Quasi-Libertarian – Priceless on Paraconsistent Logic

From Scott Alexander:

My love-hate relationship with libertarianism. Also about the rehabs. They’re minimally regulated. There’s no credentialing process or anything. There are many different kinds, each privately led, and low entry costs to creating a new one. They can be very profitable – pretty much any rehab will cost thousands of dollars, and the big-name ones cost much more. This should be a perfect setup for a hundred different models blooming, experimenting, and then selecting for excellence as consumers drift towards the most effective centers. Instead, we get rampant abuse, charlatanry, and uselessness.

On the other hand, when the government rode in on a white horse to try to fix things, all they did was take the one effective treatment, regulate it practically out of existence, then ride right back out again. So I would be ashamed to be taking either the market’s or the state’s side here. At this point I think our best option is to ask the paraconsistent logic people to figure out something that’s neither government nor not-government, then put that in charge of everything.

See the rest here…

Hyehudi Has Something to Offend EVERYONE :)

What’s been popular last month:

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GREAT SONG for West’s Mutually-Assured Nuclear Annihilation!

With American pols publically calling for the assassination of Russia’s pols, putting personal sanctions on them, sending billions in weapons to Ukraine, and generally doing everything they can to poke the bear, it’s a great time to relearn Tom Lehrer’s delightful ditty of acute WMD death:

Tom Lehrer – We Will All Go Together When We Go

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