Tucker: The Media Is the Oligarchy’s Praetorian Guard

Tucker Carlson: Not Being More Skeptical About The Iraq War Is My Greatest Regret

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date March 16, 2023

FNC’s Tucker Carlson talked about what he learned during his career in media during an appearance on the “Full Send” podcast.

TUCKER CARLSON: I’ve spent my whole life in the media. My dad was in the media. That is a big part of the revelation that has changed my life is the media are part of the control apparatus.

I know, you’re younger and smarter and you’re like, “Yeah?” What if you’re me and you spent your whole life in that world? And to look around and all of a sudden you’re like, “Oh wow, not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem.” Like defending the Iraq War. I actually did that. Can you imagine if you did that?

PODCAST HOST: What is one of your biggest regrets in your career?

TUCKER CARLSON. Defending the Iraq War.

PODCAST HOST: That is it?

TUCKER CARLSON: Well, I’ve had a million regrets. Not being more skeptical. Calling people names when I should have listened to what they were saying. When someone makes a claim, there is only one question that is important at the very beginning, which is: “Is the claim true or not?”

So I say you committed murder, or you rigged the last election. Before you attack me as a crazy person for saying that, maybe you should explain whether you did it or not. You know what I mean?

And for too long, I participated in the culture where anyone who thinks outside these pre-prescribed lanes is crazy, is a “conspiracy theorist.” And I just really regret that. I’m ashamed that I did that. And partly, it was age and the world I grew up in.

So when you, look at me and say, “Yeah, of course [the media] is part of the means of control.” That’s obvious to you because you’re 28, but I just didn’t see it at all — at all. And I’m ashamed of that.

PODCAST HOST: Isn’t that what the media tries to do though?

TUCKER CARLSON: It’s their only purpose. They’re not here to inform you! Really? Even on the big things that really matter like the economy and the war and Covid, things that really matter and will effect you, no. Their job is not to inform you, they’re working for the small group of people who actually run the world. They’re their servants, they’re the Praetorian Guard. And we should treat them with maximum contempt because they have earned it.

Watch the rest of the interview below:

From Real Clear Politics, here.

You Can Trust Economists, Right? Um, Right??

Here’s a ~30-page gem called “Oh Yeah?“, a revealing compilation of “expert” positive predictions of the American stock market by date, coupled with contradictory negative news headlines (Viking Press, 1931) by Edward Angly.

Assuming this to be in the public domain:

Download (PDF, 4.07MB)

Some of these names and pols are still respected and quoted by the unwashed, eyewashed and brainwashed (Irving Fisher!, Hoover (not the vacuum), John D. Rockefeller, Charles Schwab (steel), Fed heads, Alexander Legge, follower of Bernard M. Baruch, and others).

The central-banking elites lied and fooled themselves and bluffed and gaslighted and blamed the victims and shilled for extending the harmful policies and discounted the negative facts at each and every turn while continually being dramatically disproved, disgraced and contradicted by pesky realities.

Did this chasten them? Make them reconsider the theories?

Ha, that’s a good one!

But this might sober you up a bit…