The JEWISH Lesson from the Cessation of Government Transportation on Weekends

So, public transportation will now no longer operate on weekends, stopping Thursday eve and beginning again on Sunday morning (read details here).

Forget the nonobservant public transportation on Shabbos.

If we are to learn anything about ultimate causes, Mussar (in the original sense) must always be about us, not them. Let us rethink the actions of nominally observant Jews who travel so close to Shabbos, both before and after, directly causing the non-observant Jewish drivers to desecrate Shabbos, or at least, not accept it properly.

If anything, religious Jews should have long ago campaigned to decriminalize private transportation altogether (and correspondingly cease government-subsidized transport), so this governmental Chillul Shabbos is our fault, too.

On our puny imputations of Divine Providence, read this.

(Thanks to a dear reader who helped in preparing this article!)

תקרובת ע”ז בפאה נכרית: בשעה שעשו את העגל לקו בצרעת

קורונה – כתר

“השם קורונה הוא כתר שנמצא בראש המלך, וכעת יש כתר של ג”ע (ברחוב), וע”ז (גם בבית) בקדקוד בנות ישראל הנקראות בת מלך שנא’ (תהלים) כָּל כְּבוּדָּה בַת מֶלֶךְ פְּנִימָה, ואמרו חז”ל שעל זה בא צרעת”

23:44 (08/03/20) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד שליט”אכאן.

לבנות מזבח בגורן ארונה היבוסי – ותעצר המגיפה

תפילה בהר הבית לעצירת המגיפה

תפילות לעצירת המגיפה העולמית מדי יום בהר הבית • היום ב-12:30 תפילה מרכזית עם פיטום הקטורת • הכניסה מ-7:00 עד 10:30 ומ-12:30 עד 13:30 • יש להקפיד על כללי ההלכה

בן למואל יום ראשון, י”ט אדר ה’תש”פ

מדי יום יתקיימו בהר הבית תפילות לעצירת המגיפה העולמית.

היום (ראשון) בשעה 12:30 תתקיים תפילה מרכזית עם אמירת פיטום הקטורת.

הכניסה להר הבית בין השעות 7:00 עד 10:30 ומ-12:30 עד 13:30.

יש לטבול ולחלוץ נעלי עור לפני העליה להר הבית.

הכניסה בהתאם להוראות משרד הבריאות.

מאתר חדשות הר הבית, כאן.

‘Pre-War Era Bnei Torah Were More Confident in Their Ability to THINK’


I will never forget a conversation I had with Rebbetzin Zlata Ginsburg a”h. We were discussing the differences between the yeshiva world in the 1990s and the yeshiva world of pre-war Europe, where she was born and raised. Rebbetzin Ginsburg was a daughter of Rav Yechezkel Levenstein zt”l, famed mashigach of Mir and Ponovezh, and the wife of Rav Efraim Mordechai Ginsburg zt”lrosh yeshiva at Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn and a close talmid of the Brisker Rov. She was born in Kelm and was raised in Mir and Kletzk in the heart of the pre-war yeshiva world.

She told me that one fundamental difference was that bnei Torah of the pre-war era were far more confident in their own abilities to think, analyze something, and make a conclusion based on their own seichel than people are today.

She told me that so many people don’t seem to have confidence in their ability to think and draw conclusions based on what they see. They are constantly running to ask others to think for them.

I asked her, “So people shouldn’t consult with their roshei yeshiva, rabbonim and mentors?”

She replied, “Of course, there are times when you have to ask a question to ah kluger Yid (a clever Jew).” [“Not every talmid chochom is ah kluger Yid,” she added parenthetically.] “But that is only after you have thought the entire thing through on your own and broken the question down to its essence.”

She felt that the lack of ability to think for oneself was a combination of intellectual laziness and lack of confidence in one’s own abilities. The bnei Torah of pre-war Europe were far more secure in their ability to think for themselves, she would say.

Continue reading…

From Yated, here.