Expert (noun), Sophomoric Propagandist of Sub-Average Prognostication Ability

Man Wrong On Every Major Global Issue Still Considered Expert

None of his twenty-eight explanations or prognostications regarding major phenomena have matched reality.

Washington, September 13 – A frequent guest on news and current events programs who provides analysis and predictions regarding developments in the international and domestic US arenas continues to appear on those programs despite repeated instances of astoundingly delusional analysis, viewers report.

Matthew Malley, who has yet to make a substantial true forecast of world events, still features on the Tucker Carlson Show on the Fox Network, with scattered engagements on other channels, even though none of the twenty-eight explanations or prognostications he has offered on those platforms has occurred in reality.

Among other whoppers, Malley has warned of an eruption of violence throughout the Arab world if then-President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the embassy there; saw “the end” for Trump at least six times over the course of the latter’s presidency; thought Britain would vote against Brexit; predicted a swift Russian victory in the current Russia-Ukraine war, back in February; called Palestinian grievances the main issue standing in the way of Israeli-Arab conciliation; urged Europe to deepen its dependence on Russian fossil fuels; talked up the effectiveness of plain cloth masks against the spread of COVID-19; predicted a drop in violent crime; called the US southern border issue “resolved”; doubted the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v Wade; called a Taliban takeover upon US withdrawal from Afghanistan unlikely; still believes COVID-19 came from a wet-market bat; and lauds COVID school-closure policies that disproportionately harmed the education and development of minority and marginalized children.

Nevertheless, Carlson and various other hosts have invited Malley back to pontificate on many of the same issues about which he has proven so off-base. “We like to give our viewers a fuller picture,” argued a spokesman for Carlson’s show. “That’s also why we elevate fringe white supremacists and other nutjobs. The American people get tired of hearing facts, and every once in a while – which is to say, at least twice a week – they need some gaslighting, misinformation, incitement, and sometimes even overt racism and homophobia. It keeps the mind healthy to encounter different views from the mainstream.”

Representatives of other networks lambasted the Fox Network for its repeated reliance on the discredited “expert,” admonishing them, and Carlson’s show in particular, to consult the experts that the other networks had consulted, and whose accuracy record proved no better than Malley’s, but at least those experts’ pronouncements confirmed progressive biases, which is what counts in most corporate news media.

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

לקריאה: ספר ‘שבע הערות בשולי הגליון’ – הרב שלמה וועקסלער זצ”ל

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ההוצאות כבדות וזוהי זכות עצומה להיות שותפים בבשורה,
רבינו הקדוש נמצא בירושלים עיר הקודש.
כבר אמר ג”ע מוהרנ”ת זיע”א, מי שיהיה לו חלק בראש השנה, יהיה לו חלק בגאולה!
גם לך יהיה חלק בגאולה השלמה, ניתן לתרום-
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או בקישור לתרומה באשראי דרך נדרים פלוס [ניתן לקבל קבלות עם סעיף 46].
כל תרומה מזכה אותך בקיום צוואת רבינו הקדוש-
והזהיר לעשות כרוז,
שכל מי שסר אל משמעתו ומקרב אליו,
יהיה על ראש השנה אצלו, לא יחסר איש.”

“אומן אומן ראש השנה,
אומן אומן ראש השנה,
אומן בירושלים, אומן בירושלים,
אחד שהוא שנים, אומן בירושלים”