Hallel on 5 Iyar? No, ‘Al Hanissim’ on 6 Iyar!

Jewish autonomy is a blessing, so celebrate the San Remo declaration in 5680 (ברשיון מלכי האומות ובעזרתם ילכו לארץ ישראל), not some anti-Jewish and anti-Judaism mafia’s so-called “independence”.

Hallel aside, saying “Al Hanissim” isn’t much of a hefsek, no matter what.

Here are some past articles on the topic of Independence Day, the Six-Day War, and November 29:

Start with that…

Rosh Chodesh Riddle

According to Rabbi S. Z. Auerbach and Rabbi Elyashiv, women may use a washing machine on Rosh Chodesh.

How is this different from listening to music from a tape recorder?
