Help Put the Conversation About Living in Eretz Yisroel Back on the Table

BE”H, I’m in the process of getting a book published. The goal is to put the conversation about living in Eretz Yisroel back on the table for the wide range of American Chareidim.
Your articles definitely had a crucial part in our move, and I believe they have that potential for many others as well – A.T., Cleveland Afula
chock full of chizuk from people who have been there/done that and they remind us daily that it can be done successfully… instrumental in moving us closer to our final goal. – Yaakov
Please see dedication opportunities for this upcoming book here.
Every copy of the book sponsored has the potential to make a great impact, by providing information & inspiration.
My current goal is to get another 27 copies sponsored for finishing this phase of the publishing process, and then another 143 copies sponsored to cover the next phase as well.
Thank you for supporting this project!

Yoel Berman 053-3191618 יואל ברמן

Sefer Hachinuch on Lending Non-Jews Only with Ribbis

Sefer Hachinuch in our Parsha, Mitzva 573 – מצות הלואה לנכרי ברבית אם יצטרך ללוות מה שאינו כן בישראל:

שנצטוינו לבקש רבית מן האומות כשנלוה להם, ולא נלוה להם בלא רבית, ועל זה נאמר [דברים כ”ג כ”א], לנכרי תשיך. וכמו כן מותר ללוות מהן ברבית, ואמרו בספרי, לנכרי תשיך, מצות עשה, ולאחיך לא תשיך, לא תעשה.

משרשי המצוה שאין ראוי לנו לגמול חסד זולתי אל העם יודעי האל ועובדים לפניו, ובהמנע החסד משאר בני האדם ונעשה אותו לאלו נבחן כי עיקר האהבה והחמלה עליהם מצד החזיקם בתורת אלהים יתברך. והנה עם הכוונה הזאת יהיה לנו שכר במניעת החסד מהם כמו בעשותנו אותו אל בני עמנו.

Sefaria translation:

To lend to the gentile with interest: That we were commanded to request interest from the [other] peoples when we lend to them and that we not lend to them without interest. And about this is it stated (Deuteronomy 23:21), “Take interest from the foreigner.” And likewise is it permitted to borrow from them with interest. And they said in Sifrei, “‘Take interest from the foreigner’ – that is a positive commandment; ‘and from your brother, do not take interest’ – that is a negative commandment.”


Hamodia Needs to Fire Someone…

Look at this page (from Tishrei 5780!), if you can stomach it:

Download (PDF, 398KB)

Did you catch the hidden obscenity??

Well, you can go work for English Hamodia; their editor didn’t notice either.

The “illustration” photo in “The Daily Newspaper for Torah Jewry” is of a God-fearing Jew who (gasp!) goes against The Gedolim®™ (©) and wears Techeiles. On the Tallis Gadol, no less, Heaven Help Us!