‘Mistakes Were Made’: Henry Kissinger’s Long Shadow

Check out Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America’s Most Controversial Statesman

Amazon blurb:

A new account of America’s most controversial diplomat that moves beyond praise or condemnation to reveal Kissinger as the architect of America’s current imperial stance

In his fascinating new book Kissinger’s Shadow, acclaimed historian Greg Grandin argues that to understand the crisis of contemporary America―its never-ending wars abroad and political polarization at home―we have to understand Henry Kissinger.

Examining Kissinger’s own writings, as well as a wealth of newly declassified documents, Grandin reveals how Richard Nixon’s top foreign policy advisor, even as he was presiding over defeat in Vietnam and a disastrous, secret, and illegal war in Cambodia, was helping to revive a militarized version of American exceptionalism centered on an imperial presidency. Believing that reality could be bent to his will, insisting that intuition is more important in determining policy than hard facts, and vowing that past mistakes should never hinder future bold action, Kissinger anticipated, even enabled, the ascendance of the neoconservative idealists who took America into crippling wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Going beyond accounts focusing either on Kissinger’s crimes or accomplishments, Grandin offers a compelling new interpretation of the diplomat’s continuing influence on how the United States views its role in the world.

Find reviews and more on Amazon here.

הגאון רבי יעקב קמינצקי זצ”ל: השואה קרתה מפני שלא עלו לארץ ישראל

כך סיפר מנחם אליהו שטארך בשם החברותא, הרב מנחם קמינצקי, בנו של הרב ראובן קמינצקי, בנו של הרב נתן קמינצקי זצ”ל, מחבר ספר “עשייתו של גדול” בשם אביו.
הרב מנחם קמינצקי היה יד ימינו של סבו והוא מכהן היום כר”מ בישיבת “נתיבות אהרון”.
(הערה: יתכנו היתרים ליחידים.)

TUESDAY (Feb 25): One-of-a-Kind Har HaZeisim Tour!

Wanna see this view with your own eyes?
Curious to visit the most ancient Jewish cemetery in the world?
Interested in getting a real sense of our daily prayer ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים? 
Join us this coming Tuesday (Feb 25) on a one-of-a-kind Har HaZeisim tour, given by a resident of the Maaleh Hazeitim Jewish neighborhood (located right below the cemetery).
We will be hearing about the fascinating ancient and recent history of the area, tour different parts of the mountain, including the sites of pioneering Jewish footholds below and on top of Har Hazeitim, and catch a breathtaking view of Yerushalayim, from one of its highest summits.
Meeting Tuesday at 3 pm at Maaleh Hazeitim.
The 83א bus line leaves to Maaleh Hazeitim from Kikar Tzahal at approx. 2:40 pm (make sure to follow the bus schedule).
Participation requires a 10 shekel fee.
Signup in advance is mandatory (can’t guarantee there’ll be any available spots after Sunday).
For Signup and further details:
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