In Parshat Vayishlach, Dinah Bat Yaakov undergoes a horrific ordeal.
Many layers of insights and deeper meanings (including rectifications and gilgulim) are revealed within this episode, but we’re just going to focus on gleaning 2 lessons from one aspect of it: Dinah’s behavior & dress.
Chazal point out that Dinah left her family’s secure area to go out to see the Canaanite females, which is how Shechem saw her and managed to abduct her in the first place. Also, her sleeve accidentally went up, exposing her elbow.
If you, like me, grew up with feminist brainwashing, you initially find this insight offensive.
Blaming the victim! How dare they?!
But that’s not what Chazal is doing.
Lesson #1: Please Protect Your Precious Self
First of all, Dinah inherited her mother’s yatzanit trait; Leah Imeinu was otherwise exceptionally modest and saintly. But nobody’s perfect. Either way, an inherited trait is not Dinah’s fault.
Secondly, Dinah and Yosef Hatzaddik switched souls, which is why he possessed certain feminine attributes and Dinah possessed certain masculine attributes.
(Initially, Leah Imeinu was going to birth Yosef Hatzaddik, but in her great compassion and righteousness, she prayed for a girl so that her sister Rachel Imeinu would be equal to Zilpah & Bilha in the number of Tribes produced.)
So the fact that Dinah possessed certain masculine tendencies that led her to take this risk is definitely not Dinah’s fault.
So this is the first lesson: Ladies, you need to protect yourselves.
This is the opposite of feminist ideology, which insists that you have the right NOT to protect yourself.
But here’s your real right: You have the RIGHT to protect yourself.
In fact, it’s even an obligation to protect yourself.
That’s from the Torah, not from me.
Yet as we all know, protective measures like modest behavior and modest dress are not full-proof.
Nothing is fool-proof.
Bomb shelters can be bombed. Locks can be picked.
But we enter bomb shelters anyway. We lock our doors anyway.
Why? Because it’s good hishtadlut.
And because Judaism loves women, it encourages women to at least make efforts toward self-protection.
Because of feminist propaganda, women and girls in America are discouraged from taking proper measures to protect themselves. This dumbing-down of the American female has reaped terrible consequences for girls and women.
In response to the growing number of assaults and harassment against young women, some caring tough guys formed a website (No-Nonsense Self-Defense) to give females—particularly college-aged women—sensible advice for self-protection.
They discovered that despite feminist blather about female “rights!” to behave however and go wherever they want, such conduct usually ignited or escalated a threatening encounter, resulting in a full assault against the woman.
While feminist snarkiness and “grrrrl” characters in books and movies display female feistiness as the desirable and victorious trait, studies reveal that this same feistiness often precedes a violent encounter.
Meaning, 80% of violent encounters were preceded by the young woman using INEFFECTIVE violence when striking out against her potential assailant.
In other words, despite media brainwashing, real-life feisty girls are more likely to lose when faced with a predatory male.
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From Myrtle Rising, here.