Who’s Winning in Ukraine? The American Merchants of Death!

The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy and connected class.

Reuters wrote right after the aid bill was passed that, “Ukraine’s $61 billion lifeline is not enough.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went on the Sunday shows after the bill was passed to say that $61 billion is “not a whole lot of money for us…” Well, that’s easy for him to say – after all it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money!

Ukraine’s foreign minister,  Dmytro  Kuleba, was far from grateful for the $170 billion we have shipped thus far to his country. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine as the aid package was passed, Kuleba had the nerve to criticize the US for not producing weapons fast enough. “If you cannot produce enough interceptors to help Ukraine win the war against the country that wants to destroy the world order, then how are you going to win in the war against perhaps an enemy who is stronger than Russia?”

How’s that for a “thank you”?

It may be understandable why the Ukrainians are frustrated. Most of this money is not going to help them fight Russia. US military aid to Ukraine has left our own stockpiles of weapons depleted, so the money is going to create new production lines to replace weapons already sent to Ukraine. It’s all about the US weapons industry. President Biden admitted as much when he said, “we are helping Ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base.”

This is why Washington Is desperate to make sure that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, the “Ukraine” gravy train cannot be shut down by his – or future – administrations. Last week news broke that the Ukrainian government was in negotiations with the Biden Administration to sign a ten-year security agreement that would lock in US funding for Ukraine for the next two and a half US Administrations. That would unconstitutionally tie future presidents’ hands when it comes to foreign policy and would leave Americans on the hook for untold billions more dollars taken from them and sent to the weapons industry and to a corrupt foreign government.

The US weapons industry and its cheerleaders in Washington DC are determined to keep Ukraine money flowing…until they can figure out a way to gin up a war with China after losing the current war with Russia. That, of course, depends on whether there is anything left of us when the smoke clears.

When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery. We are living in a post-truth society where billions spent on pointless wars are “not a whole lot of money.” But the piper will be paid and the debt will be cleared.

From LRC, here.

תגובה שלי לפסק הרב ישראל מאיר לאו המתיר החלפת שבויים

הנה הציטוט המקורי, כפי שפורסם באתר בחדרי (מצוטט שלא במדויק מתוך הסרטון המובא שם):

הרב לאו נשאל מה דעתו על הדברים של השר בצלאל סמוטריץ’ כי ניצחון על חמאס חשוב מהשבת החטופים. “מצוות פדיון שבויים הופיעה עוד בתלמוד, הרבה לפני הרמב”ם”, השיב הרב לאו. “זו מצווה גדולה והכל נדחה מפניה בשביל לקיים את המצווה הזו של פדיון שבויים חד וחלק”.

עוד אמר הרב בנושא החטופים: “אין לנו ברירה אלא לעשות עסקה כדי להציל ולו אחד שחייו נתונים בסכנה, בפרט כשרובם בסכנת קיום וחלקם כבר לצערי לא איתנו, לעשות כל מה שניתן עד ולו האחרון שבחטופים”.

להלן תגובתי:

גם ידי יד כהה תיכון עמו בכחא דהתירא, ובתנאי כפול שישחררו את הרוצחים לחיות בשכונת הרב המתיר.

וכן שלא יהיו לו לרב המתיר שום שומרי ראש, כמו שלרוב עם ישראל אין שומרי ראש בחנם, וכן שלא יסע לעולם חוצה לארץ מפני השכנים, כמו שלרוב עם ישראל וכו’ כנ”ל, הכל מטעם מאי חזית. ושלא יהי’ מיקל לעצמו ומחמיר לאחרים.

חותם הצב”י, מתחרה לתפקיד רב ראשי מטעם ס”ט…

Some Papists Finally, FINALLY Call for their Poop To Resign. What Took So Long?!

Well, 16 papists, to be exact, out of ~1.39 billion Catheterlicks (no idea who they are). Less than a rounding error.

Scan it here (I didn’t read it carefully, either, God forbid)…

Oh, c’mon!

It’s been obvious since forever the Cursedian idol (Fun fact: the Poop is himself a false deity!) is a criminal even by the most lenient Ben Noach standards, a fervid supporter of immorality (beyond just idolatry), including pederasty, adultery and rape, and an utter enemy of anything even partially correct or superficially proper left over from vestigial Judaising in the impostiture known as (papist) Cursedianity; a fraud of a fraud.

Yet only now do we hear any calls from the follyfull for their Abomination to abdicate! What does this complacency say about the heathens, their diaper-deity, or their degree of success in even aping the Truth?

(Note: Charedi media organs, to their shame, also give the pagan Poops nothing but respect and regard.)

Of course, in truth, logically there is no such thing as “true” or “untrue” in a system of complete falsehood, as explained elsewhere.

The following paragraph from the declaration is ironic:

It is a mistake and a sin for faithful bishops and cardinals to do nothing, in the hope that Pope Francis will soon die and be replaced by someone better. Pope Francis is causing unremitting harm day by day to souls and the Church. The faithful have a right to expect their believing shepherds to protect them from his attacks. These shepherds have a duty before God to protect them, and failure in this duty will bring eternal punishment upon them.

So, the “shepherds” did nothing, and the laymen did nothing? “Eternal punishment”? Got it…

Ha, if Frankie would tomorrow announce an unholy crusade against the Jews in the Holy Land, perhaps even the 16 signatories might forgive the Poop his many trespasses…

Note: The Poop’s crimes against even his own “sheep” have potentially beneficial effects. It wouldn’t be the first time. Check out our article on the Chooch’s response to the Black Death here: How Faith Is Gained and Lost