MUSIC VIDEO: As R’ Yisrael Salanter Once Told R’ Naftali Amsterdam…

”All You Got” by 8th Day – Official Music Video

Dec 19, 2012

http://MY8THDAY.COM – ‘All You Got’ now available on iTunes, and
The title track from 8th Day’s latest album, enjoy this incredible blend of animation with live action music video.
Animation – Annita Soble
DP – Yoni Oscherowitz
Produced by – Bentzi Marcus, Shmuel Marcus


after 125 years
you go up to heaven, you climb all those stairs
they won’t ask you were you wise like solomon
they won’t ask you were you strong like samson
oh no….

they’ll ask just one question and you’ll give just one answer
it’s the end of the game and only one thing matters, they’ll say
did you give it all you got

cuz in this life you only have what you got
so give it give it give it all you got
in this world we only have, we only have what we got
so give it give it give it all you got

if you say it’s easy i’ll say its not you gotta give it a.y.g.
if you say its not for you, i’ll say its your lot you gotta give it a.y.g.
if you say you’re tired i’ll say tick tock you gotta give it a.y.g.
and you could put my album on the shelf to rot, just give it a.y.g.

after working so hard and wiping those tears
you look in the mirror you face all your fears
don’t be a fool trying to be wise like solomon
only the weak try to be strong like samson
oh no…

i did what i said i got no one to blame
only one thing matters at the end of the game
they’ll say… did you give it all you got..


no need to put my album on the shelf to rot, just give it all you got

From YouTube, here.

‘Rishon Letzion’ and ‘Chief Rabbi’: It’s WAY Past Time to Decrown Crown Rabbis!

Those garish gold-and/or-silver-embroidered rabbinical robes and turban for “Rishon Letzion” and “Chief Rabbi” today arrogate undeserved honor (and denote deserved mockery) for the wearers.

Think: Ethnarch glorifying himself with reflected glory after the source is dead, sans testators. After all, these garments are meant to palely reflect the greater honor of a specific sovereign (the Ottomon Emperor) who reigns no more.  Do these משבצות זהב uniforms convey legal authority? If so, they have the same validity as a British Honduras passport representing a defunct country.

Perhaps the agent doesn’t need the principal since Torah scholars deserve all the honor in the world, anyway?

Sure. But are these appointees the greatest Torah scholars in the land, as (may have been) the “Chacham Bashi”, after whom these items and titles are styled?! No longer is this even vaguely plausible (with all due respect).

Yerushalmi Bikkurim 11b leaps to mind:

ר’ מנא מיקל לאילין דמתמניי בכסף. רבי אימי קרא עליהון אלהי כסף ואלהי זהב לא תעשו לכם. א”ר יאשיה וטלית שעליו כמרדעת של חמור. א”ר שיין זה שהוא מתמני בכסף אין עומדין מפניו ואין קורין אותו רבי והטלית שעליו כמרדעת של חמור. רבי זעירא וחד מן רבנן הוון יתיבין עבר חד מן אילין דמיתמני בכסף. אמר יתיה דמן רבנין לרבי זעירא נעביד נפשין תניי ולא ניקום לון מן קמוי. תירגם יעקב איש כפר גבורייא הוי אומר לעץ הקיצה עורי לאבן דומם הוא יורה יודע הוא יורה הנה הוא תפוס זהב וכסף לא בכספייא איתמני וכל רוח אין בקרבו לא חכים כלום הוי אומרי’ בעיתון ממנייה.

Of course, there is something highly symbolic about all this. The entire rabbinic establishment is ensconced in a non-rethinking, behavioral rut, especially when it comes to their own benefit.

Rabbi Yitzchak Brand on knee-jerk conservatism:

… מנהיג שחי עכשיו, אבל כל ההנהגות שלו הם ע”פ מה שפסקו ונהגו בדור הקודם, על אף שיש הרבה שינויים במצב הדור ובחלק ההלכה, מ”מ כיון שחי עכשיו זה נחשב שופט שבימיך. או שצריך להיות שהוא מבין שכעת אנו חיים במצב שלנו וצריך לפסוק ע”פ המציאות של המצב שלנו, ואם הוא פוסק ומנהיג ע”פ מצב של דורות הקודמין לא נחשב שופט שבימיך…

(Rabbis should be literally defrocked, too, for another reason.)

The gold is fool’s gold.

EVERYTHING CHANGING: People Take Comedians Seriously and Politicians as a Joke!

Mafia Wants A Piece Of Hamas’s Calm-For-Cash Racket

They reacted with open-mouthed awe at the scale at which Hamas commits deadly violence aimed at securing infusions of cash from Qatar via Israel.

New York, May 7 – Leading figures in the city’s organized crime underworld expressed admiration and no small measure of envy today as the Islamist movement that governs the Gaza Strip continued to outperform them in extorting “protection” money for not engaging in violence.

Prominent members of the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, and Columbo crime families that control a significant portion of the extortion racketeering operations in the New York metropolitan area confessed Tuesday that they reacted with open-mouthed awe at the scale at which Hamas commits deadly violence aimed at securing infusions of cash from Qatar via Israel, a scale that dwarfs the families’ revenue.

“They’ve got this down – they’re professionals, and I can only tip my hat to them,” admitted Mario Zanotti of the Genovese family. “We’ve been doing this for a hundred years or so, and even at our peak, we were never clearing billions a year. Add to that the international aid money that Hamas pockets or otherwise squanders and it adds up to some impressive numbers. I don’t think we could match that even in our heyday.”

“I could sit and watch them all week,” confided Joe Fiorino of the Genovese. “They’re masters. And Hamas doesn’t shy away from hurting or killing its own people, which is one of the reasons their extortion is so effective. They get Israel to make concessions on security and to allow cash deliveries into the Gaza Strip by trying to kill Israelis, and they oppress their own and put them in the line of fire to get other countries to feel sorry enough for the Palestinians of Gaza to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to ‘reconstruction’ projects that are really just slush funds for Hamas. I don’t know if we could ever be that ruthless, cynical, or competent at what’s supposed to be our trademark.”

At least one New York mafioso believes the organization should send a delegation to Gaza to study Hamas’s methods up close. “It might not yield results for us on the same order of magnitude,” noted Gambino family member Emilio Muti, “but that shouldn’t stop us from optimizing what we can achieve. Hamas doesn’t have anyone but Israel trying to stop them, and they have the support of Iran, Qatar, and Turkey, whereas we have to constantly contend with the police, FBI, and who knows what else, so our situations aren’t exactly analogous. But I would like to see what would happen if we started lobbing rockets at the Upper West Side.”

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

A Miraculous Tale of Excommunication Prior to Communication

We have written many times of bans and rulings inexcusably issued without the presence of the accused, in blatant contravention of the Torah’s command: שמע בין אחיכם ושפטתם צדק.

When I mentioned this to a certain Jew, he mentioned an interesting legend:

The Maharshal (Rabbi Shlomo Luria) was related to the Arizal (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria), and when he heard of the fantastic claims coming out of Eretz Yisrael, he began sending letters in an attempt to excommunicate the latter, all from his home base in Poland.

So, the Arizal sent him freshly baked Challah from Tzefas. Although it took many weeks of travel, the bread arrived fresh and piping hot. When the Maharshal saw this (and other things) he ceased all opposition.

(For a complete/embellished version of this, see here.)

Of course, even if all this is literal fact, this doesn’t mean it was permitted to act in this fashion…