Made Aliyah? Yoel Berman Has 4 Requests (From Kedushas Tzion Convention Speech)

For the past few years, I have been working on various aspects of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel. Those projects are now under the name “Naava Kodesh”, you can see them online at

There are four projects I would like to share with you –

First, the housing crisis. While it affects also Israeli Chareidim, they are here in Eretz Yisroel to stay, regardless. There are many chutznikim, though, who would be interested in settling here permanently and might consider staying only if they found suitable and more-affordable communities. While Kiryat Sefer, Beitar, Bet Shemesh and the like were an option, rising prices have made those irrelevant for many. I am currently working to promote the more-affordable communities as an option, including in what the Israelis call “Peripheria”, the peripheral communities of the north and south of Eretz Yisroel, where there are beautiful kehillos with several Anglo-Chareidim already integrated. (When I say “Anglo”, I mean coming from any English-speaking country, such as the U.S., Canada, England, etc.).

Second project is a database of Anglo-Chareidi volunteers who are willing to offer information and advice to others of similar mentality that are interested in settling here in Eretz Yisroel. If you have availability to be contacted by phone or email by pre-screened families from your hometown abroad, or from a similar profession, or by others, that have questions about your community, schools, shuls, or parnassah opportunities, please join this effort by filling out the form, available at Even a few minutes of your time can be critical in giving an Anglo-Chareidi family the advice, support, and guidance they need to make Eretz Yisroel their permanent home.

Third – It is not a secret that living in, and building up, Eretz Yisroel – neither the mitzvah aspect nor the personal or technical aspects – are much a matter of discussion in Yeshiva and Chareidi circles, neither here in Eretz Yisroel nor abroad. This runs counter to the fact that Eretz Yisroel has always been of immense value to many of our great Torah personalities, including many who have had the zechus to come and settle here themselves.

In order to convey the message that Yishuv Eretz Yisroel really is of current value to the Chareidi and Yeshiva worlds – and is also something that can feasibly be done today – we are putting together a weekly sheet showcasing efforts of individual Chareidi immigrants from English-speaking countries to live in, settle and build up Eretz Yisroel. To this end, we ask that you agree to also include your efforts, whether large or small, in this publication.

The exposure to fellow Chareidim and Yeshivaleit, like you and me, who, living in Eretz Yisroel, have made a positive impact on themselves or also others, including in the fields of learning and teaching Torah, chinuch, parnossah, self-growth, kiruv and community-building, can have the effect of putting Eretz Yisroel back into our focus, as it has been throughout almost all of the history of the chareidim l’dvar HaShem.

By taking a few moments to share your story with us, we can together make a positive impact on the chutznik Chareidi and Yeshiva world.

Fourth project – As there are many who would be interested to help in these and other endeavors of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel, we thought of creating a forum for those interested in working together to advance all of these issues, and to exchange relevant ideas. If you hold Eretz Yisroel dear, please sign up to join the forum.

How to reach us:


072 298 6213 (voicemail)

שיר – עיין זוהר ויחי דף רי”ט

יואלי קליין, ילד הפלא & שייע גרוס – קל מסתתר | Yoeli Klein & Shaya Gross – Keil Mistateir

Published on Feb 27, 2018

יואלי קליין, שייע גרוס וילד הפלא בלהיט פורימי חדש – “אבער קל מסתתר”

לקראת ימי הפורים הבעל”ט, מגיש בעל המנגן יואלי קליין סינגל פורימי חדש ומקפיץ במיוחד – “אבער קל מסתתר – ווי ביסטי באהאלטן ווי?”.

על עיבוד ההפקה המושקעת, פרי לחנו של האיש והמוזיקה שייע גרוס, הופקד נפתלי משה שניצלער, כשאת הכל מלווה ילד הפלא יוסף שאול שטראססער.

• חדשות בחזית מסביב לשעון בוואטסאפ ◄

• הרשמו לערוץ הטלגרם החדש של בחזית ◄

• להרשמה לערוץ היוטיוב של בחזית ◄

• מוזמנים לעקוב אחרינו בחזית | בטוויטר ◄

• בחזית | באינסטגרם ◄

• בחזית | חדשות בפייסבוק ◄

• בחזית | הניוזלטר ◄

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Peace Through Appeasement Is Wishful Thinking

Mars Attacks!

About fifteen years ago there was a black comedy movie called Mars Attacks! It wasn’t a particularly good film, but the central theme was a perfect parable for Israel. And it also answers the objection of one reader to my previous post on the Palestinians, who objected that it had nothing to do with rationalist Judaism.
In Mars Attacks!, a fleet of Martian spaceships arrives at Earth. The US launches a welcome ceremony, in which the Martians initially participate, announcing that they have come in peace. But then, after a pigeon “makes a deposit” on a Martian, the Martians suddenly kill everyone. The US is convinced that this was a tragic misunderstanding caused by the pigeon incident and arranges for the Martians to address Congress. The Martians agree to do so. The Martian ambassador makes a speech before Congress – and then kills everyone there.

At this point, some people are saying that there is obviously a war to be fought, but the president does not agree. He has a personal conversation with a Martian, in which he makes a very moving speech about cooperation. A tear glistens on the Martian’s cheek. Finally!

And then the Martian kills the president.

Throughout the movie, it’s clear to us that the Martians mean to annihilate all the humans. But we can only recognize that because it doesn’t matter to us (since, after all, it’s only a movie). For the human characters in the story, however, it’s a different matter. Faced with an alien civilization who is technologically superior, the thought of a war is just too terrible to accept. As a result, the humans constantly grasp at straws and fall for the Martian lies, even when there’s no reason to believe them and the humans are fatally compromising their own security as a result. They are “taking risks for peace”!

The black humor of the film is in mankind’s refusal to acknowledge the true intentions of the Martians. Even after fifteen years, I remember one particular scene in which a Martian is charging down the street in a war machine, shouting “We come in peace! We mean you no harm!” while he is firing his laser cannons and killing everyone. It’s absurd… or is it?

When Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo accords, there was very little reason to believe that he was actually serious about wanting peace. After all, in his Arabic speeches back at home, he was telling people that it was a strategic move as part of a longer campaign to destroy Israel. Nevertheless, many intelligent people fell for it – because they were so desperate for peace. One very well-known rabbi (who I will not name) also fell for it and subsequently publicly admitted his error – but how many others did?

Continue reading…

From Rationalist Judaism, here.