Where Do so-called ‘Palestinians’ ACTUALLY Come From?
This sign has been circulating online for a while:
Most Arab interlopers are nowhere near “indigenous”. Their origins are as fake as their name (The real “Palestinian” nation is long extinct, and was borrowed to refer to local residents, of whatever religion, e.g., “The Jerusalem Post” used to be named “The Palestine Post”).
So who are they? Sharecroppers, not landowners; fellahin versus effendi (this fact comprises a major part of the argument in “The Liberal Case for Israel“. The second half of the argument is about how the Arab nation joyfully declared a war of genocide against the Jews, which rendered their lives all forfeit). Just stumping around to tend the property of the few and wealthy Turks (who themselves often got the property by fiat) doesn’t give them any property rights, let alone those interlopers who came much later.
In fact, the land only became desirable as Jews increased emigration, because the land was cursed in many ways (crop failures, wars, natural disasters) when occupied by our enemies (the source of the term “Green line”), exactly as the Bible prophesies (Lev. 26:32). Most of the place was truly ownerless, then Jews “mixed their labor with the land” and acquired it fair and square.
And that’s it.
The Chosen People have returned to their rightful homeland, “never to be uprooted again”, to repent of the behaviors we picked up from our dear hosts in Exile, and onwards and upwards, as God (the true God, the one who kept his word to restore the supposedly eternally Wandering Jew [according to false prophets] back to his land) brings the full and final Redemption for all humanity forever, Amen.