More on the OTHER ‘Rome’
We once mentioned Rabbi Alshich’s interesting theory Mashiach is waiting not at the gate to Rome in Chutz La’aretz, but Ruma, an ancient Galilean town.
More support for this can be found in “Doorways to Redemption“, a Mishpacha magazine tour guide column by Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz:
Quote from Mishpacha:
The Seder Hadoros, in fact, writes that the famous story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza that led to the Churban, concluding with Bar Kamtza traveling to “Rome” where he convinced the ruler of the disdain the Jews had for him, took place right here. If this is indeed the “Rome” being referred to, it means that here is where the destruction started, and it is from here that Mashiach is waiting to redeem us.