A staple claim of Israel’s Left is that a day or so prior to October 7th, significant enough numbers of soldiers were moved from the Southern Front Command to the area of Samaria and, specifically, to Hawara to protect the succah that MK Tzvi Succot had set up in the town
as a protest against repeated terror attacks against Jews traveling through the town. That move of soldiers supposedly affected the ability of the IDF to defend the Gaza Envelope area from the Hamas-led invasion and slaughter. It wasn’t clear exactly how many but the rumor made its rounds. The assertion was the “settlers” had “blood on their hands“. One tweet claimed 25 battalions were moved over (that’s thousands of soldiers).
Here’s from a news report quoting Roy Sharon of Kan News, Channel 11:
Over 100 soldiers diverted from Gaza to Judea and Samaria just days before massacre. Two troop companies were relocated from the Gaza Division to Judea and Samaria two days before the Hamas massacre.