Not Sure If This Fits With Rabbi Yosei in Perek ‘Lo Yachpor’…

Environmentalism and Economic Freedom: The Case for Private Property Rights

by Walter Block

Journal of Business Ethics 17: 1887–1899, 1998.

This paper shall attempt to reconcile environmentalism and economic freedom.

Before making this seemingly quixotic endeavor, we must be sure we are clear on both concepts. Environmentalism may be non controversially defined as a philosophy which sees great benefit in clean air and water, and to a lowered rate of species extinction. Environmentalists are particularly concerned with the survival and enhancement of endangered species such as trees, elephants, rhinos and whales, and with noise and dust pollution, oil spills,  greenhouse effects and the dissipation of the ozone layer…

Economic freedom also admits of a straightforward definition. It is the idea that people legitimately own themselves and the property they “capture” from nature by homesteading, as well as the additional property they attain, further, by trading either their labor or their legitimately owned possessions. Sometimes called libertarianism, in this view the only improper human activity is the initiation of threat or force against another or his property. This, too, is the only legitimate reason for law. To prevent murder, theft, rape, trespass, fraud, arson, etc., and all other such invasions is the only proper function of legal enactments.

At first glance the relationship between environmentalism and freedom would appear direct and straightforward: an increase in the one leads to a decrease in the other, and vice versa. And, indeed, there is strong evidence for an inverse relationship between the two…

How can environmentalism and economic freedom be reconciled? Simple. By showing that free enterprise is the best means toward the end of environmental protection. This appears a daunting task at the outset, given the emphasis placed by most environmentalists on socialism, and their hatred for capitalism. But a hint of the solution may be garnered by the fact that laissez-faire capitalism, as adumbrated above, strenuously opposes invasions, or border crossings, and that many environmental tragedies, from air pollution to oil spills, may be reasonably be interpreted in just such a manner. The reason for environmental damage, then, is the failure of government to protect property rights (omissions) and other state activity which either regulates private property, or which forbids it outright (commissions). Let us consider a few test cases…

Read the rest of the article here.

The Ramak’s Meditative Instructions for Friday Night Intimacy

Meditative Instructions For Friday Night Intimacy: Romantic Kabbalah in R. Moshe Cordovero

by Dr. Natan Ophir (Offenbacher)
Here is the English abstract [Massekhet, vol. 10, by Matan Jerusalem, October 2010, pp. 87-113, (English abstract 12-13)]:

How should love, intimacy, and joy be aroused? What is the secret for transforming physical love into a spiritual vehicle? In what ways can conjugal sex become a powerful tool to connect to the Divine? Such questions are addressed by RaMaK, R. Moshe Cordovero (1522–1570), one of the most prolific Kabbalist thinkers in Jewish history.  In Ohr Yakar, his commentary to the Zohar, and in Tefillah LeMoshe, his commentary and meditative manual to the liturgy, RaMaK provides guidance on why, when and how to make love.

RaMaK quotes with approbation a 14th century Kabbalistic dictum that a person who has not experienced physical sexual passion cannot truly discover spiritual love for God. He reprimands those who advocate pious sex by using the “hole in the sheet” method. In reality, they wedge an artificial separation between male and female and prevent a truly intimate union. Instead, relying upon the authority of the Zohar, RaMaK argues for a romantic-spiritual experience.

This article contrasts the tantalizing instructions of the RaMaK to the prevalent halachic-moralistic traditions of leading authorities such as the Rambam, Raavad, Tur and Shulhan Arukh who tended to mitigate the pleasure element in sex. In contrast, RaMaK justifies a romantic intimacy that breaks away from the ascetic trend.  He frames conjugal sex as a redemptive undertaking that creates harmony in both interpersonal relations and in the spiritual world of the Divine Sefirot.

RaMaK demonstrates the inherent value of love and sex at the proper time and place. He explains why Friday night is most conducive to creating the spiritual transformation. He details the Kabbalistic premises underlying the physical-mystical sexual intimacy as essential to both channeling erotic desire and facilitating the flow of Divine Influx (Shefa).

In sum, this article analyzes RaMaK’s exposition upon the Zoharic ‘secrets’ for arousing passion and then transforming it into a vehicle for spiritual unification. It demonstrates how this is part of a mindfulness practice inherent in the meditative Kabbalah developed by the RaMaK and his colleagues in 16th century Tzfat. The article concludes by suggesting that the RaMaK’s approach is a rudimentary model of what we might call “Kosher Tantra”.

Again, here’s Dr. Natan Ophir’s full article on Hyehudi.

למען ציון לא אחשה: מכתב הרב ברנד ואחרים אודות הסכם זהות-ליכוד להקל על יהודים בהר הבית

מכתב חיזוק על ההצהרה לשיפור השירות בהר הבית

עשרות רבנים וראשי ישיבות, דתיים וחרדים, שיגרו בשבוע האחרון מכתב חיזוק וברכות לראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ולמשה פייגלין על ההצהרה התקדימית לשפר את השירות ליהודים בהר הבית

23:19 (22/09/19)

עשרות רבנים וראשי ישיבות, דתיים וחרדים, שיגרו בשבוע האחרון מכתב חיזוק וברכות לראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ולמשה פייגלין על ההצהרה התקדימית לשפר את השירות ליהודים בהר הבית.
“אנחנו מברכים את ראש הממשלה מר בנימין נתניהו על התקדים ההצהרתי, הפומבי ובכתב, לשיפורים בהר הבית ולעולים אליו”, כתבו הרבנים, ביניהם גם זקני רבני הציונות הדתית, הרב צפניה דרורי, הרב אליעזר וולדמן, הרב דניאל שילה ועוד עשרות רבנים.
הרבנים מדגישים במכתבם כי “העליה להר הבית בטהרה כהלכה, מוסכמת אף על כמה מן הרבנים הראשיים לדורותיהם”.
במטה ארגוני המקדש מציינים כי הכוונה בין השאר לרבנים הראשיים לישראל הרב יצחק ניסים, הרב שלמה גורן והרב מרדכי אליהו שתמכו באופן פעיל בעולים להר הבית כהלכה.
עשרות הרבנים החתומים כתבו עוד כי “אשרי כל מי שזוכה להעצים את העליה להר הבית כהלכה”. וכי העליה להר הבית “יש בה קיום מצוות רבות. כגון ירושת המקום, הורשת הגויים, דרישת המקדש ומורא מקדש”.
בסיום מכתבם מברכים הרבנים גם את משה פייגלין, אשר הביא לחתימתו של ראש הממשלה על ההצהרה התקדימית בהסכם החיבור של מפלגת-זהות “בדרישותיו ובעמידתו רבות בשנים לימין העליה להר הבית”.