Har Habyis: Chizuk from Al Jazeera!

You know the old joke about reading Der Stürmer to hear the good news, right?

All I see is Rabbi Shraga Kallus. So, I need to start believing the goyim!

Quoting Al Jazeera (bolding added):

Jordan has been the official custodian of Christian and Muslim holy places in Jerusalem since 1924. Following the Third Arab-Israeli War, when Israel seized the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967, Israel accepted the continuation of this status quo agreement, which states that while non-Muslims are allowed to visit the Al-Aqsa compound, they cannot worship or pray inside.

The arrangement at the time was uncontroversial. For hundreds of years, Jewish religious authorities issued strict prohibitions on Jews visiting the compound, on the grounds that they could accidentally defile the purity of the site. Until relatively recently, these bans were accepted by the overwhelming majority of Israel’s Jewish public.

According to Mordechai Inbari, a professor of religion at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, this started to change during the Oslo peace negotiations in the 1990s.

Fearing the Israeli government may at some point transfer sovereignty of Al-Aqsa over to the newly created Palestinian Authority, a committee of settler rabbis issued a ruling urging all rabbis who held the exceedingly fringe view that it was permissible for Jews to enter the Temple Mount to “ascend the Mount themselves, and to guide their congregants in ascending the Mount”.

Their reason for promoting a ruling that was supported by a very small minority was political: to encourage masses of Jews to enter Al-Aqsa to pray in order to establish facts on the ground that would make it harder for Palestinians to ever assume sovereignty over the site, Inbari tells Al Jazeera.

Since then, this movement, led by a small group of individuals from Israel’s so-called “national-religious” camp – who are often referred to as “Temple Mount activists” – has been enormously successful.

Over the years, there has been a meteoric increase in visits by Jews to the compound, with right-wing Jewish Israelis challenging the status quo with increasing resolve and frequency. Last year, these visits hit a record high, with about 50,000 religious Zionists visiting the holy compound.

Last year, a survey found that exactly half of Jewish Israeli respondents support allowing Jews to pray at the Al-Aqsa compound, or the Temple Mount, with most saying they support it because it would send a message about Israel’s control over the site, rather than for religious reasons.

During the last few years, Israeli police have begun allowing for daily prayers to be carried out in the compound, hinting at a dramatic change in the status quo. The police, who just a few years ago would have ejected any person suspected of praying or even possessing a Torah, now look on passively and provide protection to the worshippers if Palestinians, like the Murabitat, attempt to confront them.

An Israeli police spokesperson, however, denied any change in policy to Al Jazeera, stating that there have been “no changes to the status quo,” and that any non-Muslim who attempts to pray in the compound is “immediately detained”.

At the start of the year, Itamar Ben-Gvir, an outspoken supporter of Jews praying at Al-Aqsa, provocatively visited the compound days after being sworn in as Israel’s minister for national security, as part of the country’s newly formed government – considered the most right-wing in its history. It was one of the highest-profile visits by an Israeli official since then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon did so in 2000, which sparked the second Intifada.

But for the Temple Mount activists, this discursive strategy that has successfully garnered general support for Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa is part of a larger plan to eventually demolish the Dome of the Rock and build a third temple in its place.

In a similar process that transformed Jewish worship at Al-Aqsa from a fringe religious position to one that is supported by half of Jewish Israelis, Temple Mount activists hope that as Jewish presence and worship become normalised at the holy site, the idea of building the third temple will likewise become acceptable to mainstream Israeli society in the future.

Amen to that!

Read the rest here…

The Unfathomable Wisdom of Creation

J. B. S. Haldane 1892–1964, Scottish mathematical biologist: 

Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose…I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy.

(Possible Worlds and Other Essays (1927) ‘Possible Worlds’)

Julian Assange VS The Empire

Collateral Murder 13 Years On… Julian Assange Persecuted for Truth-Telling

The world owes them an inestimable debt of gratitude for the truth. Because only through knowing the truth can we possibly change the world for the better.

This month marks the 13th anniversary since the publication of the now globally renowned video known as “Collateral Murder”. The short video clip of approximately 39 minutes in duration shows the cold-blooded murder of 18 Iraqi civilians by American troops flying Apache helicopter gunships over Baghdad.

The killings occurred on the morning of July 12, 2007, during the American military occupation of Iraq following the U.S.-British illegal war that was launched against the Arab country in 2003 (the 20th anniversary of the war was marked last month). The U.S.-British war on Iraq, which was built on a pile of flagrant lies about alleged weapons of mass destruction, resulted in over one million deaths and a cascade of horrendous repercussions for the entire Middle East, and indeed beyond.

When “Collateral Murder” was published on April 5, 2010, it was a world-changing event and it delivered a lightning bolt for truth because it uniquely exposed the systematic war criminality of the United States and its British accomplice in Iraq. The impact of the revelation was far-reaching. Veils of deceit and lies held up by Washington and London were torn asunder. The false images of these imperial powers were forever shredded.

Yet the man who published that truth, Julian Assange, is today held in a British torture dungeon. Can there be any more graphic condemnation of the U.S. and British state corruption?

Australian-born Assange (51) founded Wikileaks in 2006 as a publishing site dedicated to whistleblowers to help expose war propaganda. Unlike other mainstream media outlets, Wikileaks had the courage and integrity to release the video footage that became known as “Collateral Murder”.

In subsequent years, Wikileaks gained worldwide respect and awards for publishing many other ground-breaking secret documents that exposed other war crimes by the United States and its NATO allies in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as countless illicit foreign intrigues, diplomatic dirty tricks, and the mass criminal spying by American state agencies against supposed allies and citizens the world over, including American citizens.

Mainstream news outlets sluggishly got involved and profited from the ground-breaking exposés facilitated by Wikileaks even though it was Wikileaks that had led the way with its earlier publication of war crimes in Iraq.

The United States and British establishments have never forgiven Julian Assange for his truth-telling and the fatal damage he inflicted on their pretensions. Assange exposed the fraudsters and criminals in high office all of whom are shamefully still at large today; people like former President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. While it is disconcerting that no prosecutions for war crimes have been levied so far, at least one consolation brought by Wikileaks’ publications is the grievous undermining that it inflicted on the supposed moral authority that the Americans and British had often abused to justify their wars of aggression.

Julian Assange has been held in arbitrary detention in Britain for nearly 11 years. He was forced to seek refuge in the Ecuadoran embassy in London in 2012 over trumped-up sex offence charges (which have since been dismissed). He was later forcibly removed from the embassy by British police in April 2019 and imprisoned in Belmarsh High-Security Prison. For the past four years, Assange has been kept in solitary confinement under conditions that a United Nations special rapporteur Nils Melzer describes as “torture”. The American and British state authorities have played with Assange like an oversized cat with a mouse. A legal process over his impending extradition to the U.S. is a travesty. In the United States, Assange will be tried as a spy and faces up to 175 years in a super-max prison.

It is a shocking and frightening fact that Julian Assange has been subjected to all this persecution while on remand. He has not been convicted of any crime.

Assange’s basic human rights to due legal process have been trashed by Western states that proclaim to be paragons of rule of law and humanitarian principles. The United States and Britain stand exposed as grotesque fraudsters, while the European Union and Australia are shown to be abject in their silent complicity. So too exposed are the Western mainstream media who at an earlier stage made huge profits from Assange’s publishing of scandals at Wikileaks but whom they now ignore with callous and cowardly indifference. Even though, ironically, the fate of Assange could very much destroy independent journalism and freedom of speech – the principles that Western media declare sacred.

The systematic violation of Assange’s basic rights, from illegal spying by the CIA on his supposedly private conversations with his lawyers to calls by American officials for his assassination, are solid grounds for his extradition case to be dismissed. There is a precedent in the case of Daniel Ellsberg who released classified information known as the “Pentagon Papers” back in 1971 which exposed the systematic lies that propelled the United States into its equally genocidal war against Vietnam (as in Iraq decades later). The prosecution of Ellsberg was dropped in 1973 after it was revealed that his defense team was spied upon by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Assange’s defense case is arguably even stronger. He published “Collateral Murder” and other classified documents as a publisher. Daniel Ellsberg was at the time an employee of the Pentagon who was sworn to secrecy. The proper analogy would be to compare Assange’s role with that of the newspapers that published the “Pentagon Papers”. If there were no prosecutions against the New York Times and Washington Post for their coverage back then, why should Assange be victimized now?

To his eternal credit, Daniel Ellsberg has been an outspoken champion of Wikileaks and Julian Assange. It is a cruel and capricious twist of fate that the 92-year-old and now dying Ellsberg has been lauded for his courageous truth-telling, while Assange is subjected to vindictive incarceration.

If Daniel Ellsberg was permitted to have his freedom then all the more so should Julian Assange. Many well-wishers pray that Assange does not become another collateral murder by foul judicial means 13 years on. He should be freed immediately.

Both men exposed the lies behind America’s imperial wars in Vietnam and Iraq. The world owes them an inestimable debt of gratitude for the truth. Because only through knowing the truth can we possibly change the world for the better.

One way or another, however, a day of reckoning is coming for the imperial warlords.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.