Throw Your Mayim Achronim Judaica in the GARBAGE!
I try not to use an electric sledgehammer to make my points, but it’s good to make exceptions every once in a while for those sweet readers who found this place by accident, and take me at my word when I say this site consists of mild-mannered “Aggregated Articles About Judaism“.
The Mishna Berurah (181:10) we just quoted the other day is crystal clear: Your Mayim Achronim set is probably too small, and not just because of the Gra. Can you actually clean your hands with the amount of water it holds? Can you then pass it along the table, or is it empty after one halachically correct use? That’s what I thought…
Glance at the Mayim Achronim pictures here. Which one does yours resemble, (and at what scale)?
If you think the “Heteirim” for avoiding the mitzva are valid, and just enjoy washing your hands after a meal, stop lying to everyone. Keep washing your hands the wrong way (How dare you improve upon the custom of your Rosh Yeshiva?!), but throw out your ostentatiously royal silverware מזכרת עון, and go to the sink (or use silverware for everything).
And stop calling the made-up ritual “Mayim Achronim”!
There. Was I rude yet? Well, at least I no longer appear to be copying at random from the Mishna Berurah…