The ‘Yahadut Hatorah’ Party Out To Enable the Next Chaim Walder…

Chutzpah or Incompetence?

It is no secret here that the haredi landscape is littered with the remains of casualties of self-appointed “therapists” who ply their incompetence on a population often skeptical of the people with real training, because they have been poisoned by detested universities. (Add to this the assumption that there is little of value in any secular pursuits, so minds shaped in a Torah environment clearly can learn in a matter of weeks what takes others years to master.) This proposal can only further victimize the charedi population – and enable the next Chaim Walders as well.

To get the fuller story, read this courageous piece by Amudim (the place that so much of the American yeshiva community goes for addiction, abuse, and crisis response assistance) CEO Rabbi Zvi Gluck. And then stop and think about just how antics like this from charedi politicians are supposed to be upholding our Torah values, like they tell us before elections.

From Cross-Currents, here.

2 Ways to Find a Minyan

There is “Go Daven”:
“The worldwide searchable database of Orthodox Minyan information, including minyan locations (Shuls), times, and contact information.”
Also, you can search on “Nedarim Plus” by Shul name or by clicking on the “זמני תפילות – ארצי” button and searching by map or name.
Of course, Minyanim are often dynamic and offline, and none of these tools are perfectly reliable.