Shlomo Carlebach: A Gifted Musician But Also a Child Molester

Carlebach’s Daughter Owns the Truth of His Sexual Abuse

Neshama Carlebach’s Learning to Believe Again is a poignant account of how she deals with knowing her father, Shlomo, was a sexual abuser. It got me thinking about the many times anti-abuse activists are told, “But, what about his family; they don’t deserve to suffer because of him.”

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From FRUM FOLLIES, here.

But They Didn’t Examine Jews Who Eat Melaveh Malkah!

The Luz Bone

I am going to present statements in Chazal, followed by a discovery that is currently en vogue among paleontologists.
I will leave it to you to draw your own conclusion.
When you draw the inevitable conclusion, you most likely will agreee that this is the closest anyone has gotten to identifying what Chazal were talking about, and you will be reminded of the dictum
סוד ה’ ליראיו.

הרב מאזוז: בתי הכלא מרבים פשיעה

כיצד החוק “מחנך” את העבריינים ועל מה עוד צריך הכשר גלאט חוץ מעל אוכל…

Feb 23, 2017

כיצד החוק “מחנך” את העבריינים ועל מה עוד צריך הכשר גלאט חוץ מעל אוכל…
נהנית? כנס לאתר יש עוד המון מה לשמוע.
לשמיעת השיעור המלא כנס לקישור…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.