The Recent Israeli ‘Central Bureau of Statistics’ Survey: A Personal Account

Based on a recent conversation with a friend:

Instead of trying to reach everyone, and getting little participation, this time they decided to ask only the 700,000 people who came up in a lottery.

As for halacha, their questions don’t seem to violate the transgression of counting the Jewish people (“Errors and Omissions Excepted”). One “Negef” may have been enough. And anyone who answers enough questions gets a coupon for 75 Shekels (but more on that later).

First, they start by calling your number. Unlike past surveys, this one is not optional. You may decline to assist central planning schemes for the great privilege of paying them a 500 Shekel fine (in addition to all the Corona fines…). The good news is you can say what you like; no law against lying (we can rest assured they will zealously guard our private info as well as always).

If you give them the runaround, they actually knock on your door in person. (Knowledge is power so the State here graciously exempts itself from its own self-imposed privacy restrictions in all its other interactions with citizens.)

They will tell you it takes 20 minutes by phone; it’s more like an hour. As an independent worker, my friend says he makes more than that amount in an hour of honest labor.

Since the lottery includes minors, the parents must answer in their stead. Who has more young children on average? Observant Jews. And you only get the coupon if you insist on answering online. So, you must have internet access plus a phone with SMS messaging for verification (no alternatives enabled). Who has less internet and\or smartphones? Observant Jews. And then you need to visit the subsidized stores in holy shopping malls and the like to redeem your consolation prize for forfeited labor. Who does this handicap? Again, observant Jews.

So, while being singled out for forced labor helping the enemy’s intelligence gathering, the “compensation” is not distributed equally. So, less welfare, right?

הצדק אמור להיות קבוע וידוע

חוק ולא יעבור

יהודה סגל –  ב’ אלול ה’תשע”ז 24/08/17

הלא בכל ישיבת הכנסת, בעוונות הרבים, יושבים אנשים הנקראים “מחוקקים” על מדין כאילו רק אתמול נברא אדם על האדמה. ספרי, סליחה, ספריות (!) ה”חוקים” הקיימים משתנים ומתוקנים שוב ושוב ללא הרף. לכן יש עו”ד המתמחים בתחומים שונים, ולא כל עו”ד בקי באותה המידה, כמובן.

בפרשת השבוע אנו קוראים בתורה “שפטים ושטרים תתן לך בכל שעריך… צדק צדק תרדוף”. על זה אנו מתפללים שלושה פעמים ביום, “השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה”. טרם זכינו לכך: “ויקו למשפט והנה משפח לצדקה והנה צעקה”. הבה נעמוד על חלק אחד ממשמעות החוק והצדק ע”פ התורה הקדושה: הקביעות.

אחת התכונות הנשכחות בימינו של הצדק הינו פרסומו. הצדק אמור להיות גלוי וידוע לכל העמים. המילה “חוק”, כמשמעות חקיקה בסלע, מביעה גם קביעות בל תשונה. אם החוק מתאים לצדק, הוא אף בכלל “חקים צדיקים”. אם לאו, בחוק התורה הוכרע: “ובחקתיהם לא תלכו“.

בדומה לכך, מוצאים אנו בהמשך, בפרשת מלך ישראל – זה הלגיטימי: “והיה כשבתו על כסא ממלכתו וכתב לו את משנה התורה הזאת על ספר מלפני הכהנים הלוים“.

כלומר, מלך ישראל נצטווה לכתוב לעצמו ספר תורה ע”פ העותק שבידי הכהנים, כדי לשמור על אמינות. שהמלך לא ימציא תורה חדשה. אפילו נביאי אמת אינם רשאים לחדש דבר במשפטי התורה.

לפי דעה אחת בראשונים גם כלל “דינא דמלכותא דינא” (אשרור תוקף חוקי המלכות בהלכה) נאמר רק בנוגע לחוקים ישנים ומפורסמים. דהיינו, חוקים חדשים וגזירות אד-הוק אינם בעלי תוקף דיני. בידינו משפט קולע למטרה. המשפט הבא נשמר מתקופה שעוד ידעו גויי הארצות חוקים מעטים במספר ופשוטים להבנה (גם אם לא תמיד צודקים באמת): “אי ידיעה של החוק אינה פוטרת”.

כיום לא ניתן בכלל להכיר את כל חוקי המדינה הרבים! הלא בכל ישיבת הכנסת, בעוונות הרבים, יושבים אנשים הנקראים “מחוקקים” על מדין כאילו רק אתמול נברא אדם על האדמה. ספרי, סליחה, ספריות (!) ה”חוקים” הקיימים משתנים ומתוקנים שוב ושוב ללא הרף. לכן יש עו”ד המתמחים בתחומים שונים, ולא כל עו”ד בקי באותה המידה, כמובן.

“מנהג הסוחרים” או “מנהג המדינה” גלויים לכל ממילא, אך נתונים לשיפוט יחידני בכל מקרה מזדמן. ובראש הפירמידה, נמצא הבג”ץ המרשה לעצמו להגדיל “צדק חברתי”. מה זה בדיוק? מונח שמתרחב ומתפרס לאורך הזמן בכל כיוון אפשרי: “הכל שפיט”.

חוקים מתניידים נושאים עמם גם כן נזק כלכלי בל ישוער. מדוע? משום שהמשק מונע ע”י יזמים. מה עושה יזם? הוא צופה ביקוש עתידי לאיזה מוצר, מסתכן בהשקעה כעת, ומבקש למלא ביקוש בהיצע בבוא יומו. אם היזם מתברר כצודק בהשערת מידת הביקוש – ואינו עושה טעיות נוספות בדרך – הוא גם מרוויח. ניבוי העתיד הוא דבר מסוכן מטבעו, אך כאשר נוסף לכך אי-ודאות חוקתית בסיסית, מלאכתו נעשית בלתי אפשרית.

יעזור שופט כל הארץ ונזכה לשובם של שופטי צדק, “מדינת חוק” אמת, “קריה נאמנה מלאתי (מלאה) צדק”, אמן ואמן!

[מתוך אתר מהדריניוז – שנעלם]

How Was the COVID Virus Created?

The Biotech Plan To Destroy Us

Covid has generated a great of controversy, but one thing can’t be doubted. Covid, and the misguided attempts to combat it, have wreaked havoc since March 2022.  How was the Covid virus created? An answer, devastating in its implications, has just come to light. (Thanks to the heroic Ron Unz for tipping us off on this). What you’re about to read sounds like something you would expect from one of our authors at LRC, authors whom the Left is quick to dismiss as “conspiracy theorists.” But the person we’re talking about has impeccable leftwing credentials. He’s the economist Jeffrey Sachs, famous for his work on “sustainable development” and “third-world poverty.” You couldn’t miss reading about him in the mainstream media—at least until recently.

In an interview published online in Current Affairs, on August 22, “Prof. Sachs explains how he, as the head of the COVID-19 commission for a leading medical journal, [The Lancet] came to the conclusion that powerful actors were preventing a real investigation from taking place. He also explains why it is so important to get to the bottom of the origins of COVID: because, he says, there is extremely dangerous research taking place with little accountability, and the public has a right to know since we are the ones whose lives are being put at risk without our consent. “

The “official” view is that the Covid virus was an accident that came from contaminated animal parts in the Wuhan market in China. Sachs suggests that studies that purport to confirm this account have been faked. “Well, the funny thing is those scientists who are saying that said the same thing on February 4, 2020, before they had done any research at all. And they published the same statement in March 2020, before they had any facts at all. So they’re creating a narrative. And they’re denying the alternative hypothesis without looking closely at it. That’s the basic point. “

That’s the “official” truth, in other words the government lies, about Covid. What does Sachs think was really going on? “The alternative hypothesis is quite straightforward. And that is that there was a lot of research underway in the United States and China on taking SARS-like viruses, manipulating them in the laboratory, and creating potentially far more dangerous viruses. And the particular virus that causes COVID-19, called SARS-Cov-2, is notable because it has a piece of its genetic makeup that makes the virus more dangerous. And that piece of the genome is called the ‘furin cleavage site.’ Now, what’s interesting, and concerning if I may say so, is that the research that was underway very actively and being promoted, was to insert furin cleavage sites into SARS-like viruses to see what would happen. Oops!”

It gets worse. The “scientists” who published the “accidental market mishap” theory knew it was false, but they circulated this lie to cover up biotech research they didn’t want disturbed. “At the beginning, which we could date from the first phone call of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with a group of virologists on February 1, 2020, the virologists said ‘Oh my god, that is strange, that could well be a laboratory creation. What is that furin cleavage site doing in there?’ Because scientists knew that was part of an active ongoing research program. And yet, by February 3, the same group is saying ‘No, no, it’s natural, it’s natural.’ By February 4, they start to draft the papers that are telling the public, ‘Don’t worry, it’s natural.’ By March, they write a paper—totally spurious, in my view—called the proximal origins paper that is the most cited bio paper in 2020. It said: it is absolutely natural. [Note: the paper’s conclusion is ‘we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.’] But they didn’t have any of the data that you read about in the New York Times. They didn’t have any of this. They just said the labs weren’t working on this alternative. But you know what, they don’t know what the labs were working on, because they never asked, and NIH hasn’t told us.”

Sachs is emphatic about this: “So my point is, there is a huge amount of reason to believe that that research was underway. Because there are published papers on this. There are interviews on this. There are research proposals. But NIH isn’t talking. It’s not asking. And these scientists have never asked either. From the very first day, they have kept hidden from view the alternative. And when they discuss the alternative, they don’t discuss the research program. They discuss complete straw men about the lab, not the actual kind of research that was underway, which was to stick furin cleavage sites into SARS-like viruses in a way that could have created SARS-Cov-2.

What I’m calling for is not the conclusion. I’m calling for the investigation. Finally, after two and a half years of this, it’s time to fess up that it might have come out of a lab and here’s the data that we need to know to find out whether it did.”

When you read this, you of course want to know more details about motives for the plot Sachs has uncovered. Sachs has an answer: “One thing that is rather clear to me is that there is so much dangerous research underway right now under the umbrella of biodefense or other things that we don’t know about, that is not being properly controlled. This is for sure. And that’s happening around the world. And governments say ‘don’t poke your nose into that.’ That’s our business, not your business. But it’s actually our business. It’s our business to understand what is going on with this. This is not to be kept secret. We don’t trust you.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

Why Is Ellul Davka in the Agricultural Season?

Ten Daze of Teshuva

A faithful chasid, who had spent an uplifting Rosh Hashana in Belz, basking in the presence of the holy R’ Yissocher Dov zt”l, prepared to return home on Tzom Gedalia. He entered the Rebbe’s sanctum and requested a farewell blessing. To his surprise, the Rebbe told him to stay behind in Belz.
“Today is a fast-day. You will certainly find the journey taxing, and will have no headspace to learn Torah. Tomorrow, you will be drained from the ride and need a rest. Instead of spending two days without any Torah, stay here in Belz and learn without distractions.”
“But, Rebbe…! You know that I am a vintner, and my work is very seasonal. Harvesting at the right time is one of the crucial steps in producing good wines. And that time is now. I can’t afford to miss it. Furthermore, many poor Jews are relying on me for employment in the vineyards. For them too, every day counts; time is money!”
“The Aseres Yemei Teshuva must be spent studying Torah and works of Mussar,” countered the Rebbe, unconvinced.
After hearing such firm words, the chassid decided that he would heed them, irrespective of the impending financial losses.
Hearing his chassid’s decision, the Rebbe turned to him and said, “I’ve always had the following question: Why on earth did Hashem choose the months of Elul and Tishrei as months of Judgement and a 9-day holiday? It’s the busiest time of the agricultural year! In fact, the Torah itself refers to Sukkos as the Holiday of the Gathering [of the crops]. It would have been so much more convenient to relegate these holy days to the winter months of Teves and Shevat, when the days are short, the nights are long, and you have plenty of spare time for Torah study, etc.!
“The answer is that had these days been placed during the ‘easy’ months, then any slacking off from Teshuva would have been viewed in Heaven as a great infraction. But since the Teshuva period was set for the year’s pressurized months, even a small amount of sincere Teshuva is considered of value in Heaven. A person who steals time from his work to enter the Beis Hamidrash, even for a few minutes here and there, will be rewarded amply. How kind it is of Hashem to create such a beneficial arrangement.”
With that message firmly embedded in the chassid’s mind the Rebbe deemed it safe to send him home. “Vos a Yid tut iz altz revach. For gezunterhait!” [What a Jew does now is all profitable. Off you go, to your home, and may you be successful!]
[Tiferes Banim (Toisig) Vol 2 P223-4]