קדושת ציון גליון #41

דרישת ציון על טהרת הקודש ◆ דעת תורה בנושאי ארץ הקודש ת”ו

שלום רב לכל החברים,

על-אף עיכובים רבים שחלו בחודש האחרון, זכינו בסופו של דבר להוציא עלון לקראת ימי הפורים, ובו מאמרים מאלפים כדרכה של ‘קדושת ציון’, עם התיחסות מיוחדת ונרחבת לימי הפורים הבאים עלינו לטובה.

מלבד זאת ישנם גם מאמרים בענייני השעה ובענייני דרישת ציון על טהרת הקודש באופן כללי, כאשר תמיד מנסים מחד לשנן את האמתות שכבר נתלבנו במהלך העלונים שיצאו, ומאידך לא לשקוט על השמרים, אלא לחדש ולהוסיף בעומק ההבנה כדרכה של תורה.

מלבד העלון מצורף כאן קובץ ובו בקשה מהציבור להרתם ולתמוך בעלון ובשאר פעילויות האגודה. החודש כבר היינו מסופקים אם נוכל להוציא את העלון בשל העול הכבד הרובץ עלינו, ועל-כן בקשתנו שטוחה בפניכם שתתנו לבכם לאמור בבקשה זו, ותהיו שותפים פעילים בפעילות האגודה מלבד מה שכל אחד כבר עושה אם בגוף ואם בממון. הנסיון מלמד, כי בענייני ציבור גורליים וחשובים כמו זה, אפילו מאמץ קטן של כל אחד ואחד עוזר רבות, ומלבד העזרה וההשתתפות במשא הכלל – הרי שעצם הנשיאה בעול תורמת רבות במובנים רבים לכל יחיד ויחיד שנוטל על עצמו את המשימה.

מלבד העול הכספי, גם חלוקת העלונים בפועל זקוקה לחיזוק במיוחד בחודש זה, משום שהאחראי על ההפצה, אשר מוסר נפשו וממונו מדי חודש בחודשו על הענין ורב הנסתר על הגלוי בפועלו הענף – בחודש זה בדיוק הוא עובר דירה ולכן אינו יכול לפעול כבכל חודש, מה שמחייב את כולנו לשנס מתניים ולנסות למלא את החלל. על-כן אבקש מכל מי שיכול לחלק את העלון באזור מגוריו – שייצור אתנו קשר ונראה כיצד נוכל לסייע שיגיעו העלונים למקומו ויחולקו כבכל חודש.

במהלך החודש האחרון המשכנו גם בשיעורים לבחורי הישיבות, וברוך ה’ רואים פירות מפעילות זו, ובכוונתנו להרחיב את הפעילות הזו כבר בשבועות הקרובים.

הקו הטלפוני לצערנו אינו פעיל לאחרונה מסיבות טכניות ואחרות, אולם בכוונתנו להחיות אותו ולהעמיד אותו על מתכונתו באופן שדבר האגודה יופץ גם דרכו לציבור רחב. כל מי שיכול לסייע בענין מוזמן ליצור אתנו קשר.

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ניתן לתרום באחת מהדרכים הבאות –

העברה בנקאית:

שם בעל החשבון: עמותת קדושת ציון
בנק: 20 (מזרחי טפחות)
סניף: 459
חשבון: 109491

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Jay Marcus

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ויהי רצון שיקוים בנו ‘אשר ישלטו היהודים המה בשונאיהם’ ונחזה בגאולת ישראל,

לרשותכם תמיד,

יהודה אפשטיין.

אגודת ‘קדושת ציון’.

Reprinted with permission.

Your Mobile Phone – Analyzing the Dangers

Have You Seen the Safety Warning Hidden Inside Your Cellphone?


  • A little-known warning from the manufacturer hidden within your cellphone manual advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body to ensure you don’t exceed federal safety limits for radiofrequency (RF) exposure

  • Depending on the manufacturer, you need to keep your cellphone at least 5 to 15 millimeters away from your head and body at all times to avoid exceeding the safety limit for RF exposure

  • SAR is a measure of how much RF energy your body will absorb from the device when held at a specific distance from your body (ranging from 5 to 15 mm, depending on the manufacturer). It’s important to realize that the SAR value is not an indication of how safe your phone is

  • SAR testing, which is modeled on a very large male head, was devised before cellphone usage became commonplace among toddlers and young children, whose skulls allow for far greater RF energy penetration

In this special edition of CBC Marketplace, originally aired March 2017, journalist Wendy Mesley investigates the safety of cellphones, focusing on a little-known warning from the manufacturer hidden within your cellphone manual that advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body to ensure you don’t exceed the federal safety limit for radiofrequency (RF) exposure.

What’s more, while the safe use information is provided by all cellphone manufacturers, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who has actually been able to find the message on their phone, without detailed instructions on where to locate it.

What the Manufacturer’s Warning Says

While the safe use warning may differ slightly from one phone to the next, the basics remain the same. Mesley reads the information from her iPhone:

“To reduce exposure to RF energy, use a hands-free option, such as speakerphone … Carry iPhone at least 5 millimeters [mm] away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the as tested levels.”

According to the report, “81 percent of Canadians have never seen the message in their phone or manual about carrying their phone 5 to 15 mm away from their body.” What’s more, few really understand what it all means. Is it dangerous to have the phone touching your body? Mesley sets out to discover what the warning means for consumers.

The Berkeley Controversy

Mesley visits Berkeley, California, where the city council passed a cellphone “Right to Know” ordinance,1 requiring cellphone retailers to put up signage informing customers that when the phone is on may result in RF exposure that exceeds federal safety guidelines. The ordinance was initially proposed in 2010 and passed in 2015.

In response, the wireless industry (CTIA) sued Berkeley, claiming the ordinance violates free speech rights by forcing retailers to share this information. Considering the information in question is hidden in the manual of every cellphone sold, and is required by federal law, this legal wrangling sure makes it appear as though the manufacturers have hidden the warning on purpose, and really do not want consumers to find or know about it.

Berkeley mayor Jesse Arreguin believes the lawsuit was launched to prevent other areas from following suit. If Berkeley can require cellphone retailers to post warnings, before you know it, the safety message might be required to be posted in every store across the nation.

What You Need to Know About Your Phone’s SAR Value

As noted by Mesley, whether your phone should be kept 5, 10 or 15 mm away from your body in order to prevent RF exposure exceeding federal safety limits has to do with how the phone was tested. In the film she brings three newly purchased cellphones to RF Exposure Lab in San Marcos, California, one of several labs across the U.S. that conducts specific absorption rate (SAR) testing for cellphones.

SAR is a measure of how much RF energy your body will absorb from the device when held at a specific distance from your body (ranging from 5 to 15 mm, depending on the manufacturer). It’s important to realize that the SAR value is not an indication of overall safety. As explained by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):2

“Many people mistakenly assume that using a cellphone with a lower reported SAR value necessarily decreases a user’s exposure to RF emissions, or is somehow ‘safer’ than using a cellphone with a high SAR value.

While SAR values are an important tool in judging the maximum possible exposure to RF energy from a particular model of cellphone, a single SAR value does not provide sufficient information about the amount of RF exposure under typical usage conditions to reliably compare individual cellphone models.

Rather, the SAR values collected by the FCC are intended only to ensure that the cellphone does not exceed the FCC’s maximum permissible exposure levels even when operating in conditions which result in the device’s highest possible — but not its typical — RF energy absorption for a user.”

Why SAR Ratings Are Terribly Flawed

In a nutshell, the phone is tested to assess how much RF energy is emitted when used under the worst of conditions. “We’re transmitting as if you were as far away from a base station as you can get and still make a call. This is the worst case it could ever get to be for a cellphone,” the lab technician explains.

The testing itself was in fact devised long before cellphone usage became commonplace among toddlers and young children, whose skulls allow for far greater RF energy penetration. With the phone emitting at maximum power, a sensor is then used to measure the depth to which the RF energy is able to penetrate into the dummy head.

All the SAR rating seeks to measure is the short-term thermal effect of the radiation on your body, defined in terms of how much power is absorbed (watts) per unit of tissue (kilogram).

Different types of tissue, such as bone, brain, muscle and blood, all have differing levels of density and conductivity, which also affect the absorption rate. What this means is that a SAR rating is highly dependent on which part of your body is exposed to the radiation.

In the U.S. and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile devices used by the public is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of head tissue. There are several major problems with using SAR as our safety guideline.

For starters, the anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) used to measure SAR is modeled after attributes of the heads of the top 10 percent of military recruits in 1989 — in other words, a 6-foot, 2-inch-tall, 220-pound male, which is larger than 97 percent of the American population. This means anyone smaller than SAM is more vulnerable to radiation penetration, especially children.

According to Om P. Gandhi, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Utah:3

“RF exposure to a head smaller than SAM will absorb a relatively higher SAR. The SAR for a 10-year-old is up to 153 percent higher than the SAR for the SAM model. When electrical properties are considered, a child’s head’s absorption can be over two times greater, and absorption of the skull’s bone marrow can be 10 times greater than adults.”

Secondly, the FCC uses SAM to determine safe levels of ionizing radiation, not noniodizing radiation. Because nonionizing forms of EMF have so much less energy than ionizing radiation, it had long been believed that nonionizing electromagnetic fields were harmless to humans and other biological systems. However, as discussed below, science has shown nonionizing radiation can indeed cause physiological damage.

What’s more, the SAR of the radiation emitted by cellphones is only measured when the phone is actually on and in use, not when it’s sitting idle in your pocket (when it is still communicating with nearby cellphone towers and/or seeking the nearest Wi-Fi signal). Lastly, SAR standards haven’t been updated since 1996, despite the fact the cellphone technology has changed dramatically since then.

Government Research Confirms Safety Concerns

Mesley visits Devra Davis, Ph.D., who first became aware of the dangers of RF from cellphones and began speaking out about it in 2007. Since then, the scientific literature has doubled in size, and Davis is now more convinced of the dangers than ever.

Among the more damning studies are two government-funded animal studies4 that reveal GSM and CDMA radiation has carcinogenic potential. The finalized report5 of these two studies — conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency research program under the auspices of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — was released November 1, 2018.

While the preliminary report released in February 2018 significantly downplayed the findings,6subsequent peer review upgraded the findings of risk. The NTP rates cancer risk based on four categories of evidence: “clear evidence” (highest), “some evidence,” “equivocal evidence,” and “no evidence” (lowest). According to the NTPs final report, the two studies, done on mice and rats of both sexes, found:7

  • Clear evidence for heart tumors (malignant schwannomas) in male rats. These types of tumors started developing around week 70, and are very similar to acoustic neuromas found in humans, a benign type of tumor that previous studies have linked to cellphone use.
  • Some evidence of brain tumors (malignant gliomas) in male rats. Glial cell hyperplasias — indicative of precancerous lesions — began developing around week 58.
  • Some evidence of adrenal gland tumors in male rats, both benign and malignant tumors and/or complex combined pheochromocytoma.
  • Equivocal or unclear evidence of tumors in female rats and mice of both genders.

The studies also found evidence of DNA damage and damage to heart tissue in exposed male and female rats, but not mice, as well as prostate, liver and pancreatic tumors in both rats and mice.

While the NTP insists the exposure — nine hours a day for two years, which is the lifetime of a rodent — is far more extensive than that of heavy cellphone users, I would strongly disagree, seeing how many, especially the younger generation, have their cellphones turned on and near their body 24/7. Many are literally sleeping with their phone beneath their pillow.

What’s more, cellphones are not the sole source of RF. Tablets, computers, smart TVs, wireless baby monitors and smart meters, just to name a few, are also sources of similarly harmful radiation.

Continue reading…

From Mercola.com, here.

Children Should Not Consume Alcohol – Even on Purim!


Purim is a really fun time for kids and adults alike, and it means lots of visiting family and friends! It’s important to keep in mind that 95% of abuse occurs at the hands of someone well known to the child, which makes it so important to stay educated and proactive while avoiding unnecessary panic or anxiety (which is detrimental to kids). Whether you’re away visiting others or having lots of guests, safety rules are a must!

  • Children need to know that if anyone offers them alcohol, they must tell you immediately. It is both illegal and dangerous for minors to consume alcohol. It is also important to remember that children are very small people, and the effects of even a small amount of alcohol can be magnified significantly. A child under the influence of alcohol, in an unnaturally uninhibited state, with decreased ability to resist, and with impaired memory faculties, is a high risk of being abused and hurt.
  • Sometimes, as excited as we are about seeing friends and relatives, it’s easy to forget that our usual personal boundaries still apply. Remind your friends and relatives that if your child wants to skip the hugs and kisses this time, that should be their choice. Even the most loving and well-meaning family member can cause a child confusion about owning their body, by forcing them to give hugs and kisses when they don’t want to.
  • While treats and sweets are an important part of Purim for kids, your children should be reminded that accepting treats should only be done with your permission.
  • As always, pay attention to adults or older teens who are paying extra special attention to your kids. There are plenty of great, healthy adults who enjoy spending lots of time with children, but in general, adults and children should want to be spending time with people their own age. Trust your gut feelings, and your children’s instincts – if they don’t want to spend time with a certain relative or friend, don’t force them. Give them a chance to discuss it with you in a relaxed, non-pressured environment.
  • As always, your child should be reminded that secrets should never be kept from parents. If anyone asks your child to come with them somewhere, without telling you, the answer should be NO! (even if it’s someone he/she knows well)

The staff and volunteers of Jewish Community Watch wish all of you and your children a happy and safe Purim!

Check out these important articles on our site for more information on how to protect your children: