homeland in their territory. There has been tension between the Jews and Muslims in the region ever since.

The war and peace treaties resulted in the creation of new and unsustainable nation states in the Middle East. For those living in the Middle East, even the names Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, etc., are constant reminders that Britain and France betrayed the Arabs. In the end, British and French imperialism in the Middle East caused a century of turmoil in the region.

A Lesson for the Future

The First World War and the Paris Peace Conference led to Nazism in Germany, fascism in Italy, militarism in Japan, extremism in the Middle East, and communism in Russia, China, Korea, and Vietnam. What must be learned from the war and peace settlement? Here is the most important lesson: the free market economy is the only way to lasting world peace.

The war was caused by Europe’s imperialistic intervention in foreign trade. In the decades before the war, there was a massive drive by the European powers to expand their empires. This put the European powers on a collision course. Why the imperial expansion? The European powers did not allow other powers to trade freely in their empires. For this reason, the European powers viewed imperial expansion as the only way to gain new markets for their goods. Europe’s rejection of the principle of free trade was the fundamental cause of the First World War.

The peacemakers at the Paris Peace Conference could not establish a durable peace, because they refused to renounce the imperialistic system that caused the war in the first place. During the war, the British and French made imperialistic agreements to carve up the globe after the war. At the peace conference, they used the peace treaties to enshrine British and French imperialism. The Allies used the treaty to fortify their empires, and the result was a century of war.

Government intervention in the free market economy is the fundamental cause of all modern wars. Government intervention in the domestic economy makes it impossible for domestic producers to compete with foreign producers. To level the playing field, government must enact protectionist measures to shield hobbled domestic producers from foreign competition. Any government that intervenes in the domestic economy must inevitably embrace protectionism. And protectionism leads to conflict and war.

Free trade between nations is required to maintain world peace. But free trade between nations is impossible if nations intervene domestically. External free trade requires internal free trade. The path to lasting world peace starts with the free market economy at home. The great lesson from the First World War and Treaty of Versailles is this: the free market economy at home and abroad is the only way to establish durable peace between nations.

1. As Ludwig von Mises writes, “There is no such thing as a ‘transfer’ problem.” Omnipotent Government (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, [1944] 2011), p. 241. Even Robert Skidelsky, Keynes’s greatest living defender, had to admit: “If we stick to the pure theory of the matter, Keynes was wrong.” John Maynard Keynes: Economist as Savior (New York: Viking, 1992 [1994]) p. 311. For a critique of The Economic Consequences of the Peace, see “Keynes and the First World War,” E.W. Fuller and R.C. Whitten, Libertarian Papers (vol. 9, no. 1, 2017), available at:

2. Richard Davenport-Hines writes, “Economic historians now tend to believe … that Germany could have afforded to pay the stipulated reparations, which were not as irrational as Keynes claimed.” Universal Man (New York: Basic Books, 2015), p. 119. Also see Mises, Omnipotent Government (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, [1944] 2011), pp. 236-41.

3. Charles Hession writes, “when the conference became bogged down on the amount of reparations to be demanded of the defeated nation, it was his suggestion that the exact sum be left undetermined.” John Maynard Keynes (New York: Macmillan, 1984), p. 147. For documentation, see

4. According to Donald Moggridge, “The significant draftsman of the clause were Keynes and John Foster Dulles.” Maynard Keynes: An Economist’s Biography (New York: Routledge, 1992), pp. 308, 331, 346. For documentation, see

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