Year: 2024
If You Don’t Carry in the City on Shabbos, You’re Not Some Crazy Machmir…
Rabbi Shraga Kallus gives the most basic introduction to the questions involved.
Listen on TorahAnytime here…
מצפור האלף – סקירת הנוף ע”י הרב מאיר גולדמינץ
מתוך אחד הטיולים של ארגון קדושת ציון…
Thomas DiLorenzo, Head of the Mises Institute Is a Confirmed Jew-Hater!
I dislike calling non-Jews antisemites, but today I’m making an exception.
Here is a recent post by Dr. DiLorenzo on the LRC blog:
“Pardon Me.” Brandon Pardons Himself
Thomas DiLorenzo
By pardoning his perverted, drug addict criminal son Hunter, Brandon covers up his own influence peddling crimes that he conspired with Hunter with in Ukraine and other countries. A large share of all those tens of millions extorted from foreign oligarchs went to “The Big Guy,” as Hunter called the senile old pervert in the White House.
Will Brandon give nuclear bombs to the creepy little Nazi Zionist dictator of Ukraine as his parting shot?
Did you catch the last sentence there? He’s calling an assimilated, non-Zionist, non-Israeli, technically-Jewish person he doesn’t like (Mr. V. Zelenskyy) a “Zionist” as a pejorative. It doesn’t get more obvious. The placeholder word “Zionist” is, in his mind, a more socially acceptable euphemism than the word he has in mind, the word “Jew”. And is it Mr. Zelenskyy’s Jewishness that makes him evil? Is it the Jewish religion or influence? Of course not. (I asked Dr. DiLorenzo nicely to clarify, but he ignored me.)
Sure, the Mises Institute presently headed by Dr. DiLorenzo still has some anti-Zionist, etc. Jews, including in the title and the board of directors. So what? The Nazi party also had some Jewish members at first, excuse the comparison.
Speaking of affiliate organizations and individuals, I’m aware brings such authors as (hint, hint) only ever mention Jewish malefactors, etc., or insert the term “Ziomedia“. And LRC has since forever pointedly ignored 99% of all anti-Jewish violations of the Non-Aggression Principle worldwide. Scott Horton was recently interviewed by infamous, blood-libeling Candace Owens. And so on. Nu Nu, I don’t expect any different.
It’s one thing to banish Jews who believe in Jewish self-defense from seniority in the Mises Institute or to be anti-Zionist or anti-Israel or suspiciously unfair and intellectually dishonest. But to use the ultimate transparently antisemitic trick is, in my opinion, definitive proof of the traditional malice toward God’s chosen nation. Now, why should anyone pay heed to criticism of Israel by a person like that?
I hasten to publish this before Jew-hatred, already in ascendance, becomes completely normalized (har har): Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, president of the Mises Institute clearly and unequivocally confirms himself as a brazen Jew-hater. Period.
(Of course, we’re still going to quote valuable ideas, no matter the source or site, as always.)
In case they try shadow-editing, here is a screenshot of the page, marking the critical word: