Private Defense Associations and Unlimited Insurance Don’t Look So Bad, Now

From the news:

According to a senior IAF officer, 50 million liters of rain fell on Hatzor Airbase in the South from 5 a.m.-5:30 a.m. last Thursday, flooding aircraft runways and two underground hangars.

The water levels reached 1.5 meters inside the hangars, and several mechanics needed to be rescued, Channel 12 reported.

“At 5:00 a.m. on Thursday morning the base was dry, but within half an hour the base was flooded with 50 million liters of water,” the officer said. “The water was causing even concrete walls to crumble.”

Eight F-16 Sufa fighter jets were damaged by the rain – five of them with minor damage and three with significant damage, he said.

After several days of trying to censor the news…

“We were wrong to not evacuate those hangars,” he said. “It was a mistake, and we will investigate the incident and learn lessons to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

I think it’s fair to assume a voluntary-sector company subject to the market discipline of profits and losses wouldn’t let this happen, because of stronger feedback mechanisms (read: those responsible would get more than a slap on the wrist).

Coronavirus – The Living Daylights

Coronavirus Madness

Wuhan, China, Coronavirus Said To Induce Mental Delusion Among Healthcare Workers And Public Health Authorities; Study Launched

It is now evident that public health authorities in Wuhan, China are afflicted with a severe form of wintertime coronavirus madness.  This previously unidentified mental affliction began slowly and then spread so rapidly that the National Institutes of Health quietly initiated a study on February 10 to determine the cause of this psychological madness that has targeted the medical profession.  (If you have difficulty believing this, click on the links.)

Early findings of the study point to a form of mania that is more likely to strike physicians and healthcare workers who are wrapped up in hazmat suits or are confined to work in indoor hospital environments 24/7 and therefore have abjectly low sunshine vitamin D blood levels.

Sun deprivation psychosis is known to shrink brain volume.  Those who oversee the so-called coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan exhibit delusionary symptoms, known to be characteristic of this seasonal malady, says a report at PsychCentral.

Recent decisions and announcements made by public health authorities in Wuhan and elsewhere in the northern hemisphere about the coronavirus epidemic can be characterized as various degrees of mental confusion that range from borderline schizophrenia to severe psychosis (totally out of touch with reality).   Here are some examples:

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), a British Health Secretary and a professor in Hong Kong all warn of a “grave threat for the rest of the world” that “could infect up to 60% of the global population,” while initially the death rate from this 2019-nCoR virus is lower than the SARS outbreak of 2003 that only resulted in a few thousand laboratory-confirmed infections and a few hundred deaths, mostly among immune compromised individuals.

The latest data at the time of writing this report shows 45,171 infected worldwide and 1115 deaths, which is only a 2.4% death rate.  For comparison, SARS infected 8098 cases of infection and 774 deaths (9.5% death rate).

But Chinese health authorities obviously began having hallucinations they turned into imagined reality to portray a more deadly coronavirus outbreak by inclusion of patients whose blood tests were positive for the virus but had NO symptoms among the confirmed cases. Some infection numbers have now been adjusted downward.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

אולי כדאי להצביע לערבים. אולי

פרובוקציה או פנייה אמיתית של הערבים לחרדים?

הרשימה הערבית המשותפת הדפיסה שלטי פרסום ויצאה בקמפיין באידיש, שמופנה לציבור החרדי. “דיין שטימע קעגן גזירת הגיוס”, נכתב בשלטי הקמפיין.

הגימיק של הרשימה הערבית הצליח לעורר שיח ובמפלגתם אמרו כי האמירה הפוליטית גוברת על החשיבות של הפנייה האלקטוראלית. השלטים מזכירים שרק הרשימה המשותפת מייצגת את האינטרסים של כל האוכלוסיות המודרות ומעמידה אלטרנטיבה חברתית ומדינית אמיתית.

מהרשימה המשותפת נמסר: “השיסוי הוא ההישג הגדול ביותר של הימין – הנצחון האמיתי יבוא כשנשבור את החומות שמפרידות בין כלל אזרחי המדינה. הרשימה המשותפת תקדם את האינטרסים של החברה הערבית וכל האוכלוסיות המודרות”.

מאתר לדעת, כאן.