סקר קצר על תחבורה ציבורית
זה כמו להצביע.
העיקר שיראו יהודים שמתנגדים ל”קווי לילה” [לבתי תועבה] ונסיעות בשבת [“סופ”ש”]!
(כמובן, איש לא מנגיש או מיידע על סקר התחבורה הציבורית לציבור העיקרי הנהנה ממנה…)
זה כמו להצביע.
העיקר שיראו יהודים שמתנגדים ל”קווי לילה” [לבתי תועבה] ונסיעות בשבת [“סופ”ש”]!
(כמובן, איש לא מנגיש או מיידע על סקר התחבורה הציבורית לציבור העיקרי הנהנה ממנה…)
And the CPI grossly understates the degree of prices rising.
I met an observant Jew who convinced himself of an obscure political ideology.
Then, so comfortable was he with this ideology, in spite of hailing from a thoroughbred Litvish family, he decided to go and join Chabad, seeing a speculative similarity between that and his chosen political orientation.
His family must be very open-minded…
Take it from me, his chosen politics really are obscure; he himself admitted he never met anyone but me who knew its name or content.
Don’t worry; he’s married already.
What would you call him?
The “Michiganer Rebbe“?!
Excerpt from The Corbett Report:
The problem comes when we try to map that simplistic, binary, black-and-white storyline on to real-world events. What “guy” are you talking about? Do you still believe that Putin is Russia? That’s as absurd as saying that Biden is NATO (or even the US). And can we jump from NATO bad to BRICS good that easily?
Well, if you’ve been listening to me over the last decade and a half you will know that it’s not that easy. The BRICS are controlled opposition. Putin and Xi are both tyrannical thugs. The Chinese government and the Russian government both love controlling their citizens every thought and speech and action, and their supposed opposition to the globalist empire is a smoke-and-mirrors distraction hiding the fact that they are absolutely on-board with the ultimate agenda of world control.
Or are you the type of person who watches the clip of Schwab bragging about all the cabinets the World Economic Forum has “penetrated” around the world without noticing that the second person he lists in his stable of WEF acolytes is Vladimir Putin?
Are you the type of person who conveniently forgets how to read when Xi and Putin release documents extolling the creation of the New World Order that call on all states “to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture” and declare that “In order to to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” states will have to “take practical steps in key areas of cooperation” like “vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity”?
Are you the type of person who constantly forgets that Vladimir Putin is close personal friends with Henry Kissinger?
Are you the type of person who believes that the Russian COVID vaccine is the good kind of vaccine and the Russian vaccine passports are the good kind of vaccine passports and the Russian COVID clown show is the good kind of COVID clown show?
Are you the type of person who believes that preemptive invasions of foreign countries are good when they’re done by the good guys for good reasons and that the people who die in such operations are just collateral damage (who probably deserved to die anyway)?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not that type of person. The sad truth for those who are still waiting for the White Hat on the White Horse to deliver them their fix of Hopium is that Putin is an “anti-globalist crusader” in the exact same way as Donald “Fill the Swamp” Trump is an “anti-globalist crusader,” which is to say, not at all. Because if you are still waiting on the sealed indictments and the watermarked ballots and Vladimir the Great to upset the globalist apple cart, you have yet to understand the nature of the globalist system.