Headlines In Halacha – Jews Going to College

1/18/20 – Show 255 – Is it Mutar to go to Secular College

January 17, 2020

Coed dorms, bathrooms and classes; frats, drinking, and OTD risk; “orthodox” Jews mixed dancing parties at night and Shacharis the next morning; rampant anti-Semitism; extreme liberalism and Kefirah – is there any Heter?

Are the Ivy League Schools worse than Brooklyn and Queens colleges? How does the situation in the U.S. compare to that of the U.K., South Africa and Australia? 

** Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman ** Author of “Making it Work,” “Making it ALL Work” (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim

with Rabbi Zevulun Schwartzman – Rosh Kollel – Yerushalayim – 8:06
with Yoni Goldberg – student, Princeton University – 33:34
with “Bracha” – student, Ivy League university – 53:24

with Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – author, speaker – London – 1:03:30
with Aaron Fishkind – student, University of Pennsylvania – 1:21:52
with Yoni Katz – student, NYU – 1:29:37
with Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl – Head of Kohelet Yeshiva – Pennsylvania – 1:41:00
with Cameron Isen – student, University of Pennsylvania – 2:09:00
with “Sarah” – student, Ivy League university – 2:21:30
with Professor Alan Dershowitz – retired Harvard Law School professor – 2:31:40
with “Alex Lyons – former student in the United Kingdom –  2:53:00
with Ari Jackson – former student in Australia – 2:55:10
with “Yaakov” – recent graduate, Queens College – 2:57:45

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Harav Bar Hayim Speaking In MONSEY

Great News!

HaRav Bar-Hayim will deliver a shiur at 485 Viola Rd, Spring Valley, Monsey NY next Sunday night Parshas Va’eira January 19 at 7:30 PM. The event is open to both men and women.
