They were involved in the first ban. And they later admitted they had not read the second edition.
You can hear all about it in the following Torah In Motion interview with Rabbi Kamenetsky, approx. minute 39:40 through 50:55.
You all remember that one of the daughters of Tzelofchod was named Milkah. Milkah was an old Hebrew name, from way back. Now it doesn’t say Malkah, which would mean Queen or Princess; it says Milkah. What does milkah mean? When you turn to Aramis (see Daniel 4:24) you see that it means ‘counsel,’ wisdom. Like we find in the gemara many times: Nimlach – he thought it over. Nimlach is translated as nisya’eitz, to take counsel.
(To Daniel we can also add Iyov 38:2 מי זה מחשיך עצה במלין בלי דעת with Pseudo-Yonasan idem: מן הוא דין כמחשיך מלכא במליא מדלית מנדעא.)
So the word melech means “the One who has eitzah, wisdom.” Not merely that He has the power to rule the world, but He knows how to rule the world. Hashem’s wisdom, the chochm as Hashem, is the most outstanding form of His malchus. הַשֵּׁם בְּחָכְמָה יָסַד אָרֶץ – Hashem founded the world with chochma, with wisdom (Mishlei 3:19). Now, of course He founded it with power, no question about that; the creation of the universe from nothing is powerful, absolutely. But chochma is the real explanation of the whole briyah. כּוֹנֵן שָׁמַיִם בִּתְבוּנָה – He established the heavens with understanding. Every detail in the briyah is filled with infinite wisdom, and therefore wisdom is the hallmark of Creation, the defining trait of the briyah.
And so, when we say ‘Hashem Melech,’ it means much much more – infinitely more – than the word “king” as used by the umos haolam. Our King is not one who gains power but rather one who deserves power because of His ability to rule with wisdom. The Creator is indeed All-Powerful, but His endless wisdom in the management of the world is the reason for His title of Hashem Melech, the King of the World.
Actually, no.
Kings are called “Melech” because the position itself is acquired via and due to prior wisdom. Historically speaking, the wise judge is made a king. And the king must continue judging wisely to hold his seat, as this is his chief claim to legitimacy (so Avshalom tried slandering his father, David, in this area). But the metaphor stems from human affairs.
We have written in similar fashion about Jews also being a nation, this being no contradiction to greatness, Hebrew also being a language, in spite of its holiness, Israel also being the Jewish homeland, and so on contra the commonly drawn false dichotomies.
Tehillim 91:10:
אמרו בגוים השם מלך אף תכון תבל בל תמוט ידין עמים במישרים.
Yeshaya 32:1:
“הן לצדק ימלך מלך…”
Rashi Mishlei 20:8:
מלך יושב על כסא דין, יש לפרשו כנגד הקב”ה ויש לפרשו כנגד שופטי אמת.
Tehillim 72:1-4:
לשלמה אלהים משפטיך למלך תן וצדקתך לבן מלך. ידין עמך בצדק וענייך במשפט. ישאו הרים שלום לעם וגבעות בצדקה. ישפט עניי עם יושיע לבני אביון וידכא עושק.
Likewise, judges are referred to as kings.
Mishlei 16:10-12:
קסם על שפתי מלך במשפט לא ימעל פיו. פלס ומאזני משפט לידוד מעשהו כל אבני כיס. תועבת מלכים עשות רשע כי בצדקה יכון כסא.
Rashi on Mishlei 16:10:
קסם על שפתי מלך, על שפתי חכם היושב בדין.
Rashi 16:12:
תועבת מלכים עשות רשע, דבר תעוב הוא לדיינין ואין הגון להם לעשות רשע.
There is also the incentive structure, as we have written in the past:
It’s not that the king is doing this Lishmah, rather כי בצדקה יכון כסא. Besides, they often became kings because of a prior reputation for being an effective judge. And they now have real power, unlike when they were just an arbitrator, tempered by the fact they take a percentage of the gross national prosperity, and regimes require the consent of the governed, especially personal regimes.
אחרי שכבש את במת היכל מנורה עם שירו החדש “מלך המשיח“, בביצוע ראשוני מיוחד ומרגש, כשהוא מלווה בילדיו ונכדיו. במסגרת כנס נשות חב”ד הארצי. ובעקבות התלהבות קהל האלפים שגדש את ההיכל, ושובל הפידבקים המדהימים שהלך ונמשך הרבה אחרי שכבו האורות האחרונים שבהיכל. אהרון סיטבון לקח את-זה צעד אחד קדימה, ומשיק סינגל חדש.
Reproduced with permission.
While living in Paris, Rabbi Dr Rabinowitz began translating the Talmud into French When his friend, Louis Pasteur, saw a copy of “Seder Mo’ed” – the tractates dealing primarily with the Jewish holiday cycle – it roused his curiosity. To his amazement he read there the following statement:
“If someone is bitten by a mad dog [affected with rabies], he should be fed the lobe of that dog’s liver.”
The doctor was amazed at this healing method, which used part of the infected animal itself. He concluded that the Sages knew that an infected body produces antibodies, which attack an invading infection. Moreover, it seems that the antibodies, which concentrate in the liver, could actually help heal a person who was bitten by a rabid dog. Doc. Pasteur immediately began a series of experiments that eventually resulted in the saving of millions of human lives.
It really bothers me when people use falsehoods to try and make other people religious. To me, this seems like a complete distortion of both history (and science) and – more importantly – of Torah. Let’s have a look at the facts:
About Rabinowitz, I only know what google tells me. Apparently Dr. Israel Mikhl Rabinowitz was originally from Grodno and eventually came to Paris where he qualified as a doctor. But he gave up medicine to devote himself to translating the Talmud into French (the international language of the time). According to this website
Between 1871 and 1880… he published excerpts of the sequence: זרעים, מועד, נשׁים, נזיקין, קדשׁים, טהרות [six books of Mishna: Seeds, Holidays, Women, Damages, Sanctity, Purification] accompanied by forwards and comments.
It is perhaps conceivable that he knew Louis Pasteur. But Pasteur had begun work on vaccination in the mid 1860s. While his vaccine for rabies was first used only in 1885, the concept of vaccines went back to Jenner’s work in 1796. Furthermore, Pasteur did not use livers to obtain his vaccine, but saliva from rabid dogs. It is possible that the story Cohen tells is true, but to my mind extremely unlikely that reading the Talmud led to his discovery of the vaccine.
Now let us look at the Talmud:
The Mishna (Yoma chapter 8 number 6) tells us that the idea of eating the lobe of the liver of the diseased dog was actually forbidden by the majority of the Rabbis. Only Matia ben Cheresh permitted it. Soncino translates thus (Yoma 82b):
As Rabbi Dr. Fred Rosner points out, he lived in Rome and was thus acquainted with the wisdom of the ancient physicians such as Dioscorides, Galen, and others. In other words, not only is the ‘cure’ not agreed to by the Rabbis, its source is not actually Jewish, but from the Greeks. In fact, “Vegetius Renatus (3rd century) recommended that cattle bitten by a rabid dog could be protected by making them swallow the boiled liver of the dog.” Perhaps he learnt this from Rav Matia ben Cheresh, but it seems to me equally possible that Rav Matia learnt it from him. It is possible that Matia lived earlier (2nd century) which means that we should credit him with the cure. But I am not convinced that his cure was discovered from his knowledge of Torah, but rather from the medicine that was being discovered in Rome at that time.
If we look at the Talmud (84a) that follows this Mishna, we see that the Rabbis’ ideas of cures were very different from those of modern medicine.
‘One whom it bites, dies’. What is the remedy? — Abaye said: Let him take the skin of a male hyena and write upon it: I, So-and-so, the son of that-and-that woman, write upon the skin of a male Hyena: Hami, kanti, kloros. God, God, Lord of Hosts, Amen, Amen, Selah, Then let him strip off his clothes, and bury then, in a grave [at cross-roads], for twelve months of a year. Then he should take them out and burn them in an oven, and scatter the ashes. During these twelve months, if he drinks water, he shall not drink it but out of a copper tube, lest he see the shadow of the demon and be endangered. Thus the mother of Abba b. Martha, who is Abba b. Minyumi, made for him a tube of gold [for drinking purposes].
According to Zamir Cohen, the Rabbis of the Talmud knew all of modern medicine and should be thanked for inventing vaccines and saving lives. Do you think that even he would go to a doctor who prescribed this kind of treatment? The Rabbis of the Talmud thought that rabies was caused by either witchcraft or an evil spirit:
Where does it come from? — Rab said: Witches are having their fun with it. Samuel said: An evil spirit rests upon it
Is it not dishonest to claim that the Rabbis understood that “infected body produces antibodies, which attack an invading infection.” Would Pasteur really have been impressed by this scientific knowledge?
Why does any of this make a difference? Apart from the fact that I think it is a perversion and distortion of Torah (which bothers me a LOT), it has major implications for halacha. The next sugya in the Talmud there is about the definition of death. Do we check the nose (for respiration) or the heart (from cardiac activity)? If the Rabbis of the Talmud knew all of modern medicine and received their knowledge from the Torah, then there is no possibility that modern medicine knows better than they about things like deep brain stem death. If, on the other hand, the Rabbis were telling us the wisdom of their time, then perhaps we can update Jewish views on medicine to take into account modern medicine and techniques.
שמעתי מכמה אנשים שהחפץ חיים מתחלה היה בעל לשון הרע, חלילה, ושכ”כ הרב יצחק הוטנר זצ”ל. ולא היא.
ז”ל פחד יצחק – אגרות ומכתבים קכ”ח:
רעה חולה היא אצלנו שכאשר מתעסקים אנו אנו בצדדי השלימות של גדולינו, הננו מטפלים בסיכום האחרון של מעלתם. מספרים אנו על דרכי השלימות שלהם, בשעה שאנחנו מדלגים על המאבק הפנימי שהתחולל בנפשם… הכל משוחחים, מתפעלים ומרימים על נס את טהרת הלשון של בעל החפץ-חיים זצ”ל, אבל מי יודע מן כל המלחמות, המאבקים, המכשולים, הנפילות, והנסיגות לאחור שמצא החפץ-חיים בדרך המלחמה שלו עם יצרו הרע, משל אחד מני אלף.
חשוב שלא להסתיר חסרונות בצדיקים כשיש תועלת, אך גם אין להוציא שם רע על המתים!
But Rabbi Elyashiv didn’t consult with his victim the second time, either. His ostensible excuse was that the witnesses had this time assured him that they had each read the book themselves and that neither of them was ever involved with the original ban. These individuals were Rabbi Don Segal (famous Israeli mashgiach) and Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum (dean of Brooklyn, Chassidic “Sha’arei Yosher” yeshiva) — not to be confused with Jonathan Rosenblum.
Except again this was all a lie (Surprise!).
They were involved in the first ban. And they later admitted they had not read the second edition.
You can hear all about it in the following Torah In Motion interview with Rabbi Kamenetsky, approx. minute 39:40 through 50:55.
(You must create an account to hear the full-length original.)