הסבר על קריאת שמע עם כוונות האריז”ל

מיועד לאחרי שבועות…

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ארגון “ונשמרתם” נלחמת בחוסר המודעות, ומאפשרת יציאה קלה ותמידית מעוונות פגם הברית, העיניים והאינטרנט. להדרכות מוקלטות, ייעוץ אישי, והכוונה פרטנית, התקשרו אלינו: 077-222-222-1. לשאלות נוספות, כתבו לנו: 0772222221M@Gmail.com

ניתן לתרום לארגון בכרטיס אשראי דרך קהילות או נדרים פלוס.

Reprinted with permission.

If Chazal and Austrian Economics Fit Too Neatly, That Would Be Highly SUSPICIOUS!

I recommend checking out a great article titled “Price-Controls in Jewish Law” (Texas Tech University – Free Market Institute, March 19, 2017) by Michael Makovi here.

Here is the abstract:

Economists generally agree that price controls are almost always self-defeating, generally producing undesirable, perverse consequences and failing to accomplish their intentions. Previous scholarship has explored whether the halakhah (Jewish law) of ona’ah (fraud) constitutes a price control. However, less attention has been paid to the similar law of hayyei nefesh (essential foodstuffs) – also known as hafka’at she’arim (profiteering). Neither has criticism been directed towards arbitrary price controls imposed by the corporate, democratic Jewish community, nor to the Talmud’s restrictions of speculation and middlemen. This essay argues that while the law of ona’ah is not a price control, the hayyei nefesh/hafka’at she’arim ordinance is one. Economic theory demonstrates that like all price controls, the hayyei nefesh/hafka’at she’arim law, corporate communal price controls, and restrictions on speculation and middlemen are all self-defeating because the means conflict with the ends sought. The conflict between religion and science is therefore not limited to cosmology and biology but may include economics as well.

Again, find the whole thing here.

Can We Assume Absence of Custom to Mean a NEGATIVE Custom?

Check out Rabbi Grossman’s recent essay on this.

Some examples he gives:

“We pronounce the last letter of the alphabet just like a samech, and that is meant to be so because it is intentional, and we will not consider any evidence or arguments to the contrary,” “our matza is in the form of crackers, and therefore must be in the form of crackers to the exclusion of all other forms,” or, “the Rosh and Taz did not eat locusts because they did not know which were kosher, and therefore we can never know.”

Find the rest here.