Rewriting History: Hilchos Tola’im

Hamodia Magazine (13 Cheshvan 5772, p. 5) published an interview with Rabbi David Bistricer, Rabbinic Coordinator for the OU’s Kashruth Division.

Getting the interviewee to admit to the ugly truth is like pulling weeds, but eventually bears fruit (for the careful reader, anyway).

The article begins like so:

Much of the discussion and publicity revolving around insects in vegetables appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon. Is that correct?

That is not correct. The Torah was written for all generations and outlines clearly multiple prohibitions that can be violated with the consumption of even a single insect. Chazal discuss various issues relating to insects in food, which were clearly relevant on a practical level during their times. Discussions involving the many detailed laws of hilchos tola’im are found in the Rishonim as well, including practical case-related questions and examples. Many of the contemporary issues are referenced in Shulchan Aruch and are addressed by both early and later Achronim. The subject of tola’im has been relevant to Klal Yisrael from the times of Moshe Rabbeinu to the resent.

Why does it seem, then, this is a relatively new issue?

That can be partly attributed to the fact that the extent of the problem depends on many variables, which are subject to change. The pervasiveness of infestation will depend on regional climate, individual seasons, specific fields, and their growers. Occurrence of insect infestation is less of an issue with geographical areas that are colder or are highly elevated, whereas warmer or lower areas are more prone to infestation, similarly, although infestation cannot be completely eliminated, growing practices, such as the use of certain pesticides and other controls, can reduce the extent of the problem. Therefore, since these practices may vary from grower to grower, these concerns could be a large problem for one, while much less of a problem for another.

Since there are so many factors and variables, individual experiences can vary. This is especially true from country to county.

Is that why every now and then there are newly discovered problems with certain kinds of produce that were previously thought to be insect-free?

That is often the case, since infestation outbreaks depend partly on the weather and are therefore just as predictable. There is such a thing as a bad season, and at times infestation can be cyclical. However, generally, when there are shifts, they tend to be downward, and nonissues become real, ongoing concerns, though that’s not always the case. Nevertheless, some of the newly discovered problems aren’t new at all and can be found clearly referenced and addressed in Shulchan Aruch and Poskim.

Does this help explain why in the past this was not as much of an issue?

That is partly correct, since the prevalence of infestation varies from region to region and depends on so many factors, such as those alluded to above. However, it also important to note that there are certain valid halachic leniencies that have been relied upon previous generations. There were instances in which halachic authorities adopted legitimate positions, whose foundations were built from the Shulchan Aruch, as these great Poskim recognized both the necessity to address the issues and the practical limitations of the times. Someone who is adequately versed in hilchos tola’im in Shulchan Aruch and the teshuvos that discuss these issues will understand this point.

It is very important not to disparage practices of previous generations that find support in Poskim. We are very fortunate that nowadays the attention and focus given to this area has improved increasingly throughout the years. We are fortunate that companies continue to find innovative ways to help ensure that the products they sell are naki mechashash tola’im (free of concern for the presence of insects), such as greenhouse-grown produce and state-of-the-art washing systems that implement the latest technology. We should be highly appreciative for all these current advancements and should be more thankful as they continue to improve. However, our appreciation should not come at the expense of questioning previous generations or the halachic positions of Gedolei haPoskim. We should just count our blessings.


As for the dialectical strictures against “questioning”, “disparaging”, etcetera. Hyehudi takes a contrary perspective, as explained many times over.

שיר: כי נחם ד’ ציון נחם כל חרבתיה וישם מדברה כעדן

Ki Nicham – Single – Yosef Zev Braver & Yanki Cohen • יוסף זאב בראווער ויענקי כהן – כי נחם – סינגל

Published on Jul 26, 2018

כִּי נִחַם ה׳ צִיּוֹן נִחַם כָּל חָרְבֹתֶיהָ וַיָּשֶׂם מִדְבָּרָהּ כְּעֵדֶן וְעַרְבָתָהּ כְּגַן ה׳ שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִׂמְחָה יִמָּצֵא בָהּ תּוֹדָה וְקוֹל זִמְרָה
(ישעיהו כג, ה)
לחן: יענקי כהן
עיבוד, הפקה, ומיקס: יענקי כהן
שירה: יוסף זאב בראווער

From YouTube, here.

Uncovering the Truth in the Land of Lies

Opinion: It’s Important To Hear Blatant Lies From Both Sides Before Forming Your Opinion On Any Political Issue

It’s time to talk about a troubling trend in how we handle our national discourse: the current political landscape is full of lies, half-truths, and fake news, but the average person only ever consumes half of that. Thanks to people being ever more partisan in their news consumption, most people are only exposed to one distorted version of reality, completely missing out on an equally ludicrous alternative version of events.

This is a crisis. Voters are going to the polls having been manipulated by only one side, scared into voting by one set of myopic irrational fears and not hearing the alternative nonsense that could have resulted in an equally uninformed vote in another direction. Everyone is increasingly comfortable with “their” hyperbolic trolls, seeing only one side as basically Hitler instead of recognizing the Hitler in everyone.

This has to end. People need to broaden the propaganda they listen to and be exposed to all the incorrect ways of looking at an issue. Listening to only one set of lies is part of what leads to all the destructive anger in our politics, but if people only opened up and really listened to all falsehoods, they could replace that anger with much healthier confusion.

And maybe, just maybe, people might stumble onto something real. Two half-truths added together equals a whole truth. That’s just math.

From The Babylon Bee, here.